Is Bergdahl DIRECTLY Responsible For Deaths Of American Soldiers?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm not talking about indirectly responsible, I am talking about DIRECT Responsibility.

This is pretty serious, folks

Third Soldier Comes Forward To Say Taliban Attacks Become More Deadly After Bergdahl Deserted…


Deserting is bad enough, feeding the Taliban information to help kill American soldiers is a hundred times worse in my opinion.

See here and here for the other two reports.

Via Mediaite:

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s squad leader who commanded him on the night he disappeared, Staff Sgt. Justin Gerleve, joined CNN host Jake Tapper on Wednesday where he said the former Taliban prisoner “totally deserted.” Gerleve confirmed, as have others who served with Bergdahl, that he believed attacks on American personnel became more direct and accurate after the captured American solider was taken by the Taliban.

“I believe that he totally deserted not only his fellow soldiers but his leadership that wanted the best for him and for our country,” Gerleve told Tapper. Gerleve said that he believes this because of the actions Bergdahl took and comments he made prior to his disappearance.

When asked if he believed, as his fellow soldiers have said, that attacks on U.S. troops got worse after Bergdahl abandoned his post, Gerleve replied, “Yes.”

“As one of the soldiers have stated, the attacks did get more direct, the IEDs did get more pinpoint to our trucks rather than the side of the roads, and everything like that,” Gerleve added. “I can’t say for sure the leakage was from Bergdahl, but it’s kind of a suspicion that it did happen.”

“Everything that we taught him, I mean, it was coming to — as far as direct attacks and indirect attacks,” he continued.
yes, HE is responsible for these people DEATHS

They are the true hero's..... they gave their lives trying to recover this lowlife so called, military man

Obama isn't some hero for trading terrorist for this guy...he's a frikken danger to us
mere speculation and highly unlikely it was Bergdahl....

just read his note to parents....he wasn't in to violence or warring....or revenge....

His low level supervisors protest too much....

too much 15 minutes of fame happening here to feel comfortable with believing this guy's assessment or ex sgt Evan Beutow's assessment....they didn't like Bergdahl before he disappeared, and seem to be on some sort of vendetta and are not letting the Military do their job in peace without this 'frenzy' the 2 of these unprofessional supervisors are CAUSING....

nuff said
AND now the story's changed...

AT FIRST they said men directly searching for bergdahl immediately after his disapperance were killed, then they got caught in that lie....

so they are now saying...oh no, it was not on missions searching for bergdahl but other missions.....but now we think IED's that killed these men on other missions was because Bergdahl taught them how to improvise them better so to kill more Americans....

SHEESH...for the love of God, how can you NOT see this?
It is true Afghan Taliban had intensified their attacks in the year of 2009, but that was not only on US soldiers. It was one of the deadliest years that began at the end of 2008. Bergdahl left his post in June of 2009.

"Deaths of foreign troops in Afghanistan also register a sharp rise from 295 in 2008 to 506 this year, up by more than 70 percent, according to the website."

It is easy to blame the little soldier, disillusioned and heart broken, realizing that, that war was not his. In reality, our young men and women were taken to wars which had nothing to do with our American cause.
Does it come as a surprise? He was never listed as a POW but now he is? Were the Soldiers in his platoon really forced to sign non disclosure forms? Which freaking side is Obama on?
I would like to thank martybegan for providing the following:

If he cooperated with the Taliban to help lure soldiers into traps, then yes, he is directly responsible.

He's indirectly responsible due to his desertion and the subsequent searches which put soldiers at risk.
Of course not, but that will never stop the Right from mindlessly parroting this GOP scripted lie.

Two soldiers died during the most intense period of the search after Sergeant Bergdahl’s June 30 disappearance. Both were inside an outpost that came under attack, not out patrolling and running checkpoints looking for him. The other six soldiers died in late August and early September.
Who KNOWS at this point? He looks more dazed & stunned in the Taliban video. Does no one else believe he was TORTURED?
Does it come as a surprise? He was never listed as a POW but now he is? Were the Soldiers in his platoon really forced to sign non disclosure forms? Which freaking side is Obama on?
I heard two troops on with Hannity a while ago that served with the scumbag. They stated they didn't care about that form they had to sign...they said the truth needed to get out.

Now that's BRAVE, and I salute them.
But different people who served with him are saying different things:

As those accusations continued, a U.S. official said Wednesday that in the initial Army fact-finding investigation into Bergdahl's disappearance, commanders referred to him as a "good soldier" and fellow soldiers reported that Bergdahl had left the post on other occasions.
The official, who has been briefed on the investigation, said the report said that Bergdahl had mailed his computer and other items home before his disappearance, but his motivation was unclear.
I'm not talking about indirectly responsible, I am talking about DIRECT Responsibility.

This is pretty serious, folks

Third Soldier Comes Forward To Say Taliban Attacks Become More Deadly After Bergdahl Deserted…


Deserting is bad enough, feeding the Taliban information to help kill American soldiers is a hundred times worse in my opinion.

See here and here for the other two reports.

Via Mediaite:

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s squad leader who commanded him on the night he disappeared, Staff Sgt. Justin Gerleve, joined CNN host Jake Tapper on Wednesday where he said the former Taliban prisoner “totally deserted.” Gerleve confirmed, as have others who served with Bergdahl, that he believed attacks on American personnel became more direct and accurate after the captured American solider was taken by the Taliban.

“I believe that he totally deserted not only his fellow soldiers but his leadership that wanted the best for him and for our country,” Gerleve told Tapper. Gerleve said that he believes this because of the actions Bergdahl took and comments he made prior to his disappearance.

When asked if he believed, as his fellow soldiers have said, that attacks on U.S. troops got worse after Bergdahl abandoned his post, Gerleve replied, “Yes.”

“As one of the soldiers have stated, the attacks did get more direct, the IEDs did get more pinpoint to our trucks rather than the side of the roads, and everything like that,” Gerleve added. “I can’t say for sure the leakage was from Bergdahl, but it’s kind of a suspicion that it did happen.”

“Everything that we taught him, I mean, it was coming to — as far as direct attacks and indirect attacks,” he continued.

Yeah, it's looking more and more like he is responsible for the deaths of those who tried to help rescue him.

He reminds me of the silly individuals who show up on these pages talking smack about America.

Let him suffer for their sins as well as his own!

And the father, too.

Let his son suffer for the elder's stupidity.
It is true Afghan Taliban had intensified their attacks in the year of 2009, but that was not only on US soldiers. It was one of the deadliest years that began at the end of 2008. Bergdahl left his post in June of 2009.

"Deaths of foreign troops in Afghanistan also register a sharp rise from 295 in 2008 to 506 this year, up by more than 70 percent, according to the website."

It is easy to blame the little soldier, disillusioned and heart broken, realizing that, that war was not his. In reality, our young men and women were taken to wars which had nothing to do with our American cause.

after Iraq was closed for business attacks on American soldiers in Afghanistan became the ONLY enemy target available .. why wouldn't they increase ?

1 soldier left his post, attacks increased ... everyone be sure and write that down :eusa_whistle:
mere speculation and highly unlikely it was Bergdahl....

just read his note to parents....he wasn't in to violence or warring....or revenge....

His low level supervisors protest too much....

too much 15 minutes of fame happening here to feel comfortable with believing this guy's assessment or ex sgt Evan Beutow's assessment....they didn't like Bergdahl before he disappeared, and seem to be on some sort of vendetta and are not letting the Military do their job in peace without this 'frenzy' the 2 of these unprofessional supervisors are CAUSING....

nuff said

Oh, please. He is responsible for at least the 6 who were killed looking for him after he deserted.

you said:

"he wasn't in to violence or warring"

Nah, he tried to join not one, but TWO military organizations ( rejected from the French Foreign Legion )because he was all peaceful and shit.

Bergdahl wrote he hated his peers BEFORE he deserted. He wrote he hated America and the ARMY.


2012 article and emails

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

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