Invaded by an off-planet civilization

Hi Supnod:

Our planet has been overtaken slowly for the past 2300 years. Reptilian humans don't have many nominal qualities, except for patience. Like a reptile animal sitting on a rock, they can wait.

By the end of the 20th century, reptilian people numerically dominated the Earth's population. 1960s demographic surge being caused by a peak in their artificial reproduction system . . .

The Reptilian races are 'terrestrial' and have been around for millions of years and have no plans for overtaking anybody. They are waiting for the anticipated "prophet" (Acts 3:22-23), who represents the incarnation of this entire universe (your father Adam), just like everybody else (Iranian, Jewish, Indian, Christian). Adam gave the Reptilian races their instructions NOT to interfere with the bearded races (sons of Noah = Eve = 'you are gods'), even before Eve was taken from his side (Gen. 2:7-17).

The Reptilian races run around in their spaceships looking for any evidence of the Messiah's return like 'he' (Adam) predicted thousands of years ago. Their technology is FAR advanced when compared to human technology today 'and' the aliens could have already enslaved everyone in this world a thousand times over IF that were there true intentions. No sir. The aliens remain in 'observer mode,' because they fear the rod of their father Adam; which you guys would not recognize if he came to this USMB Board to say "Boooo!" :0)

Jesus Christ is the "Man From Heaven/Above" (John 3:31) and your father Adam is "The Man of the Earth" (my thread).


Meanwhile, this invasion seems to have loosened the grin muscles.

Testimony, picture evidence and ways to stave off overtake are redacted in signature.
Carlos Casteneda's shaman teacher Don Juan said that mankind was taken over by an alien energy and the alien became our ego, the voice in our head that always says "I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me" and keeps us from being happy and magical.
  • Address the reptoid heart inside the EBA.
  • Ask the reptoid heart to be in touch with all other hearts like itself.
  • Ask it to tell the other hearts to become the opposite of light (de-photonize).
Addressing the heart can be done by monologue through your brain's speech center (right hemisphere).

It's worth it. After a while, there should be no more reptoid presence on Earth.

I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to do this with my boss. I'm certain that he's a reptilian (based upon your description and his personality) but it's not working. Maybe if I tell you what I've been doing you can help me out?

I started by knocking on his office door frame (the door was open) and asking him if he had a few minutes. He checked his watch and said "Sure, what's up?" This is where things started to get a little bit uncomfortable, as you can probably imagine.

I told him that I had a couple of things on my mind and I sat down in a chair facing his desk. The first problem was that as soon as I started using my right brain to send out the thought "be in touch with all other hearts like yourself and tell the other hearts to become the opposite of light", he asked me if there was anything wrong. I took my hands off of my temples and glanced up and him and said "no" and then I resumed my concentration.

You can probably see where this is going. Before I could refocus he asked me "What are you doing?" so I figured that i wasn't going to make progress if I let him interrupt so I ignored him. It wasn't working, he was now walking around his desk while saying may name, and I knew that the only way I could tune him out was to start humming. Loudly. Which I did.

That stopped him in his tracks. In fact, it worked so well that he actually left the office, so I think I made some progress. The problem now is that he knows I'm on to him. I left his office and came back here to my desk but he just sent HIS boss to ask for an explanation, so now I think that maybe our entire management could be reptilians. I told him that nothing is wrong and he recommended that I take the afternoon off and get some rest, so they're probably planning something.

So my problem now is that when I followed your advice, it was actually working, but now they're on to me. What should I do? These reptilians know where I live and they control my career. If I don't do something NOW to follow through with this, I'm gonna be in serious trouble.

Please help. I never heard of reptilians beofre today, and now they are ruining my life.

Other disclosures:

* reportedly, the reptilians are originally from another universe
* this hologram is a quantum shift from the real universe (the solar system may be a hologram within this quantum shift)
* the adversaries of the reptilians could act on behalf of the Lyreans
* alternatively, this conflict is between humans and reptilians, over Earth

My name is Thomas Deflo. I'm 36 years old, live in Liège, Belgium. I recently learned how my political engagement since 2001 was nothing else than a matter of extraterrestrial infiltration.

There are agents from other planets on this Earth, and I became one of them. Another one was George HW Bush. I underline the past tense, as I refuse to further belong to this project by a civilization which doesn't deserve that name.

The engagement that I referred to occurred on a political, environmental and judicial level. It was directed against secret agencies in the first place. In the beginning, this took the shape of websites, formulating critiques on American politics under Bush II.

Now I understood how the idealist turn that my life took ten years ago was nothing more than an organized cover for tertiary activities by exogenous people.

The best way to control a social context, as like on another world, is to infiltrate it and then confront it with an enemy from within. This was done by two civilizations in order to defeat a third group that had entered this world. The backbone of their operation were two agents: George HW Bush' and his self-proclaimed opponent, myself. Even if my impact on him was minimal, these people managed to convince the world that I was his enemy n°1.

I was given the identity of (a) God – a JHWH in Pleiadean. This identity was more probably invented for reasons of psychological warfare, considering the particular susceptibility of the enemy to superstition. In any case, my nature is holographic, as is that of George HW Bush. My task was to be a channel for their energetic wizardry which recently made all enemies disappear. Added trump-cards were alter egos added to our two personalities, by the name of Scherf for Bush, and Steinert for myself.

Who were the organizers of this dynamic, and why was it constructed?

Their origins are extraterrestrial. Their roots appear to be from Earth. Their local representatives could currently inhabit stellar systems like the Pleiades (planet Erra) and Sirius and/or Vega – the planet where the Maccabeans live, who resided here under an Egyptian identity. Their real origins, however, lie outside this holographic world.

Both civilizations inhabited this planet and constructed a dialectic of strife which served another purpose – to defeat a third enemy, one of a reptiloid-human nature.

George Bush himself, like me, was the latest tool for these exo-planetary civilizations to invest in this endeavour. Bush was only their last asset in their dominance over this Earth's power center. The Central Intelligence Agency grew under his influence because those outside the holographic Earth wanted it so.

They enter this virtual reality through a complex of dimensions. They appear disguised as transparent holograms themselves. All people who think they work for them are simply being usurped and led to believe they are related to this outside civilization. Their behavior and characteristics are changed at their behest. The translucid holographic people are able to have this influence through electromagnetic alterations – energies which are also called spells. They are what determines the behavior of people on Earth.

I can only end this message by expressing my disagreement with the way in which this civilization performs this operation. From some characteristics pertaining to this group, I categorically reject it in its entirety.
Somebody needs to tell Care4All this users name: :eek:

Registered User
Member #21229
Somebody needs to tell Care4All this users name: :eek:

Registered User
Member #21229

OH MY GOD! :eek: :lol::lol::lol:

hmmmmm is this someone playing with me and my eleven problem or another 9/11(eleven) truther type person? I have not read his posts yet!!!!???
Keep your eyes open, here's what they really look like.

We live in a reptilian-controlled holographic world. The whole history
which we live seems to be made for the amusement of the reptilians out
there – Draconian or Jett-Kray, with relevant civilizations are locally played
out by Thermians, based on an old animosity.

Their emanations, yesterday, have exposed themselves as genuine agents for
the reptilians. A part of their daily work is to make us believe that they're

Another trick, perhaps the biggest, is to make people believe that we can't live without them.
We live in a reptilian-controlled holographic world. The whole history
which we live seems to be made for the amusement of the reptilians out
there – Draconian or Jett-Kray, with relevant civilizations are locally played
out by Thermians, based on an old animosity.

Their emanations, yesterday, have exposed themselves as genuine agents for
the reptilians. A part of their daily work is to make us believe that they're

Another trick, perhaps the biggest, is to make people believe that we can't live without them.

You took the words right out of my mouth!

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