Is anyone but me upset that transgenders are ruining womens' and girls' sports?

After how many years of talking about equal pay for equal work why hasn't it happened?

Because the so-called Women's Movement isn't effective at real women's problems.
Equal pay for equal work won’t happen in most cases. I spent a career in a major TELCO. A union shop. Women made the same hourly wage as the men in their job title, but almost always made less. The reason was that they refused to work overtime. There were a few exceptions, but most of them were kicked up to management. Even when overtime was mandatory the women managed to duck out of it by threatening EEOC actions if they were disciplined. With my experience I take unequal pay complaints with a very large grain of salt.
Where is the push-back from the so-called Women's Movement?
Some woman do stand up for women's sport and decline to take part. I just saw one of YouTube a few days ago where the woman and transgender met to play pool, then she packed her cue away and walked out, refused to play a bloke pretending to be a woman. All women should do this.

They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus, all the others genders are from Uranus.
I suspect there is more to playing sports on scholarships for these women than getting a “free ride”, as you say.

I got to say that your post should be nominated for most misogynistic post of the year. Bozo!🤡
Hard to say ...JOEBY exhibits all the traits of hormonal confusion. It kind of bleeds through his posts. I often think that Joe B is an acronym for Joe Biden ....but that's just me.
Where is the push-back from the so-called Women's Movement?

It turns out that the feminist movement, whose adherents claimed that "We're fierce, we're feminists, and we're in your face!" is a paper tiger.

I say that with no gloat; I wish it were not so. They championed women's and girls' sports, when conservative men ridiculed the idea of schools spending money on them. Sports are a great thing for young women, I saw the effect it had on my wife and my daughter in confidence and purpose. I also believe athletics makes it easier for girls to stay connected with fathers who might otherwise shy away to some degree once Pumpin goes into those teenage years.

So why aren't feminists up in arms about female sports being taken away when it was the feminists who fought for it in the first place.

It turns out that you can see why feminists are fierce on issues like abortion, but have so quickly abandoned female sports to males. Just follow the money. The abortion lobby, heavily financed by abortionists, just as the NRA is by gun manufacturers, will not pay them if they let their guard down on abortion. In the transgender issue, the money is in supporting "boys will be girls."

I'm not saying that somehow the Child Transgender industry are paying the feminists for their silence on this issue. But it would not surprise me if their fellow woke doctors in the abortion industry were threatening to withhold funds if the feminists oppose their fellow child mutilation profiteers.

Even if that is not happening, and I'm only guessing that it is, the point is that there is no money to be had by the feminists in standing up to these people who want to push females out of female sports for the sake of the latest social contagion. Without that financial incentive, they can't stand the heat, so another reason for them to stay out of the kitchen.

So it's been six years, and the only story you guys can find is this story from 2018 where two trans-kids won some plastic trophies.

And Lia Thomas, who was actually beaten by Cis-women in some events.
Since it happens so rarely, there is no need to change the rules to accommodate such a rare occurance. Tell the dude who want to grow a pony tail as a ticket to the girls' locker room, that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one.
Where is the push-back from the so-called Women's Movement?
Having vented about the feminists, let me say who I really hold reponsible for this: the men. All of us, if we are not standing up to this nonsense.

Obviously, the left is willing to pull out all the stops to get their way on this issue. Have the audacity to even speak and you may end up being physically attacked and arrested if you resist.

But, they cannot arrest all of us. Even if they could, it would not relieve of of our duty to protect women from men who want to literally beat them up as a sport in some cases, and who want to rob them of the chance to compete fairly in all such cases. We must stand up to it, or how can we look our daughters and granddaughters in the eye?
It turns out that the feminist movement, whose adherents claimed that "We're fierce, we're feminists, and we're in your face!" is a paper tiger.

I say that with no gloat; I wish it were not so. They championed women's and girls' sports, when conservative men ridiculed the idea of schools spending money on them. Sports are a great thing for young women, I saw the effect it had on my wife and my daughter in confidence and purpose. I also believe athletics makes it easier for girls to stay connected with fathers who might otherwise shy away to some degree once Pumpin goes into those teenage years.

So why aren't feminists up in arms about female sports being taken away when it was the feminists who fought for it in the first place.

It turns out that you can see why feminists are fierce on issues like abortion, but have so quickly abandoned female sports to males. Just follow the money. The abortion lobby, heavily financed by abortionists, just as the NRA is by gun manufacturers, will not pay them if they let their guard down on abortion. In the transgender issue, the money is in supporting "boys will be girls."

I'm not saying that somehow the Child Transgender industry are paying the feminists for their silence on this issue. But it would not surprise me if their fellow woke doctors in the abortion industry were threatening to withhold funds if the feminists oppose their fellow child mutilation profiteers.

Even if that is not happening, and I'm only guessing that it is, the point is that there is no money to be had by the feminists in standing up to these people who want to push females out of female sports for the sake of the latest social contagion. Without that financial incentive, they can't stand the heat, so another reason for them to stay out of the kitchen.

The "feminists" that are Democrats know that if they resist the agenda the party will ignore them and funding dries up. Follow the money.
I'm more upset at our society for allowing it to happen and encouraging it.

Trannies are just a bunch of misguided young people with no direction of purpose in their life raised by the internet and shitty parents. The others are mentally ill people in need of treatment. And some are just old perverts that get laid anymore so they turn tranny for a sexual thrill.

Any of those dipshits couldn't accomplish anything in their lives and have no power, all the power they have is because our society gives it to them. If we had a decent, moral society then trannies would just be here and there occasionally with the good sense to keep it to themselves.

What upsets me even more than women's sports is people are applauded for turning children into trannies. Those people should be arrested for child abuse and thrown under the jail.
It turns out that the feminist movement, whose adherents claimed that "We're fierce, we're feminists, and we're in your face!" is a paper tiger.

I say that with no gloat; I wish it were not so. They championed women's and girls' sports, when conservative men ridiculed the idea of schools spending money on them. Sports are a great thing for young women, I saw the effect it had on my wife and my daughter in confidence and purpose. I also believe athletics makes it easier for girls to stay connected with fathers who might otherwise shy away to some degree once Pumpin goes into those teenage years.

So why aren't feminists up in arms about female sports being taken away when it was the feminists who fought for it in the first place.

Mostly because they probably don't like who they have to get in bed with.

The people who want to throw transgender girls out of sports are the ones who want to deny women equal pay and limit their reproductive rights.

The Feminists DID team up with the Religious Right in the 1980's on issues like pornography. The end result was women's rights were rolled back and the porn industry is doing just fine.

It turns out that you can see why feminists are fierce on issues like abortion, but have so quickly abandoned female sports to males. Just follow the money. The abortion lobby, heavily financed by abortionists, just as the NRA is by gun manufacturers, will not pay them if they let their guard down on abortion. In the transgender issue, the money is in supporting "boys will be girls."

I'm not saying that somehow the Child Transgender industry are paying the feminists for their silence on this issue. But it would not surprise me if their fellow woke doctors in the abortion industry were threatening to withhold funds if the feminists oppose their fellow child mutilation profiteers.

I think you are a confused as usual. It's a matter of the importance of an issue. VERY FEW GIRLS will encounter a transgender kid, and few still will find them on their sports teams. It's just not an issue that comes up that often.

On the other hand, one out of three women will need an abortion at some time in their life.

Even if that is not happening, and I'm only guessing that it is, the point is that there is no money to be had by the feminists in standing up to these people who want to push females out of female sports for the sake of the latest social contagion. Without that financial incentive, they can't stand the heat, so another reason for them to stay out of the kitchen.

Or they recognize a common enemy. The kind of people who want LGBTQ+ back in the closet are the same ones who want women in the kitchen and blacks at the back of the bus.

At this point the homosexual community is guilty of this by association. They have unfortunately allowed their community to be subverted by mentally ill degenerates. There needs to be more of a rejection of trans ideology by the gay community.

“Homosexuals” don’t really even exist any more. You hillbillies still think a “gay” couple are two same sex people? You would be wrong. Being gay is for everyone now, all you have to do is identify as the same gender as your partner and viol, you are gay too!

“Like everyone else, transgender people have a sexual orientation. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer. For example, a person who transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a straight woman. A person who transitions from female to male and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a gay man.”

A university level course I took recently included the promotion of the idea that homosexuals are socially disadvantaged because they can’t conceive children like the rest of society. I shared the above citation with the professor. They didn’t have much to say about it LOL
The Feminists DID team up with the Religious Right in the 1980's on issues like pornography. The end result was women's rights were rolled back and the porn industry is doing just fine.
Happy New Year! I wish you much prosperity, sincerely.

Those two sentences are completely largely counter-factual.

The feminists never "teamed up" with the Religious Right. They would have been too busy insulting each other to get anything done. They happened to both want what each considered "pornography" to be censored, each for their own reasons. Stop making up facts, it slows down grownup debate.

No women's rights were "rolled back," whatsoever due to the religious right. Anita Bryant almost single-handedly stopped the ERA from being passed. But the courts since have effectively ratified it with their rulings.

You may not remember this, but one of the reasons folks gave for opposing the ERA was that it might allow men to use the Women's bathrooms, and gays to marry. Liberals said anyone who thought that was a nut job. Ha freakin ha, huh?

But, the porn industry is doing just fine. You got that right. A good lesson for the authoritarians of any political stripe: Guns, drugs, pornography, fatty food, girls sports, men's clubs, compact muscle cars, MAGA hats, or whatever. The government cannot stop people from having what they really want, they can just make it more annoying and expensive to have them.

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