Iran Tells Trump: Don't Wait for Us to Pick Up the Phone


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Iran believes that Trump is they**gasp*** are saying that since the US has opted out of the deal..they no longer have to honor it. Surprisingly, or not, the US position is that Iran must abide by the agreement that the US is no longer a party odd bit of logic..IMO. Europe is caught in the middle of all this--they are damned if they support Iran..they are damned if they support the US..and they are ignored if they take the middle.

The US position is that Iran will be forced back to the table in a way that is advantageous to US interests--Iran says they are not budging.

Iran Tells Trump: Don't Wait for Us to Pick Up the Phone

"...U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated Trump’s offer to chat to try to sort out differences. The U.S. has claimed, with no details, that Iran has been mobilizing proxies in Iraq and Syria to attack its forces, and its new deployments have stirred talk of war.

“The Americans know that no other war will bring about their defeat to such an extent and that’s why there won’t be a war, because war is not part of the U.S. strategy,” Heshmatollah Falahatpishe, the head of Iran’s parliamentary commission for national security and foreign affairs, said in a speech before lawmakers, according to ISNA.

“Nobody is going to call Trump, and eventually the Americans will be forced to raise the issue of negotiations with Iran in a serious way,” he added.

Trump has made confronting Iran the linchpin of his Middle East policy, and his withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions meant to choke off Iranian oil exports and access to international banks has pounded the Islamic Republic’s economy. Tehran responded to the U.S. removal of sanctions waivers and the new military deployments by threatening to stop abiding by the nuclear deal’s limitations on uranium enrichment if Europe doesn’t remove obstacles to foreign investment into Iran and ease the flow of Iranian oil within 60 days."

Crises are starting to pile up, and everyone's worst fear is coming true - the fat orange idiot is at the helm
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker?
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker?

Oh please....Iran tore up the deal the moment they were able to stop laughing at Kerry and Obama... You think that their names on a piece of paper actually mean something?
there will be no deal with Iran until its people get hungry enough to overthrow the government. Too bad for the Iranians they don't have a second amendment.

Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker?
Obama and Hillary destabilied the Middle East on their own and you did not say a word. So we get a report that Iran is planning something and you start your sky is falling crap again? May an Islamic extremist torture and kill your family. Nice and slow. After all. Their your buddies.
Iran believes that Trump is they**gasp*** are saying that since the US has opted out of the deal..they no longer have to honor it. Surprisingly, or not, the US position is that Iran must abide by the agreement that the US is no longer a party odd bit of logic..IMO. Europe is caught in the middle of all this--they are damned if they support Iran..they are damned if they support the US..and they are ignored if they take the middle.

The US position is that Iran will be forced back to the table in a way that is advantageous to US interests--Iran says they are not budging.

Iran Tells Trump: Don't Wait for Us to Pick Up the Phone

"...U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated Trump’s offer to chat to try to sort out differences. The U.S. has claimed, with no details, that Iran has been mobilizing proxies in Iraq and Syria to attack its forces, and its new deployments have stirred talk of war.

“The Americans know that no other war will bring about their defeat to such an extent and that’s why there won’t be a war, because war is not part of the U.S. strategy,” Heshmatollah Falahatpishe, the head of Iran’s parliamentary commission for national security and foreign affairs, said in a speech before lawmakers, according to ISNA.

“Nobody is going to call Trump, and eventually the Americans will be forced to raise the issue of negotiations with Iran in a serious way,” he added.

Trump has made confronting Iran the linchpin of his Middle East policy, and his withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions meant to choke off Iranian oil exports and access to international banks has pounded the Islamic Republic’s economy. Tehran responded to the U.S. removal of sanctions waivers and the new military deployments by threatening to stop abiding by the nuclear deal’s limitations on uranium enrichment if Europe doesn’t remove obstacles to foreign investment into Iran and ease the flow of Iranian oil within 60 days."

OMG. Iran will not honor an agreement they’ve repeatedly violated.
Film @ 11.
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.
Know your facts...
The Obama administration actively attacked the Iranian Nuke program:

Inside The United States' Secret Sabotage Of Iran
Stuxnet - Wikipedia
‘Secret US sabotage program’ could be to blame for Iranian satellite launch failures – NY Times

Covert action is meant to stay just that — covert, clandestine, in the shadows.

And in Iran, it did, for quite some time. But in the last year, much has become known about intelligence operations in Iran, says Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official who is now an analyst with the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution.

"There's little doubt that there's a covert war under way against Iran," he says. "There are at least two players in it: the United States and Israel."

And often, it appears, those players work together.

That was especially true with the Stuxnet worm. The computer virus, apparently developed in Israel with the help of the CIA, was launched in 2009. Sometime the following year, the worm found its way into the computers that control Iran's most important nuclear facility, the uranium enrichment operation at Natanz.

The worm told the gas centrifuges that enrich uranium to spin too fast. Many broke and destroyed other centrifuges — nearly a thousand of them.

The impact of the worm spread even wider, says Muhammad Sahimi, a professor at the University of Southern California who writes for the website Tehran Bureau.

"In fact, not only it destroyed a thousand centrifuges at Natanz — it also forced the government to actually shut down the enrichment facility for a few days," Sahimi says

Oh yeah..and for the 12,321st was Iran's money.
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Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.

Trump didn't really tear anything up. There was nothing but a fairytale in place.
He simply unmasked it.

Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.
Know your facts...
The Obama administration actively attacked the Iranian Nuke program:

Inside The United States' Secret Sabotage Of Iran
Stuxnet - Wikipedia
‘Secret US sabotage program’ could be to blame for Iranian satellite launch failures – NY Times

Covert action is meant to stay just that — covert, clandestine, in the shadows.

And in Iran, it did, for quite some time. But in the last year, much has become known about intelligence operations in Iran, says Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official who is now an analyst with the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution.

"There's little doubt that there's a covert war under way against Iran," he says. "There are at least two players in it: the United States and Israel."

And often, it appears, those players work together.

That was especially true with the Stuxnet worm. The computer virus, apparently developed in Israel with the help of the CIA, was launched in 2009. Sometime the following year, the worm found its way into the computers that control Iran's most important nuclear facility, the uranium enrichment operation at Natanz.

The worm told the gas centrifuges that enrich uranium to spin too fast. Many broke and destroyed other centrifuges — nearly a thousand of them.

The impact of the worm spread even wider, says Muhammad Sahimi, a professor at the University of Southern California who writes for the website Tehran Bureau.

"In fact, not only it destroyed a thousand centrifuges at Natanz — it also forced the government to actually shut down the enrichment facility for a few days," Sahimi says

Oh yeah..and for the 12,321th was Iran's money.

And yet none of that had anything to do with compliance. Just a lot of noise.

Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.

Trump didn't really tear anything up. There was nothing but a fairytale in place.
He simply unmasked it.

So, the US position is that Iran must abide by the "fairy tale"?
Iran believes that Trump is they**gasp*** are saying that since the US has opted out of the deal..they no longer have to honor it. Surprisingly, or not, the US position is that Iran must abide by the agreement that the US is no longer a party odd bit of logic..IMO. Europe is caught in the middle of all this--they are damned if they support Iran..they are damned if they support the US..and they are ignored if they take the middle.

The US position is that Iran will be forced back to the table in a way that is advantageous to US interests--Iran says they are not budging.

Iran Tells Trump: Don't Wait for Us to Pick Up the Phone

"...U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated Trump’s offer to chat to try to sort out differences. The U.S. has claimed, with no details, that Iran has been mobilizing proxies in Iraq and Syria to attack its forces, and its new deployments have stirred talk of war.

“The Americans know that no other war will bring about their defeat to such an extent and that’s why there won’t be a war, because war is not part of the U.S. strategy,” Heshmatollah Falahatpishe, the head of Iran’s parliamentary commission for national security and foreign affairs, said in a speech before lawmakers, according to ISNA.

“Nobody is going to call Trump, and eventually the Americans will be forced to raise the issue of negotiations with Iran in a serious way,” he added.

Trump has made confronting Iran the linchpin of his Middle East policy, and his withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions meant to choke off Iranian oil exports and access to international banks has pounded the Islamic Republic’s economy. Tehran responded to the U.S. removal of sanctions waivers and the new military deployments by threatening to stop abiding by the nuclear deal’s limitations on uranium enrichment if Europe doesn’t remove obstacles to foreign investment into Iran and ease the flow of Iranian oil within 60 days."


Iran never honored anything nor will they. They'll take hand outs though.

Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.
Know your facts...
The Obama administration actively attacked the Iranian Nuke program:

Inside The United States' Secret Sabotage Of Iran
Stuxnet - Wikipedia
‘Secret US sabotage program’ could be to blame for Iranian satellite launch failures – NY Times

Covert action is meant to stay just that — covert, clandestine, in the shadows.

And in Iran, it did, for quite some time. But in the last year, much has become known about intelligence operations in Iran, says Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official who is now an analyst with the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution.

"There's little doubt that there's a covert war under way against Iran," he says. "There are at least two players in it: the United States and Israel."

And often, it appears, those players work together.

That was especially true with the Stuxnet worm. The computer virus, apparently developed in Israel with the help of the CIA, was launched in 2009. Sometime the following year, the worm found its way into the computers that control Iran's most important nuclear facility, the uranium enrichment operation at Natanz.

The worm told the gas centrifuges that enrich uranium to spin too fast. Many broke and destroyed other centrifuges — nearly a thousand of them.

The impact of the worm spread even wider, says Muhammad Sahimi, a professor at the University of Southern California who writes for the website Tehran Bureau.

"In fact, not only it destroyed a thousand centrifuges at Natanz — it also forced the government to actually shut down the enrichment facility for a few days," Sahimi says

Oh yeah..and for the 12,321th was Iran's money.

And yet none of that had anything to do with compliance. Just a lot of noise.

Yeah, those destroyed centrifuges made a ugly sound when they blew, I'm sure.
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.

Trump didn't really tear anything up. There was nothing but a fairytale in place.
He simply unmasked it.

So, the US position is that Iran must abide by the "fairy tale"?

The US position is that only full inspection can confirm compliance.

Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.

Trump didn't really tear anything up. There was nothing but a fairytale in place.
He simply unmasked it.

And yet...after much one except supporters of this administration believe this..the consensus, shared by the US intel community, was that Iran WAS complying..and still is--in hopes that Europe will help break the US embargo. The constant stating and restating of a position does not make it true. Links from suspect sources like Gateway Pundit do not make it true. Fox commentators pontificating do not make it true. Belief by those in the RW echo chamber do not make it true. Lack of US inspections do not constitute non-compliance. UN inspectors are satisfied.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran Nuclear Issue at Crossroads 3 Years Later, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
Iran believes that Trump is they**gasp*** are saying that since the US has opted out of the deal..they no longer have to honor it. Surprisingly, or not, the US position is that Iran must abide by the agreement that the US is no longer a party odd bit of logic..IMO. Europe is caught in the middle of all this--they are damned if they support Iran..they are damned if they support the US..and they are ignored if they take the middle.

The US position is that Iran will be forced back to the table in a way that is advantageous to US interests--Iran says they are not budging.

Iran Tells Trump: Don't Wait for Us to Pick Up the Phone

"...U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated Trump’s offer to chat to try to sort out differences. The U.S. has claimed, with no details, that Iran has been mobilizing proxies in Iraq and Syria to attack its forces, and its new deployments have stirred talk of war.

“The Americans know that no other war will bring about their defeat to such an extent and that’s why there won’t be a war, because war is not part of the U.S. strategy,” Heshmatollah Falahatpishe, the head of Iran’s parliamentary commission for national security and foreign affairs, said in a speech before lawmakers, according to ISNA.

“Nobody is going to call Trump, and eventually the Americans will be forced to raise the issue of negotiations with Iran in a serious way,” he added.

Trump has made confronting Iran the linchpin of his Middle East policy, and his withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions meant to choke off Iranian oil exports and access to international banks has pounded the Islamic Republic’s economy. Tehran responded to the U.S. removal of sanctions waivers and the new military deployments by threatening to stop abiding by the nuclear deal’s limitations on uranium enrichment if Europe doesn’t remove obstacles to foreign investment into Iran and ease the flow of Iranian oil within 60 days."

They aren't gonna move. All they have to do is hang on for 18 months or so and the next president will likely jump right back into the deal. And the paris accords, and the the Arctic counsel thingy, and and and.....

This insanity is almost over.
The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people.

When nations don't do as the US Government likes, then we try sanctions which harm the populations of the nations more than the governments.
If that doesn't work then the US Government supports, and/or performs coups to remove governments they don't like.
If that turns out to smell like a turd, which it often does, then the US Government foments, supports, or participates in wars to effect regime change.
How many times has the US gone down this path, and what are the consequences of such policies?

The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people BUT that is true only when the US likes, and/or prefers any particular government.
In the 'information age' many negatives of US foreign policy have come to light, and many people around the globe are wary of US foreign policy.
Many say the US has only itself & it's policies to blame for the so called enemies we have. Iran was the recipient of an erroneous US policy in 1953 that deposed the democratically elected government, put in place a 'puppet' government of the US, and the SAVAK was created to take care of the opposition. The SAVAK utilized many means of torture & execution, all with the training of US military personnel. Why in Hell should any nation that endures such at the hands of the US regard the US as anything but an eternal enemy? Everyone should answer that question for themselves.
Remember, The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people.

Well, now there's a 'new sheriff' in town, that's what people voted for, and that's what they got. The new sheriff has taken a hard line on just about everything, broken down international norms, taken on nation after nation, upset world trade, caused a rift between the 'three pillars' of our own national government, and this has cast a huge amount of doubt not only within the US but around the planet.

Iran is a sovereign nation and they have the right to choose their own path, until which time the US treats them like Iraq in 2003, and turns the nation into just another shit hole country that the US uses for it's own purposes.

The Iranian government should just tell Trump to go fuck off, and be done with it.
Trump tore up the deal and now Iran is no longer obligated to it

And conservatives screamed that Obama was moving them closer to nukes. What ever happened to Trump being such a deal maker? complain about Trump's action when Obama essentially kick-started their nuke program with billions in cash and a 10 year time period to arm themselves without having to worry about sanctions and international inspections.

Trump didn't really tear anything up. There was nothing but a fairytale in place.
He simply unmasked it.

And yet...after much one except supporters of this administration believe this..the consensus, shared by the US intel community, was that Iran WAS complying..and still is--in hopes that Europe will help break the US embargo. The constant stating and restating of a position does not make it true. Links from suspect sources like Gateway Pundit do not make it true. Fox commentators pontificating do not make it true. Belief by those in the RW echo chamber do not make it true.

Suuuuure..... If you want to place your bets on a no inspection compliance agreement go right ahead. Thank goodness Trump isn't that stupid. All prior experience with these things are very consistent. No inspection means no compliance. 3-day warnings mean no inspection.

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The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people.

When nations don't do as the US Government likes, then we try sanctions which harm the populations of the nations more than the governments.
If that doesn't work then the US Government supports, and/or performs coups to remove governments they don't like.
If that turns out to smell like a turd, which it often does, then the US Government foments, supports, or participates in wars to effect regime change.
How many times has the US gone down this path, and what are the consequences of such policies?

The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people BUT that is true only when the US likes, and/or prefers any particular government.
In the 'information age' many negatives of US foreign policy have come to light, and many people around the globe are wary of US foreign policy.
Many say the US has only itself & it's policies to blame for the so called enemies we have. Iran was the recipient of an erroneous US policy in 1953 that deposed the democratically elected government, put in place a 'puppet' government of the US, and the SAVAK was created to take care of the opposition. The SAVAK utilized many means of torture & execution, all with the training of US military personnel. Why in Hell should any nation that endures such at the hands of the US regard the US as anything but an eternal enemy? Everyone should answer that question for themselves.
Remember, The United States has always 'claimed' it was for freedom, freedom for Americans, and freedom for all people.

Well, now there's a 'new sheriff' in town, that's what people voted for, and that's what they got. The new sheriff has taken a hard line on just about everything, broken down international norms, taken on nation after nation, upset world trade, caused a rift between the 'three pillars' of our own national government, and this has cast a huge amount of doubt not only within the US but around the planet.

Iran is a sovereign nation and they have the right to choose their own path, until which time the US treats them like Iraq in 2003, and turns the nation into just another shit hole country that the US uses for it's own purposes.

The Iranian government should just tell Trump to go fuck off, and be done with it.

Ummmm They did... it wasn't until Trump was elected that somebody finally stood up to them and also told them to fuck off.
As far as complying with any agreement
That was a fool's errand from the beginning.
I don't even believe that any country has the right to tell another country not to develop nuclear weapons. If they want to develop them and use them that's fine let them go ahead. They will anyway with or without an agreement.


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