Is racism on the rise?

That reminds me, you never answered my question. Why have you made it a point to tell us YOUR "race"?

I didn't realize you had asked the question. Hmmm, that was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. I think it had something to do with you as a matter of fact. Libtards usually like to classify people by race and I seem to recall you or someone else calling me a typical white person or something to that effect, so I just cleared up any confusion.

Any other questions?
Yes...why the lie? I never called you a typical white person. And you've stated more than once, to more than one poster, your racial heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that you comment on threads like these about how black people shouldn't self-identify.

Pretty hypocritical.

I'm wondering if you're implying that being open about ones ethinicity is wrong?

The problem isn't that he identifies what race he represents, it's the context that is contained in that representation.
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I didn't realize you had asked the question. Hmmm, that was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. I think it had something to do with you as a matter of fact. Libtards usually like to classify people by race and I seem to recall you or someone else calling me a typical white person or something to that effect, so I just cleared up any confusion.

Any other questions?
Yes...why the lie? I never called you a typical white person. And you've stated more than once, to more than one poster, your racial heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that you comment on threads like these about how black people shouldn't self-identify.

Pretty hypocritical.

Lie? I said I don't remember exactly. Jeez! You're so sensitive! :lol:

There's nothing hypocritical about my methods, but of course you know that being a master troll and all. It's all about clarification for those who seek to divide people among the races.

So why don't you comment on my post? Good idea or bad?
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.
Yes...why the lie? I never called you a typical white person. And you've stated more than once, to more than one poster, your racial heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that you comment on threads like these about how black people shouldn't self-identify.

Pretty hypocritical.

Lie? I said I don't remember exactly. Jeez! You're so sensitive! :lol:

There's nothing hypocritical about my methods, but of course you know that being a master troll and all. It's all about clarification for those who seek to divide people among the races.

So why don't you comment on my post? Good idea or bad?
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.

Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
Lie? I said I don't remember exactly. Jeez! You're so sensitive! :lol:

There's nothing hypocritical about my methods, but of course you know that being a master troll and all. It's all about clarification for those who seek to divide people among the races.

So why don't you comment on my post? Good idea or bad?
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.

Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.

Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

This might help:

Race Talk by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.

Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

What I want to know, since none of us got to choose who our ancestors were, why this is something to be either ashamed or unduly proud of. You know, now that I think on it, the only thing worth being really proud or really ashamed of is our individual character. That's about the only thing I can think of that we earn entirely on our own, that we don't owe to anyone else, that didn't just get handed to us by God or Fate, (whichever one believes in) , and that no one but we ourselves can improve, or lose. Truth be told, when we leave this world, that's about the only thing anyone will remember about most of us. By comparison, what color skin we inherited seems a small thing to be either bragging about or bemoaning.
Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

This might help:

Race Talk by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent

I sincerely hope everybody on this thread clicks on the link and reads Dr. Williams' short essay on race. It should restore at least some common sense to the debate for all but the intentional trolls and intellectually dishonest.
Your idea makes you a hypocrite, basically. You don't want to know someone's racial makeup but you make a point of letting us know yours.

I don't care if questions about ethnic background are asked. In my view, ethnicity isn't something to be ashamed about.

Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.
Ravi's just throwing a fit because she feels blacks have every right to wear their blackness on their sleeves in hopes someone will try to knock it off.

They should be able to wash everyone's faces in their ethnicity whether it fits the occasion or not.

In all honesty, those kind of blacks are just boring and only interested in bitching to anyone who will listen to them.
Nothing hypocritical about it, but whatever. And nobody is saying one's ethnicity is something to be ashamed of. Jeez! :lol: Ending racism is a noble goal, but race-baiters like yourself seem to thrive on it. Why is that?
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

What I want to know, since none of us got to choose who our ancestors were, why this is something to be either ashamed or unduly proud of. You know, now that I think on it, the only thing worth being really proud or really ashamed of is our individual character. That's about the only thing I can think of that we earn entirely on our own, that we don't owe to anyone else, that didn't just get handed to us by God or Fate, (whichever one believes in) , and that no one but we ourselves can improve, or lose. Truth be told, when we leave this world, that's about the only thing anyone will remember about most of us. By comparison, what color skin we inherited seems a small thing to be either bragging about or bemoaning.
I'm proud to be Irish, 99.9% pure! And anyone that wants to tell me I shouldn't be deserves a punch in the nose. :eusa_hand:
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

This might help:

Race Talk by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent

I sincerely hope everybody on this thread clicks on the link and reads Dr. Williams' short essay on race. It should restore at least some common sense to the debate for all but the intentional trolls and intellectually dishonest.

this one by Walter Williams is also quite good.

Amnesty and Pardon
What? Ok, so far I and other people only care about color because of: 1. Political purposes and 2. To bitch about it

People are being pursfully dishonest or willfully ignorant. If you stop assuming and ask questions you may be able to under...uh....know where people are comin from. Looking at pictures of Obama is not proof blacks only voted for Obama because he was black. That's just being an ass
I voted for Obama. I believed in what he said. I believed he could do it. And it wasnt because he was black. I am very disappointed.
I think he unintentionally set off many steps backwards when it was in the process of going forward (at least to me it was). Its like...hes the catalyst that set this new wave in motion. And that, too, disappoints me.

I'm not so certain that it was unintentional. I'm more and more convinced as time goes on that barack obama is not stupid and he is intentionally fucking up this once great country.
I'm not the one telling black people they should call themselves something else.

What I want to know, since none of us got to choose who our ancestors were, why this is something to be either ashamed or unduly proud of. You know, now that I think on it, the only thing worth being really proud or really ashamed of is our individual character. That's about the only thing I can think of that we earn entirely on our own, that we don't owe to anyone else, that didn't just get handed to us by God or Fate, (whichever one believes in) , and that no one but we ourselves can improve, or lose. Truth be told, when we leave this world, that's about the only thing anyone will remember about most of us. By comparison, what color skin we inherited seems a small thing to be either bragging about or bemoaning.
I'm proud to be Irish, 99.9% pure! And anyone that wants to tell me I shouldn't be deserves a punch in the nose. :eusa_hand:

You know Ravi, I'm proud of my roots, too (mostly German, with a smattering of Scots); I'm proud of my ancestors, who fought for freedom in all our wars, from the Revolution on, and I'm proud to be a South Carolinian, a Southerner, and most of all, an American. But I didn't earn any of those things; they're an accident of birth; so what I'm most proud of, is what I chose to be: a husband, a father, a soldier who served my country, a volunteer EMT/Paramedic/Firefighter who served my community, a man who tried to stand for what was right, and against what was wrong, as best I knew it; who tried to make a difference. That's the best I could be; now that I'm old, it will have to do, and I think I can live (and die) with that.
@ flagwavr

The goal is not to get the percentage of blacks in any one profession up the the percentage of blacks in America. Additionally, doctors have to go through a battery of education and test to prove they can be doctors. That weeds out the ones not deserving off the break

My point is that the 15 point average iq gap between whites and blacks insures that for high IQ positions, like doctor, there will almost always be a pool of white candidates who will be more qualified than a black affirmative action hiree, and therefore promoting blacks cannot occur without discriminating against better qualified whites. Those who support affirmative action try to gloss over the fact that it entails reverse discrimanation, but in almost every instance that's what's occurring.
@ flagwavr

The goal is not to get the percentage of blacks in any one profession up the the percentage of blacks in America. Additionally, doctors have to go through a battery of education and test to prove they can be doctors. That weeds out the ones not deserving off the break

My point is that the 15 point average iq gap between whites and blacks insures that for high IQ positions, like doctor, there will almost always be a pool of white candidates who will be more qualified than a black affirmative action hiree, and therefore promoting blacks cannot occur without discriminating against better qualified whites. Those who support affirmative action try to gloss over the fact that it entails reverse discrimanation, but in almost every instance that's what's occurring.

In an exhaustive study on this, I believe it was Dickens and Flynn? (Brookings Institute) concluded that Asians have consistently scored above Caucasians and both Blacks and Hispanics have scored below non-Hispanic whites on standardized IQ tests over the last several decades. However the gap between Asians and non-Hispanic whites has narrowed as has the gap between non-Hispanic whites and blacks and Hispanics. As the ratio of racial/ethnic intermarriage and other factors are too small to have made the significant differences observed, the conclusion of Dickens and Flynn was that the gains are due to environment and experience rather than due to any other significant cause.

In other words there is no inate or genetic factor in diferences in IQ in various groups but rather those differences are by far mostly due to culture, language, experience, affluence, environment.

Asians and non-Hispanic Caucasian cultures are largely open to experimentation, precision of language, appreciation for music, art, lifestyle, literature, and upward mobility. Asian and non-Hispanic Caucasians without these advantages fare no better than do blacks and Hispanics. And blacks and Hispanics who forego "eubonics" and some other cultural pressures and taboos re improving themselves will be much more likely to be on a par with others in the higher IQ range.

Black culture does itself no favors when it scorns those who 'act white'. And Asians, who have no such cultural pressures will more often excel and could teach everybody else something about work ethic and how to accomplish goals that comes from their culture.
What I want to know, since none of us got to choose who our ancestors were, why this is something to be either ashamed or unduly proud of. You know, now that I think on it, the only thing worth being really proud or really ashamed of is our individual character. That's about the only thing I can think of that we earn entirely on our own, that we don't owe to anyone else, that didn't just get handed to us by God or Fate, (whichever one believes in) , and that no one but we ourselves can improve, or lose. Truth be told, when we leave this world, that's about the only thing anyone will remember about most of us. By comparison, what color skin we inherited seems a small thing to be either bragging about or bemoaning.
I'm proud to be Irish, 99.9% pure! And anyone that wants to tell me I shouldn't be deserves a punch in the nose. :eusa_hand:

You know Ravi, I'm proud of my roots, too (mostly German, with a smattering of Scots); I'm proud of my ancestors, who fought for freedom in all our wars, from the Revolution on, and I'm proud to be a South Carolinian, a Southerner, and most of all, an American. But I didn't earn any of those things; they're an accident of birth; so what I'm most proud of, is what I chose to be: a husband, a father, a soldier who served my country, a volunteer EMT/Paramedic/Firefighter who served my community, a man who tried to stand for what was right, and against what was wrong, as best I knew it; who tried to make a difference. That's the best I could be; now that I'm old, it will have to do, and I think I can live (and die) with that.
All that is fine...but you can't really tell other people how they should feel. Kind of unconservative of you, no?

IMO people can and should care about their ancestors and their ancestral history...but if people don't it doesn't matter. If they do, no one should smack them around over it.
IMO people can and should care about their ancestors and their ancestral history...but if people don't it doesn't matter. If they do, no one should smack them around over it.
Only one group gets smacked around for it.

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