Zone1 Is God a sadist?

Says who, you?

Why would I ever trust what you say about God and eternity?
Was I even talking to you? I'd get better responses trying to have a metaphysical discussion with a five year-old than with you.
Well, after being tortured by God, Job was rewarded

He should have been rewarded regardless
Recall the point of the story. Job was a good and faithful man. Ha-Satan (the tester, the prosecutor) said Job was only good and faithful because good things happened to him. Ha-Satan (the prosecutor, tester) proposed that Job would crumble when faced by true diversity. God stood by His servant, confident Job could (and did) withstand any test.
Did man bring purpose and meaning...or do we recognize that purpose and meaning that is already here?
Nowhere in creation does anything serve a purpose beyond simple existence except for man. We invented shelter, agriculture, writing and millions of other things just to earn enough leisure time to consider why we are here. We put order into the world. Before us it was just tooth and claw.
When confronted with the question of evil, evangelical and fundamentalist Christians invoke a couple different stock answers, one being that man has free will, and man chose to fall and therefore invite evil into existence. Another answer is that of a yin and yang relationship; bitter does not exist without sweet; life does not exist without death; good does not exist without evil.

But pat answers like these only generate more rebuttals. For one, if God’s creation were perfect and chose evil, then His creation was not really perfect. And if the creation of good required the creation of evil, then again Eden was not a perfect paradise to begin with.

And hence the question of evil continues to haunt mainstream circles; it never really gets an answer that satisfies a political prisoner, a disfigured child, or an abused wife. Post-enlightenment gurus ask this question of evangelicals not so much to seek answers but rather to inflame a culture war between the religious and the secular and to saddle the church with a problem that the church need not solve, for eradicating evil from the planet was never the church’s mandate.
True. The church's mandate is the spiritual development those whom God has brought out of an evil society.
Recall the point of the story. Job was a good and faithful man. Ha-Satan (the tester, the prosecutor) said Job was only good and faithful because good things happened to him. Ha-Satan (the prosecutor, tester) proposed that Job would crumble when faced by true diversity. God stood by His servant, confident Job could (and did) withstand any test.

If it makes you feel any better
God didn’t really do that
It is a made up story that was included in the Bible

But it shows a petty and cruel God who would torture a loyal subject on a bet
Or maybe an abolitionist?

A more accurate description is that he acts EXACTLY as if he weren't there.
Or maybe an abolitionist?

The Gnostics believe the world was created by a lesser God without permission from the true high God.
Many years went by, generations and generation of people came and gone when the true God learned what the lesser God did.
The true God was angry at the lesser God and banished him from interacting with his world.
The true God felt responsible for the plight of humanity. So he sent a trusted spirit to earth to provide grace to humanity and a pathway out of the anguish of the inferior world the lesser God created for them.
You can see this in the Holy Bible.
The Old testament God is the lesser God. He is angry, vengeful, jealous and demanding. Then you go to the New Testament, and this is the true God. The difference between the old testament God and the new is undeniably completely different. The New Testament God is loving, full of grace and forgiveness.

Just sayin
The Gnostics believe the world was created by a lesser God without permission from the true high God.
Many years went by, generations and generation of people came and gone when the true God learned what the lesser God did.
The true God was angry at the lesser God and banished him from interacting with his world.
The true God felt responsible for the plight of humanity. So he sent a trusted spirit to earth to provide grace to humanity and a pathway out of the anguish of the inferior world the lesser God created for them.
You can see this in the Holy Bible.
The Old testament God is the lesser God. He is angry, vengeful, jealous and demanding. Then you go to the New Testament, and this is the true God. The difference between the old testament God and the new is undeniably completely different. The New Testament God is loving, full of grace and forgiveness.

Just sayin

Sometimes I think there might be a whole committee of Gods up there, looking down, deciding our fates. Like in Jason and the Argonauts.

I look at the Greek myths as tales of consequences.
YES!!! God, or The Deity (as I refer to IT - not he or she) most definitely IS a bit of a sadist…

That’s because the role of The Diety is to test the Souls of human beings and determine their worthiness to move on. Yes, The Deity is nothing more than a gatekeeper. A cosmic bouncer if you will. Existing to sort the wheat from the chaff.

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