Is the new face of the GOP gay?



Lots of talk about the "new face of the GOP, Tom Cotton".

Supposedly, he showed up on a gay meet-up (or is it meat-up) website. Then he suddenly and nearly in secret got married to a woman few ever heard of. Sounds like Charlie Crist all over again.

So what if he does come out. Will he still be the "new face" of the GOP?
1st post
Who cares if he is a gay guy other than it will force some of the dumbos on the far right of the party to stop being prissy about sexuality. We need to see a lot more tolerance from both wings for one another's life choices.
Lots of talk about the "new face of the GOP, Tom Cotton".

Supposedly, he showed up on a gay meet-up (or is it meat-up) website. Then he suddenly and nearly in secret got married to a woman few ever heard of. Sounds like Charlie Crist all over again.

So what if he does come out. Will he still be the "new face" of the GOP?
Rentboy Tehran Tom? Too much to hope for but let's do it anyway.
5th post
Maybe he can hook up with Lindsey Graham.

He isn't gay afaik. He just suffers from that unfortunate southern accent. Have met many in the South with the same thing who seemed quite hetero. :)
It's not an "unfortunate"'s an Arkansas accent. Just a little different than the southern Missouri accent, the Oklahoma accent and the Texas accent. He is also 6'8" and spent 4 years in Uncle Sam's army serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And would no doubt kick the ass of rdean, who started this ridiculous thread, in a NY second. Additionally if you've ever heard any of the Kennedy clan speak....they would ALL fail the accent test for gayness. car=caa, Cuba=Cuber, idea=ideer. Get off that shit.
Our far right wing (Rush comes to mind) also, like the far left wing, accuse the other side of what they themselves are doing.

Who cares if Cotton is gay or not? What is more important is that he and his colleagues are undermining the separation of powers in the Constitution.

Such is the way to a totalitarian government from either right or left.
I am not much one for gossip mongering and unsubstantiated rumor.
Maybe he can hook up with Lindsey Graham.

He isn't gay afaik. He just suffers from that unfortunate southern accent. Have met many in the South with the same thing who seemed quite hetero. :)
It's not an "unfortunate"'s an Arkansas accent. Just a little different than the southern Missouri accent, the Oklahoma accent and the Texas accent. He is also 6'8" and spent 4 years in Uncle Sam's army serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And would no doubt kick the ass of rdean, who started this ridiculous thread, in a NY second. Additionally if you've ever heard any of the Kennedy clan speak....they would ALL fail the accent test for gayness. car=caa, Cuba=Cuber, idea=ideer. Get off that shit.

None of which means he's can't be gay.
Lots of talk about the "new face of the GOP, Tom Cotton".

Supposedly, he showed up on a gay meet-up (or is it meat-up) website. Then he suddenly and nearly in secret got married to a woman few ever heard of. Sounds like Charlie Crist all over again.

So what if he does come out. Will he still be the "new face" of the GOP?
Why would you feel it appropriate to label someone by their sexual preference? Isnt that something you accuse the right of doing?

Or is it OK for you to do it because you are black...and are allowed to do things us privileged white folk aren't.

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