Iq tests mean nothing.

first of all you should supply a link to your claim as I believe it to be total bullshit.

Secondly there is historical evidence that the Nubians conquered Egypt, but then only the political structure at the top is what changed.

Aww kiss a bug, I don't have to provide anything. It would not do any good anyway in this rathole.
I do remember from earlier discussions on this topic that Pianky, a Nubian King, conquered Egypt and one of his relatives Taharka, was the last Nubian Pharaoh of a 66 year reign. But before Egypt was even formed Ethiopia existed. Basil Davidson wrote in his book, I believe the title was AFRICA, that the nile brought the silt down from the land of the gods (Nubia) and built up a delta that eventually became Egypt. The Ethiopians then walked out and claimed the land from which KMT not Egypt (greek) sprang! KMT means Land of the Blacks!

in other words, you are full of shit
No, I just gave you a few references that might entail a little research to verify. Get to it son. In other words, my shit is GOOD shit!
There is probably a topic like this but Ill make another one anyway.

I have seen posts on here and on other sites about Iq tests and how non whites and non Asians don't do very well. Apparently blacks average 80 to 85. On stormfront, they use this fact to make it seem like Africans and African Americans are dumb and cannot manage through white societies.

This man even stated that there are intelligent differences in races. This is sad coming from a so called expert on this topic.
Race Differences in Intelligence - YouTube
If you watch the whole video, he mentions that Europeans that larger brains than Africans and that is what makes them smarter. I am no scientist, but I am pretty sure if brain size was the case, elephants and whales would dominate the earth. Saying that brain size matters pretty much destroyed this mans credibility.

Iq tests do not measure intelligence because there are different types of intelligence.

There is spatial intelligence which is the ability to visualize with the minds eye or visualizing in general.
There is linguistic intelligence which is the ability to read and write extremely well as well as memorizing different languages and very good at story telling. Actors are a good example.

There is Kinesthetic intelligence. The ability to ones bodily motions and the capacity to to handle objects without too much effort. This can be seen when going to the circus and seeing what people can do like massive juggling, able to walk over a rope with ease, and having great balance. Waiters in restaurants have to develop this type of intelligence to make sure they don't drop anything.

There is also auditory intelligence. The ability to compose music, sing with good pitches, and doesn't take them generally very long to master a instrument.

There is also interpersonal intelligence. The ability to interact with others and cooperating as a group.

There is also intrapersonal intelligence which is the ability to be more aware of the self and know their own strengths and weaknesses.

The one I'm about to mention doesn't really have a name so Ill just give it one. Speed intelligence. How fast a person can understand or comprehend something. This however can range depending on what the person is learning.

If IQ tests determine intelligence, I guess non whites are bad at just about everything I listed. Usually IQ tests are math and reading questions. I haven't seen too many of the intelligences Ive posted be tested. A white person who is great in math may get a horrible IQ score on a auditory IQ test.

What I really hate the most is, is that people seem to forget that intelligence can be increased over time and through practice. For example, I have Autism. Originally when I was very young, I couldn't interact with others very well. I was an outcast because of how I interacted with people. Over time and through persistence, I beat it. I am now in high school as a Junior 17 years of age, and have no problem cooperating with people or making friends. I could start a conversation with no effort just as easily as the so called "Normal person" can. I have a bit of Spatial intelligence, but mostly in chess. I can visualize several moves ahead and this is something that all chess players HAVE to develop. If they can't, you will never be a grandmaster.

I am not very bright when it comes to math (always get D's in Algebra and often spend a long time on just one problem) ,but I do excel in reading comprehension and reading in general.

People also seem to do better on stuff they enjoy rather than something they don't. In computer class, everyone is supposed to follow along with the teacher and almost all the time, I fall behind. I simply cannot catch up with everyone else. Almost everyday I need help how to get back up or when I cannot understand a simple direction, yet when at the chess club or playing or practicing chess in general, I could memorize entire games and get into perfect detail about what happened in the game and the mistakes and etc. When you like something, almost naturally your performance is going to be well.

People who rely on IQ tests seem to think that once you get your score, your stuck with that intelligence for life. My dad started off with a 90. His IQ now is 135! How? Because he increased his intelligence through practice. We are not animals with limited intelligence. Humans have the capacity to learn and comprehend regardless what race you are.

Regardless what race starts off more intelligent than the other, anyone can increase and there aren't too many people on this planet who have very high skills in all of the intelligences I have shown. The only way a person can do this is through practice which could take years for some people. No race can have all of that naturally with not much practice and skill.

Before ending this topic, Ill use some examples.
Artists taking IQ tests that is primarily math.
A man with "Street smarts" taking an IQ test about auditory.
An algebra teacher trying to balance on a rope or juggling.

At first, they likely won't do very well but if they keep trying and learning, their intelligence will increase and their capabilities will expand. The main point is, IQ doesn't determine intelligence or even estimate it for that matter. Have any of you guys been to Sana Monica and played chess with some of the street bums? They seem dumb as rocks until they tell you a good descriptive story or play chess with them.

What saddens me, is that these tests can lower someones self esteem and make them feel like they are actually dumb and have little capability. It can also give a person false hope that they are actually a genius in a certain type of intelligence, and then find out later they just got lucky on the IQ test. Multiple choice or even just by guessing.

Once again, there are different intelligences. I may suck at algebra and processing complicated information in certain classes, but I can easily tell you all a great story or tell you all chess games without even having to look in a book or search the web. Preferably games done by Paul Morphy and Bobby Fischer. I'm also good with philosophy and understanding humans.

Do you still think IQ tests matter? And if so, why?



Posted a half-hour before this one

Man I totally agree with your quote hortysir. So true. Founded by geniuses, but ran by idiots.

Repeating a falsehood does not turn it into a truth. IQ tests and other tests of mental aptitude have stood the test of time. They would not be in such wide use if they did not have considerable predictive value.
And posting a non-sequitur is even dumber. The least you can do is stay abreast of the. Item you are responding to. The gist of this conversation centered on the 1917 study where northern blacks outperformed southern whites on IQ tests. All you have done with the above crap is show how inattentive and lazy you are. Obviously you did not even bother to read the link...or is it an IQ problem?

Repeating a falsehood does not turn it into a truth. IQ tests and other tests of mental aptitude have stood the test of time. They would not be in such wide use if they did not have considerable predictive value.
And posting a non-sequitur is even dumber. The least you can do is stay abreast of the. Item you are responding to. The gist of this conversation centered on the 1917 study where northern blacks outperformed southern whites on IQ tests. All you have done with the above crap is show how inattentive and lazy you are. Obviously you did not even bother to read the link...or is it an IQ problem?

1917 was the very beginning of large scale mental testing. you cannot compare the sophistication of the alpha and beta army tests with modern tests. actually I guess you could but the early tests would look very crude and somewhat ambiguous.
Most of the world's population is trained to be willfully ignorant. Most of the worlds population is brainwashed into believing in myths. IQ tests are not meaningless. I think that your IQ test scores should be permanently tattoed on everyone's forehead so we wouldn't have to waste time communicating with stupid people.
Most of the world's population is trained to be willfully ignorant. Most of the worlds population is brainwashed into believing in myths. IQ tests are not meaningless. I think that your IQ test scores should be permanently tattoed on everyone's forehead so we wouldn't have to waste time communicating with stupid people.

That would just piss off the plebes. easier to just assume people are stupid until proven otherwise!

/sarc off
While I do not think IQ is an indicator of future success I definitely DO BELEIVE that the 30 POINT RULE concerning the communications between people of different IQs has merit.

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."
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Yes, Affirmative Action freed you to use your IQs... so now, let the Africans do the same... their time has come!
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
It's one thing to find something someone else wrote difficult to understand, but it's hard to grasp being unable to understand one's own writing. I feel charitable today, so let's just chalk it up to this quote provided by Ian:

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."
That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
It's one thing to find something someone else wrote difficult to understand, but it's hard to grasp being unable to understand one's own writing. I feel charitable today, so let's just chalk it up to this quote provided by Ian:

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

STFU!!!!!! :lol:
Repeating a falsehood does not turn it into a truth. IQ tests and other tests of mental aptitude have stood the test of time. They would not be in such wide use if they did not have considerable predictive value.
And posting a non-sequitur is even dumber. The least you can do is stay abreast of the. Item you are responding to. The gist of this conversation centered on the 1917 study where northern blacks outperformed southern whites on IQ tests. All you have done with the above crap is show how inattentive and lazy you are. Obviously you did not even bother to read the link...or is it an IQ problem?

1917 was the very beginning of large scale mental testing. you cannot compare the sophistication of the alpha and beta army tests with modern tests. actually I guess you could but the early tests would look very crude and somewhat ambiguous.
Is there something in the "conservative's" drinking water that makes you guys go off on a tangent when discussing critical issues? You are focusing on the quality of tests rather than the abilities of the test takers.
The results observed in 1917 between the two groups ( northern soldiers vs southern whites) would undoubtably
be the same no matter what test would have been given.
Most of the world's population is trained to be willfully ignorant. Most of the worlds population is brainwashed into believing in myths. IQ tests are not meaningless. I think that your IQ test scores should be permanently tattoed on everyone's forehead so we wouldn't have to waste time communicating with stupid people.

I am not sure you would want to have YOUR IQ tattooed on your forehead. You might be in for a BIG letdown when you discover how low yours is compared to many people you thought were idiots! Personally , I'd have mine tattooed on my ass so only people stooping to kiss it could see it! Heh heh heh!
While I do not think IQ is an indicator of future success I definitely DO BELEIVE that the 30 POINT RULE concerning the communications between people of different IQs has merit.

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

"Wellll...I don't knowwwww"---Ronald Reagan

If you wave fifty dollars in front of a prostitute with an IQ of 160 and yours is only 98, there is NO communication problems there! That goes for politicians too!
While I do not think IQ is an indicator of future success I definitely DO BELEIVE that the 30 POINT RULE concerning the communications between people of different IQs has merit.

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

Do you BELIEVE in the "I before E except after C" rule? We all make silly grammatical errors from time to time but no one jumps on it until the error maker implies that he/she is mentally superior in some way. You just became fair game when you crossed that threshold!
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That is quite a convoluted sentence, although I'm sure it does make sense to you in some way.

My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
It's one thing to find something someone else wrote difficult to understand, but it's hard to grasp being unable to understand one's own writing. I feel charitable today, so let's just chalk it up to this quote provided by Ian:

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

Again, you sputter along with disassociated ramblings that make no sense! You quote one of my posts but your response is lost in ambiguity and apparent frustration. You aren't addressing anything in my post. Instead you are caught up in some wild abstraction that
befuddles even the most ardent of your supporters!
My sentence is convoluted to the inebriated or the lame brained. Just read it as is and stop trying to put your spin on it! Asians could not have crashed the doors of American institutions any earlier than the early 1960s when the Civil Rights Era began. AA opened the door s for white women, Asians and any minorities who had been locked out due to White male exclusivity and their clubhouse of universal suffrage for white males only!
It's one thing to find something someone else wrote difficult to understand, but it's hard to grasp being unable to understand one's own writing. I feel charitable today, so let's just chalk it up to this quote provided by Ian:

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

Again, you sputter along with disassociated ramblings that make no sense! You quote one of my posts but your response is lost in ambiguity and apparent frustration. You aren't addressing anything in my post. Instead you are caught up in some wild abstraction that
befuddles even the most ardent of your supporters!
I've already let you off the hook. I was being gracious because your IQ cannot support a rational exchange. If your reach the point where you can understand your own drivel, we might be able to continue. Until then we must desist.
It's one thing to find something someone else wrote difficult to understand, but it's hard to grasp being unable to understand one's own writing. I feel charitable today, so let's just chalk it up to this quote provided by Ian:

"Some research shows that friends and spouses have an average IQ difference of 12 points, that for IQ differences less than 20 points a reciprocal intellectual relationship is the rule, for IQ differences between 20-30 points the intellectual relationship tends to be one way, and that IQ differences greater than 30 points tend to create real barriers to communication."

Again, you sputter along with disassociated ramblings that make no sense! You quote one of my posts but your response is lost in ambiguity and apparent frustration. You aren't addressing anything in my post. Instead you are caught up in some wild abstraction that
befuddles even the most ardent of your supporters!
I've already let you off the hook. I was being gracious because your IQ cannot support a rational exchange. If your reach the point where you can understand your own drivel, we might be able to continue. Until then we must desist.

Yeah, Go on, CUT AND RUN... You let ME off the hook? LOL...I never was on any hook! What happened is you tried to call me out and got your arse whupped!

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