Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today
Maybe N Korea will sink it....

P F Tinman.... when are you going to go join the jihad? Go be a martyrh for the cause... :eusa_pray:

TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

Bad idea.
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

This could be dangerous. If they use the Suez they can hug egyptian territorial waters until right before Gaza. The only other option is equally tough, that in stopping them before they hit the Suez.

This could get interesting.
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

This could be dangerous. If they use the Suez they can hug egyptian territorial waters until right before Gaza. The only other option is equally tough, that in stopping them before they hit the Suez.

This could get interesting.

What makes you think Egypt will have a problem with Israel, their partner in blockading Gaza, stopping an Iranian ship entering their waters without permission?
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

This could be dangerous. If they use the Suez they can hug egyptian territorial waters until right before Gaza. The only other option is equally tough, that in stopping them before they hit the Suez.

This could get interesting.

What makes you think Egypt will have a problem with Israel, their partner in blockading Gaza, stopping an Iranian ship entering their waters without permission?

They wouldn't privately. But publically they would never allow the Israeli navy to enter thier 3 or 12 mile limit. there is a 50/50 shot they would force the iranian vessel to leave thier waters upon exiting the suez. If they did that, the boat would be in international waters and the IN could stop the boat at thier leisure.

My concern is a speed run in Egyptian waters along the sinai pennisula's northern coast. For propaganda purposes they Iranian vessel might try to repel boarders and go flank speed and beach on the gaza shore. Not sure if there is a good port that south in gaza.
Someone know if there any Iranian diplomats on that ship? Of course we going stop this ship.
My only hope is that unlike previous occasions were the people were deported back to their countries, those pepole will be held as a prisoners under the same conditions in which Gilad Shalit is being held by them.
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

If they are truly just a humanitarian ship they will have no problem letting Israel inspect their ships for anything other than humanitarian aid.
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

If they are truly just a humanitarian ship they will have no problem letting Israel inspect their ships for anything other than humanitarian aid.

The last Freedom Flotilla would submit their cargo for inspection by an independent body like the UN or the International Red Cross to ensure that there were no weapons aboard.

Why did Israel refuse this offer?
Someone know if there any Iranian diplomats on that ship? Of course we going stop this ship.
My only hope is that unlike previous occasions were the people were deported back to their countries, those pepole will be held as a prisoners under the same conditions in which Gilad Shalit is being held by them.

This ship is not an Iranian government ship. It is from civilian charities.
Someone know if there any Iranian diplomats on that ship? Of course we going stop this ship.
My only hope is that unlike previous occasions were the people were deported back to their countries, those pepole will be held as a prisoners under the same conditions in which Gilad Shalit is being held by them.

This ship is not an Iranian government ship. It is from civilian charities.

This is a diplomatic/Political move so of course the Isanian government is behind this.
Also I find it amusing and hypocritical that Iran think she's in a situation where she can preach to others about democracy and human rights.
We saw what she did to her own citizens when they dare to demonstrate and express a different opinion.
Someone know if there any Iranian diplomats on that ship? Of course we going stop this ship.
My only hope is that unlike previous occasions were the people were deported back to their countries, those pepole will be held as a prisoners under the same conditions in which Gilad Shalit is being held by them.

This ship is not an Iranian government ship. It is from civilian charities.

This is a diplomatic/Political move so of course the Isanian government is behind this.
Also I find it amusing and hypocritical that Iran think she's in a situation where she can preach to others about democracy and human rights.
We saw what she did to her own citizens when they dare to demonstrate and express a different opinion.

I don't agree with much of the Iranian government, but there is an increasingly active populace that will eventually bring that government down. It will probably be an evolution rather than a revolution.

Any government that hooks itself to a religion sucks.
TEHRAN, (PIC)-- Muhamad Ali Nurani, Deputy Secretary General of the Society to Defend Palestinian People, said that an Iranian aid ship will be setting sail Friday to the besieged Gaza Strip.

The ship will carry as well as humanitarian aid a number of MPs, doctors, students and sports-persons.

He added that the aid carried on the ship includes food, medical equipment and construction materials.

Iranian aid ship sales to Gaza today

Bad idea.

An aid ship sale is a bad idea? Mo chara! Maybe we can buy some cheap chocolate and pick up a few bottles of Chardonnay. Or do we have to buy the whole boat? I'm confused about this 'sale'.
I don't agree with much of the Iranian government, but there is an increasingly active populace that will eventually bring that government down.(...)

Won't happen. Those people supposed to bring the system in Iran down, is the absolute minority. Every society has its lateral thinkers.
Someone know if there any Iranian diplomats on that ship? Of course we going stop this ship.
My only hope is that unlike previous occasions were the people were deported back to their countries, those pepole will be held as a prisoners under the same conditions in which Gilad Shalit is being held by them.

This ship is not an Iranian government ship. It is from civilian charities.

Israel's biggest fight (since sinking the USS Liberty) is coming from Turkey. If Prime Minister Recep Erdogan follows through on his promise to sail on another Turkish (war) ship attempting to break Israel's blockade and Israel attacks the NATO flagged vessel, that will trigger an Article 5 response from all other NATO States.

An attack against one is an attack against all. "This is what the US used to justify a NATO response to 9/11 in Afghanistan..."

Naturally the rich Jews and Gentiles that control the US government will renege on NATO, and nobody will ever again expect America to live up to its formal treaty obligations.

"Our relations with Russia and China would be weakened dangerously, and Iran's position in the Middle East would be strengthened.

"The fall of dominoes would go on in all sorts of directions."

Will Erdogan Blink?
Israel's biggest fight (since sinking the USS Liberty) is coming from Turkey. If Prime Minister Recep Erdogan follows through on his promise to sail on another Turkish (war) ship attempting to break Israel's blockade and Israel attacks the NATO flagged vessel, that will trigger an Article 5 response from all other NATO States.

An attack against one is an attack against all. "This is what the US used to justify a NATO response to 9/11 in Afghanistan..."

Naturally the rich Jews and Gentiles that control the US government will renege on NATO, and nobody will ever again expect America to live up to its formal treaty obligations.

"Our relations with Russia and China would be weakened dangerously, and Iran's position in the Middle East would be strengthened.

"The fall of dominoes would go on in all sorts of directions."

Will Erdogan Blink?

Attempting to break an established blockade using military vessels is in of itself a hostile act, and a causus belli. Article 5 would not come into play as Turkey would be considered the agressor, even if the Israeli navy shot first.

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