Brown's stepfather....did he instigate the burning in Ferguson?

it was stupid, but i don't think it's reasonable to blame the burning on him.
how many people do you think actually heard him say that?
I guess "encourage" would be a better description.
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He certainly had a part in the riots...BUT this prick and his boss are the REAL FIRE STARTERS..."Never Let A Good CRISIS Go To Waste!!!"


Never mind it continues to place a bigger wedge between the 2 races... Poverty pimps like the above just LOVE IT!
I read he had done a couple stints in prison. Real gentlemen that guy. The perfect role model for big Mike.
Michael Brown never had a chance with the idiot parents he got stuck with.
Incitement to riot is a crime and that's what he did.
It would be sweet if Officer Wilson could be there to arrest him for inciting a riot.

I don't understand this family. Most decent people would be home away from the circus. These unsophisticated clods don't have the brains to keep to themselves and maintain some dignity.

Also, notice the stepfather's underwear showing because he wears his pants down below his ass. That's the sort of man influencing the gentle giant. The idiot doesn't know that wearing his pants low like that is done in prison to tell other inmates he wants fucked in the ass.
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Michael Brown never had a chance with the idiot parents he got stuck with.

Neither did Trayvon Martin....add to bad parents a more than likely devotion to voting for democrats and their law enforcement, education and welfare policies...and these two guys never had a chance....

Is this as damning as yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater?

CNN had a family lawyer with Rev Al by his side say he was reacting in the moment and he was being human. I have to say that "burning the bitch down" would never have come to my mind. Am I supposed to believe that is a normal reaction to grief?
Michael Brown never had a chance with the idiot parents he got stuck with.

Mike Brown is remembered as a civil rights martyr and his parents get to make speeches at the UN as if they are civil rights Heroes. Sick.
I guess "encourage" would be a better description.

It can be accurately stated he added fuel to the fire. Lewis Head, has been married to Michael Brown's mother for less than a year and has a rap sheet, longer than this page:

Head is an ex-convict whose rap sheet includes two felony narcotics convictions, according to state records. He pleaded guilty in 1997 to a marijuana distribution charge and was put in a shock incarceration program and placed on probation for five years. After violating probation, Head’s release was revoked and he was remanded to state prison.

In mid-2003, Head was charged with narcotics trafficking, a felony count to which he later pleaded guilty. The St. Louis native was sentenced to seven years in prison. He was released in June 2008 after serving about five years in custody.


Michael Brown s Stepfather Urged Protesters To Burn This Bitch Down After Grand Jury Announcement The Smoking Gun

from link:

Head is at the center of an ongoing Feguson Police Department investigation of an incident last month during which three vendors selling commemorative Michael Brown merchandise were assaulted. One of the victims, Michael Brown, Sr.'s mother-in-law, identified McSpadden and Head as among the “attackers” who ransacked her stands and stole $400 in cash and merchandise valued at $1500.
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That footage of her falling apart, him holding her and then finally screaming out his rage and pain -

I'm sorry that RWs are so et up with their racist hate but no one can say they would not have lost control in that moment. Those people have been pushed to edge and more.

Try a little compassion.

Or, you could just keep on yammering your mindless hate while pretending to be good christians.

'tis the season, right?

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