Is President Obama Destroying Putin's Russia?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Darya Korsunskaya and Vladimir Abramov

MOSCOW, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Slumping oil prices have put Russia's economy on course for a sharp recession and double-digit inflation next year, government ministers said on Friday, as authorities scaled up a bailout for the first bank to succumb to this month's rouble crisis.

The economy is slowing sharply as Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis deter foreign investment and spur capital flight, and as a slump in oil prices severely reduces Russia's export revenues and pummels the rouble.

More: Russia's Economy Headed For Even More Trouble

It ain't nice to mess with President Obama. His paybacks are hell.
AT Obama's request, other countries joined the US but yes, Pootin has proven to be impotent against our president. He starves his people, disappears them but now he's whining that he's the victim.

Poor baby. Turns out the bully isn't quite as tough as he wishes and he's sure as hell no match for President Obama.

Hey you slimy Pootarian traitors - Led by the black guy you hate, the US will win this. Eat your hearts out.

Falling crude oil prices are what is hurting the Russian economy and Saudi Arabia is the one mainly responsible for that as they have not cut their oil production which they normally do when the price starts to fall.
Falling crude oil prices are what is hurting the Russian economy and Saudi Arabia is the one mainly responsible for that as they have not cut their oil production which they normally do when the price starts to fall.

Then you agree with Obama's increase in US oil production and his efforts to end our dependence on foreign oil.

Belarus, and a couple of the local-yokel '-stans'?

It's actually the same American frackers that obumble hates so much that wounded Russia. President Putin enjoys an over 80% popularity among Russians while obumble limps along hovering at just over 40%.

The Russians aren't the same fools Americans are. They are prepared for some temporary downturns to achieve their goals.

As far as Russian support for North Korea that was just to flip obumble the bird. It's not like obumble is going to accidentally fall into taking action.

What's really funny is watching obumble fall over his shoe laces. First the FBI was certain the Sony hacking came from NK. Now maybe it didn't. Having admitted that the obumble regime doesn't know its ass from a golf hole it looks President Putin may have been right yet again.

obumblebots are so gullible, so anxious for anything to make their failure do sonething right that they will swear his farts smell like bar b que.
Falling crude oil prices are what is hurting the Russian economy and Saudi Arabia is the one mainly responsible for that as they have not cut their oil production which they normally do when the price starts to fall.

Then you agree with Obama's increase in US oil production and his efforts to end our dependence on foreign oil.


"Obama's increase in US oil production"?

Good God you are one deluded idiot.
Russia brings four more former Russian territories back into the Russian fold.President Putin has goals large enough to withstand a temporary pain. Although it would be much better if President Putin took obummer and a vastly weakened United States head on.
Without Ukraine that alliance is a joke.
Obama doesn't have shit to do with oil prices.
Or oil production.

Duh, what about sanctions...?
Obama doesn't have shit to do with oil prices.
Watch them go up and he'll not only have something to do with it, he'll have done it on purpose. For now we'll just enjoy your butt hurt. :cool-45:
Where in the fuck did you get your education? Or are you being sarcastic? Please answer either of these.
Listen to all these morons swooning over a president whose own military, 85% of those polled this month, hate his race-baiting cowardly guts. What a leader. What an inspiration. And you think Putin is intimidated by Buckwheat? Ha! Russia still has the capability to annihilate this country. You should try and open your eye to that reality.
By Darya Korsunskaya and Vladimir Abramov

MOSCOW, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Slumping oil prices have put Russia's economy on course for a sharp recession and double-digit inflation next year, government ministers said on Friday, as authorities scaled up a bailout for the first bank to succumb to this month's rouble crisis.

The economy is slowing sharply as Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis deter foreign investment and spur capital flight, and as a slump in oil prices severely reduces Russia's export revenues and pummels the rouble.

More: Russia's Economy Headed For Even More Trouble

It ain't nice to mess with President Obama. His paybacks are hell.

What did Obama do to lower the price of oil?
Falling crude oil prices are what is hurting the Russian economy and Saudi Arabia is the one mainly responsible for that as they have not cut their oil production which they normally do when the price starts to fall.

Then you agree with Obama's increase in US oil production and his efforts to end our dependence on foreign oil.


"Obama's increase in US oil production?"

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