Is Jeff Flake Insane ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We all know the guy lives up to his name - a total flake. But to stand in front of the US Senate and say no politician should ever say what is true, and what is untrue, puts the man's sanity in question.

President Trump has had a very successful first year, with a list of accomplishments. One of the most importsnt of all was the long overdue light shed on the false reporting in media. For way too long the media has manipulated and twisted the truth into outright lies, to push its own liberal agenda. Trump's exposing them for the fake news promulgators that they are, is a major contribution to America.

Who can ever forget the despicable distortion from truth to baldfaced lie, perpetrated by KTLA, in the Rodney King fiasco? With deliberate dishonesty KTLA brought about the 1991 LA riots, with 54 deaths, thousands of injuries, and a Billion $$ in property damage.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, scores of TV news departments drew from the blatantly FALSE Hillary Clinton TV ads, and repeated their lies, as if they were actual fact.

So now we have a president who is cleaning up this long, neglected defect in our society, and what does flakey Flake say about it ? That we shouldn't expose dishonesty and shed light on the truth. The man is definitely missing few marbles. And comparing Tump to Josef Stalin ? Wow! Demented and dopey, all in one.

Here's a list of Trump's top 10 fake news awards + a list of his first year accomplishments >>>

New York Times Tops List of Trump's 'Fake News Awards'
He's the only sane one in the lot of them.... imo, and God bless him for speaking the truth vs the others in his party...

We all know the guy lives up to his name - a total flake. But to stand in front of the US Senate and say no politician should ever say what is true, and what is untrue, puts the man's sanity in question.

President Trump has had a very successful first year, with a list of accomplishments. One of the most importsnt of all was the long overdue light shed on the false reporting in media. For way too long the media has manipulated and twisted the truth into outright lies, to push its own liberal agenda. Trump's exposing them for the fake news promulgators that they are, is a major contribution to America.

Who can ever forget the despicable distortion from truth to baldfaced lie, perpetrated by KTLA, in the Rodney King fiasco? With deliberate dishonesty KTLA brought about the 1991 LA riots, with 54 deaths, thousands of injuries, and a Billion $$ in property damage.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, scores of TV news departments drew from the blatantly FALSE Hillary Clinton TV ads, and repeated their lies, as if they were actual fact.

So now we have a president who is cleaning up this long, neglected defect in our society, and what does flakey Flake say about it ? That we shouldn't expose dishonesty and shed light on the truth. The man is definitely missing few marbles. And comparing Tump to Josef Stalin ? Wow! Demented and dopey, all in one.

Here's a list of Trump's top 10 fake news awards + a list of his first year accomplishments >>>

New York Times Tops List of Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

We in Arizona know what a mealy-mouthed shitbag he is. He got to Congress on the pledge to only serve 2 terms...when his 2 terms were up he ran again and when questioned about his pledge grinned and said: "I lied". There was once a YouTube video of it but it's been copyrighted by somebody and can't be shown again. Recently the idiot had his teeth capped, got a new wardrobe and hairstyle, ghost-wrote a book about conservatism which was a total ripoff of a Goldwater book from 50 years ago. He thought he could run for president in 2020 either as a Republican or a democrap. We know what he is and upended his plans to run again for anything.
We all know the guy lives up to his name - a total flake. But to stand in front of the US Senate and say no politician should ever say what is true, and what is untrue, puts the man's sanity in question.

President Trump has had a very successful first year, with a list of accomplishments. One of the most importsnt of all was the long overdue light shed on the false reporting in media. For way too long the media has manipulated and twisted the truth into outright lies, to push its own liberal agenda. Trump's exposing them for the fake news promulgators that they are, is a major contribution to America.

Who can ever forget the despicable distortion from truth to baldfaced lie, perpetrated by KTLA, in the Rodney King fiasco? With deliberate dishonesty KTLA brought about the 1991 LA riots, with 54 deaths, thousands of injuries, and a Billion $$ in property damage.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, scores of TV news departments drew from the blatantly FALSE Hillary Clinton TV ads, and repeated their lies, as if they were actual fact.

So now we have a president who is cleaning up this long, neglected defect in our society, and what does flakey Flake say about it ? That we shouldn't expose dishonesty and shed light on the truth. The man is definitely missing few marbles. And comparing Tump to Josef Stalin ? Wow! Demented and dopey, all in one.

Here's a list of Trump's top 10 fake news awards + a list of his first year accomplishments >>>

New York Times Tops List of Trump's 'Fake News Awards'

A poll by Trump's favorite pollster Rasmussen shows Fox News winning with 40%. Even WikiLeaks says that Trump is as much a source of fake news. This award should be at the top of the fake news list. This was juvenile, childish and undignified.
A poll by Trump's favorite pollster Rasmussen shows Fox News winning with 40%. Even WikiLeaks says that Trump is as much a source of fake news. This award should be at the top of the fake news list. This was juvenile, childish and undignified.
Fox is not on Trump's list of fake newers. Do you click links ? Try it sometime (before posting) :badgrin:

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