Is God competent or incompetent?

[QUOTE="ding, post: 19107285, member: 59921
Your logic fails because you do presume there is a creator but that the creator is flawed.


Gnostic Christianity has no supernatural or creator type beliefs.

It is you who is presuming as you seem reluctant to ask this modern Gnostic Christian and would rather post your garbage that needs refuting.

Is God competent or incompetent?

We are told in scriptures that evil begets evil and good begets good. God, as our creator, according to scriptures, creates us all as sinners, which many see as evil.

God can thus be seen and judged as being the original sinner since the fruits of his labor (us) went bad or are born bad. A tree is known by its fruits. What else could come from a sinner tree but sin?

I give God a fail on competence for the following reasons.

God created heaven that produced Satan. Fail.

God created Eden which produced Original Sin. Fail.

God had to reboot creation with Noah’s flood. Fail.

God sent his son to forgive mankind instead of stepping up himself. Fail, for moral reasons.

God also had to create hell for his rejects which scriptures say will be the vast majority of us. Fail.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds and if we believe that, then the Christian God would obviously be rejected by Jesus and agree with my fail judgement.

Do you agree?



Obviously, you have allowed your ignorance to outweigh your intellect.

God did NOT create us as sinners. In fact, He created us in His image - and free of sin - , and it was through our own misdeeds that we were levied with 'original sin'.

Argument just kinda falls apart, doesn't it?

I can't even give you credit for a nice try ... it was a pathetic effort wrapped in ignorance, and surrounded by prejudice.
The reason people like the OP act this way is because they refuse to take responsibility for anything. They believe that they can somehow create an excuse that will keep them from going to Hell. Well, God doesn't listen to excuses, and He definitely will not give anyone a pass, for any reason. The choice is clear. Repent and accept Christ as Lord of your life, or reject Him and go to Hell. I know, I know. Someone already told me that was a threat. Hard to believe someone can be that stupid. It's no different than telling a child not to stick his hand in the fire. In both cases, you listen or you get burned. This isn't rocket science, people.

This is not rocket science either, yet you plan on doing the immoral thing.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral. To abdicate personal responsibility is immoral.

You follow Satan by not stepping up to your own unrighteousness.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Do you believe you don't sin?

We would have to define that word, but the way I describe sin and evil, I have definitely sinned and done evil.

Being retired now, and not needing to compete for resources any longer, I need not sin or do evil again, I hope, and can live off the avails of my past sins and evils.

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Is God competent or incompetent?

We are told in scriptures that evil begets evil and good begets good. God, as our creator, according to scriptures, creates us all as sinners, which many see as evil.

God can thus be seen and judged as being the original sinner since the fruits of his labor (us) went bad or are born bad. A tree is known by its fruits. What else could come from a sinner tree but sin?

I give God a fail on competence for the following reasons.

God created heaven that produced Satan. Fail.

God created Eden which produced Original Sin. Fail.

God had to reboot creation with Noah’s flood. Fail.

God sent his son to forgive mankind instead of stepping up himself. Fail, for moral reasons.

God also had to create hell for his rejects which scriptures say will be the vast majority of us. Fail.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds and if we believe that, then the Christian God would obviously be rejected by Jesus and agree with my fail judgement.

Do you agree?



Obviously, you have allowed your ignorance to outweigh your intellect.

God did NOT create us as sinners. In fact, He created us in His image - and free of sin - , and it was through our own misdeeds that we were levied with 'original sin'.

Argument just kinda falls apart, doesn't it?

I can't even give you credit for a nice try ... it was a pathetic effort wrapped in ignorance, and surrounded by prejudice.
The reason people like the OP act this way is because they refuse to take responsibility for anything. They believe that they can somehow create an excuse that will keep them from going to Hell. Well, God doesn't listen to excuses, and He definitely will not give anyone a pass, for any reason. The choice is clear. Repent and accept Christ as Lord of your life, or reject Him and go to Hell. I know, I know. Someone already told me that was a threat. Hard to believe someone can be that stupid. It's no different than telling a child not to stick his hand in the fire. In both cases, you listen or you get burned. This isn't rocket science, people.

This is not rocket science either, yet you plan on doing the immoral thing.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral. To abdicate personal responsibility is immoral.

You follow Satan by not stepping up to your own unrighteousness.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Don't you see the irony of quoting scriptures of a God that you believe is either evil or incompetent.

Think about it. The basis of your beliefs are founded in scriptures written for/by an evil and/or incompetent God. Those are your beliefs, right? That God is not worthy of us? So why are you quoting HIS scriptures as YOUR gospel.

You are right that Yahweh is not worthy of us.

You are mostly wrong on the rest. I do not have time to refute all your mistakes. Your post count indicates you live here. I have a life elsewhere.

Is God competent or incompetent?

We are told in scriptures that evil begets evil and good begets good. God, as our creator, according to scriptures, creates us all as sinners, which many see as evil.

God can thus be seen and judged as being the original sinner since the fruits of his labor (us) went bad or are born bad. A tree is known by its fruits. What else could come from a sinner tree but sin?

I give God a fail on competence for the following reasons.

God created heaven that produced Satan. Fail.

God created Eden which produced Original Sin. Fail.

God had to reboot creation with Noah’s flood. Fail.

God sent his son to forgive mankind instead of stepping up himself. Fail, for moral reasons.

God also had to create hell for his rejects which scriptures say will be the vast majority of us. Fail.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds and if we believe that, then the Christian God would obviously be rejected by Jesus and agree with my fail judgement.

Do you agree?



Obviously, you have allowed your ignorance to outweigh your intellect.

God did NOT create us as sinners. In fact, He created us in His image - and free of sin - , and it was through our own misdeeds that we were levied with 'original sin'.

Argument just kinda falls apart, doesn't it?

I can't even give you credit for a nice try ... it was a pathetic effort wrapped in ignorance, and surrounded by prejudice.

Yet you do not argue against the premise and show you cannot.

Thanks for showing your bully side instead of your intelligent side.

Do you also spank your children without correcting them?

Chastisement without correction is just you showing hate instead of love. You show how little you follow your God's better advise.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Is God competent or incompetent?

We are told in scriptures that evil begets evil and good begets good. God, as our creator, according to scriptures, creates us all as sinners, which many see as evil.

God can thus be seen and judged as being the original sinner since the fruits of his labor (us) went bad or are born bad. A tree is known by its fruits. What else could come from a sinner tree but sin?

I give God a fail on competence for the following reasons.

God created heaven that produced Satan. Fail.

God created Eden which produced Original Sin. Fail.

God had to reboot creation with Noah’s flood. Fail.

God sent his son to forgive mankind instead of stepping up himself. Fail, for moral reasons.

God also had to create hell for his rejects which scriptures say will be the vast majority of us. Fail.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds and if we believe that, then the Christian God would obviously be rejected by Jesus and agree with my fail judgement.

Do you agree?



Obviously, you have allowed your ignorance to outweigh your intellect.

God did NOT create us as sinners. In fact, He created us in His image - and free of sin - , and it was through our own misdeeds that we were levied with 'original sin'.

Argument just kinda falls apart, doesn't it?

I can't even give you credit for a nice try ... it was a pathetic effort wrapped in ignorance, and surrounded by prejudice.

Yet you do not argue against the premise and show you cannot.

Thanks for showing your bully side instead of your intelligent side.

Do you also spank your children without correcting them?

Chastisement without correction is just you showing hate instead of love. You show how little you follow your God's better advise.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.


You're absolutely right ... I did not argue against the premise.

Why? Simply, because your "premise" is based on ignorance and a lack of understanding of the Bible. I'm not bullying you -- I am merely pointing out the complete fallacy of your "house of cards". I can think of no good reason to expend any effort other than to point out your ignorance.

You make false assumptions - you posit false statements based on your false assumptions, and then you expect us to show you where you're wrong, where your ignorance has led you astray?

I think not ....

More abuse while refuting nothing.

Thanks for showing all here how the religious are.

If you had access to an Inquisition, you would have me killed just as your predecessors did.

Thanks for doing my work of discrediting your vile religion and genocidal son murdering prick of a God.

You mean the vile religion that you keep quoting scriptures from as the basis for your beliefs in goodness and morality?

Your worldview has more holes than Swiss cheese.

Such useless and inane posting is why your count is where it is.

What a waste of a mind.

Hate to tell ya

But flooding the entire earth and killing every living thing is the bad stuff
What would you think if the Devil had done that?

To a Gnostic Christian, it was an evil demiurge who did those atrocities.

The thing to wonder is why Christians see their evil God as good.

The Gnostics were reprehensible people. No wonder you don't discuss your beliefs.

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich


What reprehensible attributes do you see in the Cathars?

Let me give you the history, which you likely do not know.

While you criticize the Cathars and show their evil ways, if you can find any, you might also sing the praises of Inquisitions.

This I have to see.


Opposing marriage, promoting suicide, those who were initiated into the highest rank of the sect could no longer sin which meant they could do anything they wanted. Take your pick.

Where do you get this garbage? I would like to check the source.

And why are you ignoring what a real modern Gnostic Christian is telling you and believing what is likely a Christian source?


I already provided the link to you. No, it is not a Christian source.

You aren't telling me anything about your religion. You are criticizing mine.

As near as I can tell, you are a humanist. Your religion is atheism.
Evil doesn't exist.

Thanks for sharing your delusion.

Tell that to those have been raped.

The person who did the raping did not do it for evil's sake. He did it for the sake of his own good.

Evil is not extant. It does not exist on it's own. Evil is the absence of good. Just as cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Now do you understand?
To a Gnostic Christian, it was an evil demiurge who did those atrocities.

The thing to wonder is why Christians see their evil God as good.

The Gnostics were reprehensible people. No wonder you don't discuss your beliefs.

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich


What reprehensible attributes do you see in the Cathars?

Let me give you the history, which you likely do not know.

While you criticize the Cathars and show their evil ways, if you can find any, you might also sing the praises of Inquisitions.

This I have to see.


Opposing marriage, promoting suicide, those who were initiated into the highest rank of the sect could no longer sin which meant they could do anything they wanted. Take your pick.

Where do you get this garbage? I would like to check the source.

And why are you ignoring what a real modern Gnostic Christian is telling you and believing what is likely a Christian source?


I already provided the link to you. No, it is not a Christian source.

You aren't telling me anything about your religion. You are criticizing mine.

As near as I can tell, you are a humanist. Your religion is atheism.

I must have missed the link. Which post?

You also must have missed the post where I did speak of Gnostic Christianity and our beliefs.

I am here for you though if you wish to give that link.

So what do you believe God should have done?

I hinted at it in my post. Cure instead of kill.

What do you think God should have done?

What would you have done given his power?

So then you think you know more than God? Have you ever read Job Chapter 40 before?

I wouldn't dare to presume anything for God. He doesn't need my help.

Have you read all of Job?

You seem to have missed the main message.

He does need help though, as shown in Job 3;2 where he admits to letting Satan move him to do evil without a just cause.

That is God admitting to being a vile sinner.

You are the one missing the main message.

The Jews believe that satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt people and test them. You are being tested.

When Job questioned God about this, God said, who the fuck do you think you are to question me? Did you do any of this? Do you think you know how all of this works together? Who do you think you are?

So a God who knows everything has to test to confirm want he already knows.

How droll.

Is that what you would do if you already had all the answers?

What does knowing everything have to do with testing us?

If it is as you say, then there would be no reason for us to exist at all.

Competition is NOT the only source of what the losers to those competitions will see as evil. But that is certainly a Gnostic worldview.

I will ignore most of your thoughtless drivel but you tempt me here.

You say that I am incorrect yet you do not correct me.

Go ahead. I am all ears. Tell us, if competition is not the cause of all human to human evil, what is?

You will see anything that disagrees with your worldview as evil.

So unless you think me having a different belief than you is competition, competition is NOT the only source of what the losers to those competitions will see as evil.

Different is not necessarily a competitive view.

That's pretty much what I just said. Thanks for confirming that you were wrong.
Evil doesn't exist.

Thanks for sharing your delusion.

Tell that to those have been raped.

The person who did the raping did not do it for evil's sake. He did it for the sake of his own good.

Evil is not extant. It does not exist on it's own. Evil is the absence of good. Just as cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Now do you understand?

I understand a simple mind and shallow mind when I see it.

I hinted at it in my post. Cure instead of kill.

What do you think God should have done?

What would you have done given his power?

So then you think you know more than God? Have you ever read Job Chapter 40 before?

I wouldn't dare to presume anything for God. He doesn't need my help.

Have you read all of Job?

You seem to have missed the main message.

He does need help though, as shown in Job 3;2 where he admits to letting Satan move him to do evil without a just cause.

That is God admitting to being a vile sinner.

You are the one missing the main message.

The Jews believe that satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt people and test them. You are being tested.

When Job questioned God about this, God said, who the fuck do you think you are to question me? Did you do any of this? Do you think you know how all of this works together? Who do you think you are?

So a God who knows everything has to test to confirm want he already knows.

How droll.

Is that what you would do if you already had all the answers?

What does knowing everything have to do with testing us?

If it is as you say, then there would be no reason for us to exist at all.

With all your inane meaningless posting, that last fits you.

Is God competent or incompetent?

We are told in scriptures that evil begets evil and good begets good. God, as our creator, according to scriptures, creates us all as sinners, which many see as evil.

God can thus be seen and judged as being the original sinner since the fruits of his labor (us) went bad or are born bad. A tree is known by its fruits. What else could come from a sinner tree but sin?

I give God a fail on competence for the following reasons.

God created heaven that produced Satan. Fail.

God created Eden which produced Original Sin. Fail.

God had to reboot creation with Noah’s flood. Fail.

God sent his son to forgive mankind instead of stepping up himself. Fail, for moral reasons.

God also had to create hell for his rejects which scriptures say will be the vast majority of us. Fail.

Jesus said we would know his people by their works and deeds and if we believe that, then the Christian God would obviously be rejected by Jesus and agree with my fail judgement.

Do you agree?



Obviously, you have allowed your ignorance to outweigh your intellect.

God did NOT create us as sinners. In fact, He created us in His image - and free of sin - , and it was through our own misdeeds that we were levied with 'original sin'.

Argument just kinda falls apart, doesn't it?

I can't even give you credit for a nice try ... it was a pathetic effort wrapped in ignorance, and surrounded by prejudice.
The reason people like the OP act this way is because they refuse to take responsibility for anything. They believe that they can somehow create an excuse that will keep them from going to Hell. Well, God doesn't listen to excuses, and He definitely will not give anyone a pass, for any reason. The choice is clear. Repent and accept Christ as Lord of your life, or reject Him and go to Hell. I know, I know. Someone already told me that was a threat. Hard to believe someone can be that stupid. It's no different than telling a child not to stick his hand in the fire. In both cases, you listen or you get burned. This isn't rocket science, people.

This is not rocket science either, yet you plan on doing the immoral thing.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral. To abdicate personal responsibility is immoral.

You follow Satan by not stepping up to your own unrighteousness.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Don't you see the irony of quoting scriptures of a God that you believe is either evil or incompetent.

Think about it. The basis of your beliefs are founded in scriptures written for/by an evil and/or incompetent God. Those are your beliefs, right? That God is not worthy of us? So why are you quoting HIS scriptures as YOUR gospel.

You are right that Yahweh is not worthy of us.

You are mostly wrong on the rest. I do not have time to refute all your mistakes. Your post count indicates you live here. I have a life elsewhere.

I'm not sure how you made that leap in logic but since it is illogical for you to argue against Christianity while professing their scriptures are the basis for your belief at least you are being consistent.
The Gnostics were reprehensible people. No wonder you don't discuss your beliefs.

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich


What reprehensible attributes do you see in the Cathars?

Let me give you the history, which you likely do not know.

While you criticize the Cathars and show their evil ways, if you can find any, you might also sing the praises of Inquisitions.

This I have to see.


Opposing marriage, promoting suicide, those who were initiated into the highest rank of the sect could no longer sin which meant they could do anything they wanted. Take your pick.

Where do you get this garbage? I would like to check the source.

And why are you ignoring what a real modern Gnostic Christian is telling you and believing what is likely a Christian source?


I already provided the link to you. No, it is not a Christian source.

You aren't telling me anything about your religion. You are criticizing mine.

As near as I can tell, you are a humanist. Your religion is atheism.

I must have missed the link. Which post?

You also must have missed the post where I did speak of Gnostic Christianity and our beliefs.

I am here for you though if you wish to give that link.


The link is pretty much everywhere in the headers of the posts. It's in this one. Yeesh.
Evil doesn't exist.

Thanks for sharing your delusion.

Tell that to those have been raped.

The person who did the raping did not do it for evil's sake. He did it for the sake of his own good.

Evil is not extant. It does not exist on it's own. Evil is the absence of good. Just as cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light.

Now do you understand?

I understand a simple mind and shallow mind when I see it.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand what extant means or how it is applied. That's you.
Gnostic Christianity has no supernatural or creator type beliefs.

Then you have just describe humanism as your religion.

It is you who is presuming as you seem reluctant to ask this modern Gnostic Christian and would rather post your garbage that needs refuting.

I don't usually sit down and have tea with those who attack my faith like you do.
So then you think you know more than God? Have you ever read Job Chapter 40 before?

I wouldn't dare to presume anything for God. He doesn't need my help.

Have you read all of Job?

You seem to have missed the main message.

He does need help though, as shown in Job 3;2 where he admits to letting Satan move him to do evil without a just cause.

That is God admitting to being a vile sinner.

You are the one missing the main message.

The Jews believe that satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt people and test them. You are being tested.

When Job questioned God about this, God said, who the fuck do you think you are to question me? Did you do any of this? Do you think you know how all of this works together? Who do you think you are?

So a God who knows everything has to test to confirm want he already knows.

How droll.

Is that what you would do if you already had all the answers?

What does knowing everything have to do with testing us?

If it is as you say, then there would be no reason for us to exist at all.

With all your inane meaningless posting, that last fits you.

What does knowing everything have to do with testing us?

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