Internet Sales Tax - Get ready to pay even more


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
As if they're not already raping the American People blind, the SCOTUS today voted in FAVOR of Online Sales Tax.

Supreme Court rules that states can collect internet sales tax on online retail purchases

California and NewYork are going to be the biggest beneficiaries collecting additional BILLIONS per year from consumers.

Of course, it is up to each state to "elect" to do so, but as we know, "Government" at all levels ALWAYS rules in favor of more padding for it's pockets.

This should make The Left ecstatic as they believe in more Taxes. The rest of the population...not so much
Why are you Drumpf supporting clowns so gullible?

Trump Administration Backs Internet Taxes at U.S. Supreme Court

"Taking the side of traditional retailers, the administration said Monday that the court should uphold a South Dakota law that would collect sales taxes from large Internet retailers even if they don’t have brick-and-mortar stores in the state.

The government said the court might have to overturn a 1992 ruling that said states can’t force merchants to collect taxes unless they have a “physical presence" there."
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I don't like taxes but if Sears has to charge a sales tax then Amazon should have to as well...
Anything I have bought on line is taxed and has been for as long as I remember. California!!
As if they're not already raping the American People blind, the SCOTUS today voted in FAVOR of Online Sales Tax.

Supreme Court rules that states can collect internet sales tax on online retail purchases

California and NewYork are going to be the biggest beneficiaries collecting additional BILLIONS per year from consumers.

Of course, it is up to each state to "elect" to do so, but as we know, "Government" at all levels ALWAYS rules in favor of more padding for it's pockets.

This should make The Left ecstatic as they believe in more Taxes. The rest of the population...not so much
This ruling Trump was hoping for should couple nicely with his big gubmint tariffs. The rich won’t care, and the peasants will suffer.
I don't like taxes but if Sears has to charge a sales tax then Amazon should have to as well...
They both are as Amazon has a location just about everywhere. It’s the small business that will suffer trying to manage all the taxes. And consumers will be paying more. This is not good for the economy.
You do know that you were never supposed to enjoy tax free sales. You were supposed to keep track of what you bought and pay taxes voluntarily. No one does. But being required to pay taxes isn't new.
As if they're not already raping the American People blind, the SCOTUS today voted in FAVOR of Online Sales Tax.

Supreme Court rules that states can collect internet sales tax on online retail purchases

California and NewYork are going to be the biggest beneficiaries collecting additional BILLIONS per year from consumers.

Of course, it is up to each state to "elect" to do so, but as we know, "Government" at all levels ALWAYS rules in favor of more padding for it's pockets.

This should make The Left ecstatic as they believed he in more Taxes. The rest of the population...not so much
It's about time. It equalizes the playing field with brick and mortar stores.
As if they're not already raping the American People blind, the SCOTUS today voted in FAVOR of Online Sales Tax.

Supreme Court rules that states can collect internet sales tax on online retail purchases

California and NewYork are going to be the biggest beneficiaries collecting additional BILLIONS per year from consumers.

Of course, it is up to each state to "elect" to do so, but as we know, "Government" at all levels ALWAYS rules in favor of more padding for it's pockets.

This should make The Left ecstatic as they believed he in more Taxes. The rest of the population...not so much
It's about time. It equalizes the playing field with brick and mortar stores.
Brick and mortar is pretty much dead. It gives Amazon a big edge over small ecommerce stores.
Flat taxes such as sales taxes are regressive and unfair.
Where do you think the money comes from to keep up parks and roads?
Unfair tax is unfair tax. What is your point?
Aside from the strict interpretation of taxation, parks are a special case. Not everyone wants to go to parks, and going to parks is not essential to life.
Roads are a bit different, but taxes on fuels do have a correlation to income in that people drive what they can afford and if they choose a stupid, overweight vehicle they should pay.
Still, taxation in general for things for the general good/welfare should be in relation to the benefit to those benefiting from it. Flat taxes are the less fortunate paying for the more.
Flat taxes such as sales taxes are regressive and unfair.
Where do you think the money comes from to keep up parks and roads?
Unfair tax is unfair tax. What is your point?
Aside from the strict interpretation of taxation, parks are a special case. Not everyone wants to go to parks, and going to parks is not essential to life.
Roads are a bit different, but taxes on fuels do have a correlation to income in that people drive what they can afford and if they choose a stupid, overweight vehicle they should pay.
Still, taxation in general for things for the general good/welfare should be in relation to the benefit to those benefiting from it. Flat taxes are the less fortunate paying for the more.
My point is how do you know what is unfair tax and what is not? If the less fortunate didnt utilize all the things that taxes paid for you would actually have a point but since the less fortunate utilize tax dollars you really dont.
Flat taxes such as sales taxes are regressive and unfair.
Where do you think the money comes from to keep up parks and roads?
Unfair tax is unfair tax. What is your point?
Aside from the strict interpretation of taxation, parks are a special case. Not everyone wants to go to parks, and going to parks is not essential to life.
Roads are a bit different, but taxes on fuels do have a correlation to income in that people drive what they can afford and if they choose a stupid, overweight vehicle they should pay.
Still, taxation in general for things for the general good/welfare should be in relation to the benefit to those benefiting from it. Flat taxes are the less fortunate paying for the more.
My point is how do you know what is unfair tax and what is not? If the less fortunate didnt utilize all the things that taxes paid for you would actually have a point but since the less fortunate utilize tax dollars you really dont.
It isn't a question of use, of course. It is a question of those who benefit least paying the same percentage as those who benefit disproportionately more.
Flat taxes such as sales taxes are regressive and unfair.
Where do you think the money comes from to keep up parks and roads?
Unfair tax is unfair tax. What is your point?
Aside from the strict interpretation of taxation, parks are a special case. Not everyone wants to go to parks, and going to parks is not essential to life.
Roads are a bit different, but taxes on fuels do have a correlation to income in that people drive what they can afford and if they choose a stupid, overweight vehicle they should pay.
Still, taxation in general for things for the general good/welfare should be in relation to the benefit to those benefiting from it. Flat taxes are the less fortunate paying for the more.
My point is how do you know what is unfair tax and what is not? If the less fortunate didnt utilize all the things that taxes paid for you would actually have a point but since the less fortunate utilize tax dollars you really dont.
It isn't a question of use, of course. It is a question of those who benefit least paying the same percentage as those who benefit disproportionately more.
Ah OK. I missed your comment about flat taxes.
This ruling Trump was hoping for should couple nicely with his big gubmint tariffs. The rich won’t care, and the peasants will suffer
The "peasants" won't be "peasants" because they will have good jobs......

see how that works?????
As if they're not already raping the American People blind, the SCOTUS today voted in FAVOR of Online Sales Tax.

Supreme Court rules that states can collect internet sales tax on online retail purchases

California and NewYork are going to be the biggest beneficiaries collecting additional BILLIONS per year from consumers.

Of course, it is up to each state to "elect" to do so, but as we know, "Government" at all levels ALWAYS rules in favor of more padding for it's pockets.

This should make The Left ecstatic as they believe in more Taxes. The rest of the population...not so much

It will be interesting to see how they enforce this. A person can be in one state and visit a website hosted in another state and buys something that is in a warehouse in a third state. Which state gets to tax?
I don't like taxes but if Sears has to charge a sales tax then Amazon should have to as well...
They both are as Amazon has a location just about everywhere. It’s the small business that will suffer trying to manage all the taxes. And consumers will be paying more. This is not good for the economy.

Small businesses will not suffer as much as you expect.

With the right software, "managing" all the taxes will be effortless.

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