Is it time for a revamp of the rules?

Just hitting the Disagree button is better than me replying to the person which would get me in more trouble
Any good sports coach would tell you "keep your eye on the ball, not the other player." It works in debate, too. IOW, discuss the issue at hand and stick with it. If someone starts digging in, ignore the dig, and that's right. Keep your eye leveled at the issue. It's a skilled discipline, and it has resolved our problems for centuries until First Lady Clinton came along with her AK-47 attitude at hitting her adversaries below the belt with every dirty trick in the book. She converted debate into a get-the-person, get-your-own-way. That's not at all what the founders proffered. The Constitution is the best gift a new country was ever given, IF we can keep it. It's not a horrible act to disagree, but debating fairly with cards on the top of the table where all can see you are a fair person helps you win, even if you changed your mind after hearing a better case backed up by fact, not false witness. And be chary of those who lie, rinse, repeat. The truth is your best bet, and sometimes listening to it is painful at first, but you're a better person if you consult the guide you were given at birth which is called a conscience. Right or wrong, courtesy is better than smearing someone else., And sticking with issues and not calumny brings good things. I ran across an article that says that one of the television stations that used to have millions of viewers is lucky to have 10,000 watching now because they poured on the lies, tried to make everything about personality faults rather than any semblance of an issue. It's a fail to follow haymakers when facts are available and unimpeachable, just like President Trump was when he told the truth at every convoluted lie hurled at him planned before he ever sat foot in the Oval Office. Yes, lies can sway people, but the American people are definitely like general Quashimoto (sp?) described his American adversaries as "sleeping giants." And he said it right after a room full of other Japanese generals decided to level Pearl Harbor, a naval base that was located at Oahu, Hawaii, and killed more than 3,000 persons. His truth was ignored, and his nation had to face that sleeping giant, just as Hillary Clinton will have to when people get it, the woman is not on solid ground of the truth, and never cared to be. It is close to impossible to get through to someone who is inured in the art of lying, and a lot of people were hurt in her path to the loser speech. To this day she is more comfortable with lies than reality, and she may never stop her footshoot.
Example: Hillary could have saved Benghazi lives (The American Thinker)
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I only got banned once for contempt of activist/mod.

It was for a week on a first offense.

Didn't even have a record or any priors, other than a sudden burst of warnings from said activist/mod, which was clearly meant to drive up the bot count to initiate an automatic ban

People like that I wouldn't even let lead a lunch line. But it really does speak for the poor judgment of those who would hand over the controls to people like that.

But you know what?

I'd do it again. And likely will at some point.

I don't fear any of them. Not one...

Send me the details -- we'll review the facts. TRUST ME here. You dont' want to air that with a packed audience. Because, I'm pretty certain - it was more "than contempt" for a particular mod.

I'm here without the "red/bolded" mod messaging. Because it's HEALTHY to a point to be transparent. But when it comes to SPECIFIC ACTIONS -- usually our notes are a LOT BETTER then the poster's memory of events. We document the hell out of everything. And you wouldn't want all that to come out in any kind of "public trial"...
Nobody should be banned without an email explaining which post resulted in a ban, what the infraction was and how long the ban is in effect

Posters should also be informed of how many current infractions they carry

Moderators should also have to inform an OP why a thread was moved or why a thread was terminated. Many are sent to Badlands without a stated reason

If the posters KNOW not to get more than 2 or 3 warnings in a month -- WHY would we need MORE specific information on their warning status? You think that a person who has 2 or 3 warnings in their PM box is gonna keep track? Hell no. And we're not gonna "warn them about the warnings in their inboxes"...

Some older members of USMB are over 60 to 120 warnings. We dont have the time or staff to warn them "about getting warned". They would not STILL be here at most other message boards.

Similarly -- On MOVES -- there's alert message that goes to the OPoster in their inbox. Mods are supposed to USE that box and make sure the OP knows. On close -- if the thread is NEW or very active -- mods are taught to leave a "close message".. I use one everytime in lieu of warnings if the Title/Opost doesn't conform to the rules.

For AGED threads -- they ALL get closed when the topic is gone. That could be page 4 or 86. SOME of those have good discussions going on -- so we MOVE to a Taunting Forum so that the "off topic" CAN CONTINUE !!!!! A move to Badlands is COURTESY like that maybe 20% of the time and NOT any kind of punishment. We COULD have warned everybody off topic and just closed them.

Moderation DOES NOT HAVE your email addresses, So even if we thought it was a good idea to tell a banned person that they are banned and why -- we couldn't do it.
You need to get the fuck over yourself.

The power you have in your little fifedom has gone to your head.

Now that I've explained my quirky way of communicating electronically with no further comment from YOU -- You almost got me here. But the source of defects "in my head" do not come from volunteering for an obscure message board on some cheap internet sewer line.

All that probably comes from the 25+ years I spent in Silicon Valley working with/for those narcissistic ego maniacal entrepreneurs like Musk/Bezos and all the P.T. Barnums that built that place. And although getting back to the South has CURED a lot of that -- there might be some of it left. :badgrin:
Now that I've explained my quirky way of communicating electronically with no further comment from YOU -- You almost got me here. But the source of defects "in my head" do not come from volunteering for an obscure message board on some cheap internet sewer line.

All that probably comes from the 25+ years I spent in Silicon Valley working with/for those narcissistic ego maniacal entrepreneurs like Musk/Bezos and all the P.T. Barnums that built that place. And although getting back to the South has CURED a lot of that -- there might be some of it left. :badgrin:

Quirky isn't quite the word I would have chosen.

Thank you for the background info, though. I hadn't even realized that the malady of massive ego was contagious.
Send me the details -- we'll review the facts. TRUST ME here. You dont' want to air that with a packed audience. Because, I'm pretty certain - it was more "than contempt" for a particular mod.

I'm here without the "red/bolded" mod messaging. Because it's HEALTHY to a point to be transparent. But when it comes to SPECIFIC ACTIONS -- usually our notes are a LOT BETTER then the poster's memory of events. We document the hell out of everything. And you wouldn't want all that to come out in any kind of "public trial"...

What's done is done. I was just sharing my experience with the group.

I know how things went down. As would anyone who was around at the time.

Your associate's notes are very likely, in my view, very selective and essentially worthless and should be considered suspect by any reasonable person who pays attention to how things often go down with specific...oh...let's say ''actions.''

She went looking for reasons because she got told about herself in front of all of her friends and didn't like it. I imagine that's likely missing from your notes. Heh heh. And I always take screen shots just for dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, predictable behavior such as that. :)

Anyway. I do appreciate the gesture on your part, as I believe it to be sincere. I just trust your notes about as far as I can throw big Donny. I know where they came from, after all.

I was just saying in another thread earlier that it's probably time to take a break from here anyway, now that the season has changed. There's other, more intellectual, boards out there that are more to my liking, if I feel like talking about the critical issues of the day. I'm kind of tired of tv politics and political football, to be honest. It's a bad element.

But thanks for the gesture. As i said, I believe you're sincere.
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My Goodness People ... This Ain't Burger King.

I don't know what the ... Whoa, Announcements and Feedback ... You sorry ... Damnit, Announcements and Feedback
are thinking ... But you better get your head out of your ... Wait, Announcements and Feedback.

Just Get a Grip You Nitwits ... :auiqs.jpg:

What's done is done. I was just sharing my experience with the group.

I know how things went down. As would anyone who was around at the time.

Your associate's notes are, in my view, worthless and should be considered suspect by any reasonable person who pays attention to how things often go down with specific...oh...let's say ''actions.''

She went looking for reasons because she got told about herself in front of all of her friends and didn't like it. I imagine that's likely missing from your notes. Heh heh.

Anyway. I do appreciate the gesture on your part, as I believe it to be sincere. I just trust your notes about as far as I can throw big Donny. I know where they came from, after all.

I was just saying in another thread earlier that it's probably time to take a break from here anyway, now that the season has changed. There's other, more intellectual, boards out there that are more to my liking, if I feel like talking about the critical issues of the day.

But thanks for the gesture. As i said ,I believe you're sincere.
As soon as you said what happened, I knew exactly who it was as did dozens of others, I'm sure, including flac. There is a long established pattern involved that will never change.
As soon as you said what happened, I knew exactly who it was as did dozens of others, I'm sure, including flac. There is a long established pattern involved that will never change.

Well, like I said to flac, what's done is done.

It's only a forum.

Anyway. I've got a pretty blue corvette. It's spring. And I'm surrounded by oceans and rivers and bays.

There's really no logical comparison. :)

Probaby more stimulating to sit and watch Rome burn from the dock of the bay anyway, rather than helping to lug more wood to the fire.
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I'll lose the Jackass with the swastika just as soon as you Demonazis back off from abusing our GOD GIVEN freedoms.

The fact that you want to ban FREE SPEECH tells me I need to keep it until you're willing to give up on taking away AMERICAN rights.

BTW, Nobody gives a fuk about Germany

And I particularly don't care for furry freaks, but I'm not demanding you be banned

I feel the same about using the word faggot; if they quit using silly euphemisms like 'gay' and refer to themselves as what they are, I'll stop using the term.
Sometimes, a vacay is good...even if it pisses ya off. Last time I was pinked, I went to other places and realized how much I missed it here. Did I deserve to get pinked? Yeah. Did the admin enjoy doing it? No. But as BlackSand said..their beach, their waves. Either get out of the water or use a really well made wetsuit. :auiqs.jpg:
Speaking of pinked...and gunny...those were the days, eh, old guard? I remember it like it was yesterday cuz I was online when it went down. I was all Fascinating to see it all go down right in front of yer eyes, lol.

Only thing I miss about those days are the pinked names. Hence, the reason why I still say PINKED if someone is..well...PINKED. Wish that would be brought back.
Another way to get banned at least on a thread is to Hit the Disagree button more than 6 times a day on a single user

Thats some bullshit. There was a guy in a thread who kept making the most horrible racist comments, and I kept giving them the down thumb. What you say would mean that the racist gets to stay and I get banned. WTF
I'll never understand you people who would be just fine never hearing another contradictory opinion . . .

That is where you err. I'd say everyone is fine with contradictory opinions. The problem is that very often just pure hate and lies are offered. Those are not contradictory opinions, that is just filth and trash gumming up the thread and screwing up the conversation for others.

In fact, I would love nothing better than to have adult, pleasant debates with people with contradictory opinions. I like watching them at universities.

And frankly, your side is the worst offender when it comes to gumming up the threads with hate. Its just a fact.
That is where you err. I'd say everyone is fine with contradictory opinions. The problem is that very often just pure hate and lies are offered. Those are not contradictory opinions, that is just filth and trash gumming up the thread and screwing up the conversation for others.

In fact, I would love nothing better than to have adult, pleasant debates with people with contradictory opinions. I like watching them at universities.

And frankly, your side is the worst offender when it comes to gumming up the threads with hate. Its just a fact.
My "side" on this board consists of maybe a half-dozen people who are apparently gluttons for punishment at the hands of the much more numerous MAGA jerks and assorted hard right maniacs. You are lucky to have us because predominately conservative boards dry up and wither away after the last liberal leaves in disgust.

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