Is Hunter Biden above the law?

Question: now that prosecutors are “looking into” whether or not to charge Brandon’s creepy son, I wonder if Hunter’s lawyers walked into the meeting with confidence that nobody would hurt their client?

If the prosecutors were considering whether or not to prosecute Trump, we’d all already know that their decision had already been made. Of course they’d seek to prosecute.

But Hunter? Now that is an open question. And I don’t doubt for a moment that they are leaning in the other direction.
CBS News: An unnamed Internal Revenue Service agent has requested whistleblower protections from Congress in an ongoing investigation into whether Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, has committed tax crimes, CBS News has learned. Jim Axelrod reports.

Biden and Garland are illegally protecting Hunter Biden from being investigated for tax crimes.
Is this an impeachable offence?
We need a triple impeachment-Garland, Mayorkas and Biden.
Well, the evidence points to the opposite conclusion. Joe Biden allowed the Bill Barr appointed US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, appointed as special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, well, the PResident left him there to finish the job, investigating his own on. THat was over 3 years ago and we have not heard from Weiss about whether he was going to indict Hunter or not. There have been grapevine talk, but I don't recall seeing any direct quotes from Weiss. Weiss is a republican appointed by Bill Barr, and he's not blowing the whistle, but we've been this road before with Bobulinski, who talked a lot of shit but when the rubber hit the road, he didn't actually have hard proof of squat.

I think it's important to allow facts to come to light before making accusations, and as of late, there are no facts regarding Hunter Biden other than he once had a drug problem, made some risque photos, omitted the fact that he had a drug problem on a gun permit application, was late paying his taxes but he claims that he is current, and he profited from the family name, which is common amongst children of famous people.

IF this new fellow has some evidence, I'd like to see it, but note that Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and if you are going to investigate him, then it would be only fair to investigate Jared Kushner for the $2,000,000,000 he got from Mohammed Bin Salman of which he made a management fee of 1.25% which comes to $125,000,000 which is a nice sum for blood money, since the money was ostensibly an exchange for the Trump White House's soft treatment of the murderous MBS.. Nice work if you can get, not to mention he was a senior WH staff advisor when he did the deal. I find it amusing that those on the right are hungry for Hunter who is a private citizen, in which no hard evidence has been forthcoming, just lot of innuendo, but apparently do not mind Jared scoring some big one's by way of his stepfather being president when he scored them.
You are a right-winger -- which means you will vote Republican 100% of the all of that "I'm not a Republican" bullshit means nothing to me...

Why is your cult leader so weak that he had you folks incessantly chanting "lock her up" "lock him up" "Lock them up" -- and he is the only person who has been charged?

Whining the "Deep State" whenever you can't explain away your cult leader's fecklessness is not an excuse......

And since you can't explain why he has been powerless to do anything -- it makes it even more pathetic that you are desperate to get him back in office....
Yes. Next question.
CBS News: An unnamed Internal Revenue Service agent has requested whistleblower protections from Congress in an ongoing investigation into whether Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, has committed tax crimes, CBS News has learned. Jim Axelrod reports.

Biden and Garland are illegally protecting Hunter Biden from being investigated for tax crimes.
Is this an impeachable offence?

The whistleblower blew, no one can find him/her. Rumor has it that there never was a whistleblower.

Given that US Attorney Delaware, David Weiss, assigned as SC to investigate Hunter Biden over 3 years ago by Bill Barr, left to finish the task by Joe Biden, noting that Weiss is a Republican and no Biden toadie, noting that after 3 years no indictments have been offered, therefore, zero evidence for your claim exists.

Sorry 'bout that.

PS, you might want to change your avatar to: RepubliconsRdumb, it would make more sense.

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