Is Homosexuality a Disorder?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.
You could've summed up your argument quicker by saying "I dont understand it so it must be crazy town"
Since the world is not in any trouble of becoming totally homosexual it seems rather silly to waste time arguing against a nonsensical hypothetical.
Oh great. Here we go again. Yet another person of ignorance, holding forth about something that doesn't concern him.

You do realize, don't you, that its straights who give birth to gays ...?

Welcome to the board PGreen - You'll find quite a few who are just as hateful and ignorant as this post of yours.

Just a note of advice ... there are drugs for those who PGreen
Setting aside the PC/BS for a moment, is homosexuality a physical, mental or emotional condition? I am under the impression that it is primarily emotional, but would like to hear other viewpoints.
I think it's a matter of taste.

If one likes the smell of poop during sex then I figure you have different tastes than most folks. I for one cannot enjoy smelly sex.
Homosexuality is definitely a mental illness. ...... :cool:

Please explain your opinion. Are you saying homosexuality is a result of different brain organization or of chemical imbalance? If so, please cite supporting evidence.
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.

No, it isn't, troll.

However, homophobia is. Seek help.
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.

No, it isn't, troll.

However, homophobia is. Seek help.

There is also the question of male vs. female homosexuality. Are they the same thing? How about bisexuality?
So is inability to engage in rational discussion.

Taboos against homosexuality are based upon nothing but arbitrary social mores, much like prejudice against left handedness in primitive societies. As such, it is an entirely irrational stance since homosexuality is not inherently harmful, does not involve systematic victimization of one person or group at the hands of another, does not exist in numbers significant enough to threaten the ability to reproduce and does not impact the life of those objecting to it.

The entire premise is an example of an argumentum ad populum -- something being true simply because it is agreed upon. Any person who is truly rational should already know this.
So is inability to engage in rational discussion.

Taboos against homosexuality are based upon nothing but arbitrary social mores, much like prejudice against left handedness in primitive societies. As such, it is an entirely irrational stance since homosexuality is not inherently harmful, does not involve systematic victimization of one person or group at the hands of another, does not exist in numbers significant enough to threaten the ability to reproduce and does not impact the life of those objecting to it.

The entire premise is an example of an argumentum ad populum -- something being true simply because it is agreed upon. Any person who is truly rational should already know this.

What "premise" are you referring to? Your comparison to left handedness suggests a difference in brain organization.
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.
You're a new idiot.

We already have old idiots who have been spouting this ignorant nonsense for years.
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.
You're a new idiot.

We already have old idiots who have been spouting this ignorant nonsense for years.

Another vote for emotional disorder?
Yes, it is a disorder and it should be treated the same way we treat ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolarity, Depression, Asperger's, Autism.

I am going to respond to your two part post with two answers.

First of all- let us assume for a moment(which I don't actually) that homosexuality is a disorder like the ones you mention above.
ADD, ADHD, Bipolarity, Depression are all mental conditions that are treated by drugs used to treat the symptoms of those disorders- so that the persons with those conditions can function independently in society.

What drugs are you recommending be used to treat homosexuals? And what symptom do you want to treat?

Dyslexia, Aspergers and Autism there are no drugs for treatment- the only treatments are therapies to help the persons with these conditions function better(or at all in society).

Studies have shown that the best 'treatment' for homosexuals is to reduce the stigma and discrimination towards homosexuals- so I approve of that treatment.
For this argument, I shall cite one concept that I hope those of you who disagree will allow yourselves to consider. Consider a world where all human beings are homosexual. Homosexuality MUST be a disorder, because (as this situation illustrates) it does NOT promote the continuation of the species. If it were a normal condition, it can be assumed that all human beings would be subject to it without consequence.

Now to the second part.

Consider a modern world where are human beings are all homosexuals.

And people would still have babies. Yes- shockingly enough homosexuals have babies. In a world where everyone is homosexual, women would be impregnated by sperm, just like women with infertile husbands are now.

Now- why is it important for you to consider homosexuality as a disorder? Does that affect your efforts to reproduce?

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