Is legal slavery in the US really over?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
13th Amendment:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Racism, Crime, and The Prison System (by Steven Malik Shelton) - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

The disproportionate incarceration rates of black men appears to be almost de facto slavery by the US government.
perhaps those black men should stop killing each other off and robbing liquer stores...

just a thought.
In short, people infected with racist attitudes, create depressed urban areas, which produces toxic and inhumane conditions, which result in sickness, crime, incarceration and death.


gimme a fucking break.Class strucure will ALWAYS be a heirarchy. There are poor whites just like there are poor blacks. We dont blame the trailer park for white crime so, please, stop making excuses for crimes in the ghetto.


Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide trends in the U.S.: Trends by race
13th Amendment:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Racism, Crime, and The Prison System (by Steven Malik Shelton) - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

The disproportionate incarceration rates of black men appears to be almost de facto slavery by the US government.

It only appears that way because a disproportionate blacks commit offenses that land them in prison. Many of them actually prefer prison life to submitting to playing whitey's game. Would affirmative action in prison make things seem more fair to you?
It only appears that way because a disproportionate blacks commit offenses that land them in prison. Many of them actually prefer prison life to submitting to playing whitey's game. Would affirmative action in prison make things seem more fair to you?

Part of the problem is disproportionate offending8though not the biggest factor] the biggest part of it is that blacks receive longer prison sentences for committing crimes that whites receive lesser time for and or probation. Also add to the fact that blacks are more likely to get charged federally as opposed to being charged by state laws which normally carry less stiff sentences. More offending doesn't account for nor is it an excuse for giving blacks as a whole more stiffer sentences than whites.
Part of the problem is disproportionate offending8though not the biggest factor] the biggest part of it is that blacks receive longer prison sentences for committing crimes that whites receive lesser time for and or probation. Also add to the fact that blacks are more likely to get charged federally as opposed to being charged by state laws which normally carry less stiff sentences. More offending doesn't account for nor is it an excuse for giving blacks as a whole more stiffer sentences than whites.

You of course have facts from a legitimate, unbiased source to back up these allegations? Poor people get longer prison sentences because they can't afford the better lawyers.

Try looking beyond the tip of your own nose.
Part of the problem is disproportionate offending8though not the biggest factor] the biggest part of it is that blacks receive longer prison sentences for committing crimes that whites receive lesser time for and or probation. Also add to the fact that blacks are more likely to get charged federally as opposed to being charged by state laws which normally carry less stiff sentences. More offending doesn't account for nor is it an excuse for giving blacks as a whole more stiffer sentences than whites.

So CB, would you agree with me that if the races separated, blacks would no longer have to worry about being in the clutches of a racist white criminal justice system? In fact, they'd no longer have to worry about "racist" anything, because they'd be completely on their own?
Is Oprah being held down by the white man too? What about Barack? Colin Powell? Condaleeza Rice? They seem to be pretty well off and I've never seen any of them beat down by "the man".
Is Oprah being held down by the white man too? What about Barack? Colin Powell? Condaleeza Rice? They seem to be pretty well off and I've never seen any of them beat down by "the man".

So by your logic, because these four people "made it" racism and discrimination no longer exist?
Sounds like to me the blacks in this report need to lay off the crack pipe, right?

You're too stupid to read anything, whites make up the majority of drug abusers numerically and perecentage wise, yet there are far more blacks in prison on drug related offenses and longer sentences than whites. The reason for the disparity is that law enforcement purposely target black neighborhoods you idiot, not white ones, so who really needs to lay off the drugs?
You're too stupid to read anything, whites make up the majority of drug abusers numerically and perecentage wise, yet there are far more blacks in prison on drug related offenses and longer sentences than whites. The reason for the disparity is that law enforcement purposely target black neighborhoods you idiot, not white ones, so who really needs to lay off the drugs?

Really, maybe I'm wrong but tell me how?$crack-use-by-ethnicity.jpg
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Is legal slavery in the US really over?

Not in our prison system, no.

Of course those who disagree will argue that work in prisons is voluntary, but that specious argument assumes that everyone there belongs in prison, too.

I'm not so sure that is true.
who says prison should be a vacation from life? I'm all for chain gangs. If you can kill someone in a botched robbery attempt then you can go tend prison farms and feed yourself rather than be a tax burden.

the fucking mellowdrama is ridiculous.
who says prison should be a vacation from life? I'm all for chain gangs. If you can kill someone in a botched robbery attempt then you can go tend prison farms and feed yourself rather than be a tax burden.

the fucking mellowdrama is ridiculous.

Imbecile, prison, with or wothout the chain gang is no vacation. What stupid logic.
Imbecile, prison, with or wothout the chain gang is no vacation. What stupid logic.

And a type of slavery is allowed in Prison, as per the Constitution. However it is NOT based on race. It is based on the ACTIONS of those that violate our laws.

Even assuming blacks get more time then whites ( something you have not proven) they are STILL in prison cause they CHOSE to break the law.

So now we should just release x amount of black people cause you think it is racist? Who gets to decide which blacks that break laws get a free pass in the future after we decide to only arrest a percentage of criminals of a certain color?

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