Inmates "have a plan" to run the asylum.. Great op-ed by Ann Coulter

Have you ever seen some of the sites debunking Slander and Treason ? I have never seen, seriously not ever, more distortion and plain garbage than written in those books. I wonder seriously how she can have the gall to publish what she did. Does she not have any self respect? She has little credibility in any case. When you have to distort and attempt to make the facts fit the mold of your political ideology, it's because you don't have an arguement.
By the way, did anyone see her on Hannity and Colmes the other night? When she said that liberals and democrats would not have fought WWII, Colmes called her on it(FDR was both a liberal and a democrat). It was hilarious to see her sputter and backpedal, then just avoid Alan's attempts to hold her accountable for her absurd(and omnipresent) whoppers. This woman evidently does not put a lot of thought into what she says.
Syntax_Divinity said:
Have you ever seen some of the sites debunking Slander and Treason ? I have never seen, seriously not ever, more distortion and plain garbage than written in those books. I wonder seriously how she can have the gall to publish what she did. Does she not have any self respect? She has little credibility in any case. When you have to distort and attempt to make the facts fit the mold of your political ideology, it's because you don't have an arguement.

Sounds like you just described Liberals to a T ;)
Syntax_Divinity said:
By the way, did anyone see her on Hannity and Colmes the other night? When she said that liberals and democrats would not have fought WWII, Colmes called her on it(FDR was both a liberal and a democrat). It was hilarious to see her sputter and backpedal, then just avoid Alan's attempts to hold her accountable for her absurd(and omnipresent) whoppers. This woman evidently does not put a lot of thought into what she says.

She was probably talking about the current Libs rather than back then. If the current Libs had Kennedy running now they would think he was a Republican and he wouldn't have been elected.

Tax cuts for the rich alone would have sent him to the back of the line, people would be calling him insane like Zell Miller.

The current political ideology from the left was not well represented by those of the past.
Syntax_Divinity said:
Have you ever seen some of the sites debunking Slander and Treason ? I have never seen, seriously not ever, more distortion and plain garbage than written in those books. I wonder seriously how she can have the gall to publish what she did. Does she not have any self respect? She has little credibility in any case. When you have to distort and attempt to make the facts fit the mold of your political ideology, it's because you don't have an arguement.

McCarthy bugs me a bit. Even though McCarthy was right (proven by Soviet documents) that there were a lot of communists in the State Dept. , he was still a loon.. Mostly I read her op-eds and she hits the mark..... Now she is ascerbic, which I'm sure rubs libs the wrong way, but she's right on the mark in most of her columns.... I'm sure libs hate her,,, but don't y'all hate every Republican... hehehe... She's a bit of a bomb thrower but right now bombs toward the left NEED to be thrown... And she's funny....And attractive don't you think?
Ann Coulter once again tells it like it is. Yeah, she's cute, but what makes her really attractive is that she's right!

What is really scary is the fact that the Dems are starting to get violent. Some of them are starting to act like Nazi Brown Shirts. At this rate, Republicans are going to wind up in concentration camps.

Oh, and what about trashing Republican Campaign offices around the country. I thought that stuff was what started Watergate. Isn't doing that like a major FEDERAL OFFENSE?!?!?!?

Oh, I see, when Republicans break into Democratic Campaign Headquarters, it's a federal case, we have to get Congress involved and force a President to resign, but when Democrats do it...never mind!

That's the liberals for you, modern day Pharisees that burden everyone else with their freaking rules, but they are excused from observing the same!

"Bow your head and bend your knee
Here comes the modern day Pharisee
Whether he's slim or whether he's fat
He'll swallow a camel and choke on a gnat!"
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Syntax_Divinity said:
By the way, did anyone see her on Hannity and Colmes the other night? When she said that liberals and democrats would not have fought WWII, Colmes called her on it(FDR was both a liberal and a democrat). It was hilarious to see her sputter and backpedal, then just avoid Alan's attempts to hold her accountable for her absurd(and omnipresent) whoppers. This woman evidently does not put a lot of thought into what she says.

Easy answer. No doubt Ann was referring to liberals today. Liberal Democrats back in FDR's day would be right-wing Republicans today.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Ann Coulter is hardly truthful. She is to the right what someone like Michael Moore is to the left.

No way Jose'. Before you could equate her to Piglet Moore, she would have to have half her brains sucked out, gain 400 pounds, and stick her face under a road grader.
phadras said:
McCarthy bugs me a bit. Even though McCarthy was right (proven by Soviet documents) that there were a lot of communists in the State Dept. , he was still a loon.. Mostly I read her op-eds and she hits the mark..... Now she is ascerbic, which I'm sure rubs libs the wrong way, but she's right on the mark in most of her columns.... I'm sure libs hate her,,, but don't y'all hate every Republican... hehehe... She's a bit of a bomb thrower but right now bombs toward the left NEED to be thrown... And she's funny....And attractive don't you think?

Well I know McCarthy has been portrayed as a loon, especially by Angry Hollywood, however it was true that there was a lot of communists in Hollywood at the time, although much less than now. It's often very easy for the spinners to assasinate character to deflect from the message.
Merlin1047 said:
No way Jose'. Before you could equate her to Piglet Moore, she would have to have half her brains sucked out, gain 400 pounds, and stick her face under a road grader.

This is classic. The right cries "biased left-wing media outlets" and then will not--cannot admit that Fox is right-wing bias.

The right cries distortation, lies and Slander from Michael Moore, and then holds Coulter up as the paradigm of anti-liberal militant.

Come on, Coulter is a raving lunatic. Truthful? Ha.
Some of my favorite distortions and lies from Slander:

The first, I forget the page, has to do with Coulter's claim that the NYTimes buried the story of the death of Dale Earnhardt in the back pages, not caring to report on it for several days.

FACT: The NYTimes printed a FRONT PAGE article the DAY AFTER Earnhardt's death.

Page 139. SLANDER: In 1993 Al Gore saw busts of Washington and Franklin and asked, "Who are these guys?" The story was carried only by USA Today.

FACT. First, several papers carried the story, and the NYT had two articles, by then-reporters Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd. Also, Gore said, "Who are these people?" Gore was actually referring to busts of John Paul Jones and the Marquis de Lafayette. Quick, Ann, what do they look like?

134. SLANDER: NYT, 3/12/2000, called Bush Jr. an "airhead."

FACT: The Times was quoting a Republican, a disappointed McCain supporter

(this is one of Coulter's favorite dishonest devices: when a publication quotes someone, you can attribute it to the publication)

51. SLANDER: Katie Couric called Ronald Reagan an "airhead."

FACT: On the Today show, 9/27/99, Couric said, "Good morning. The Gipper was an airhead. That’s one of the conclusions of a new biography of Ronald Reagan that’s drawing a tremendous amount of interest and fire today." I.e., Couric said Morris called Reagan an airhead, and this is what AHC misstated. (Again, attributing a quote to not who said it but who reported it.)

7. SLANDER. Jim Jeffords always votes for higher taxes.

FACT: Jeffords voted "nay" on Clinton's 1993 tax hike, and "yea" on Bush II's tax cut. In fact, he postponed his departure from the GOP so the tax cut would go through.
A couple more I forgot:

1. Ann Coulter's old Connecticut drivers license says she was born in 1961. Her D.C. license says 1963. She lied about the D.C. age, and then told everyone THAT was her correct age. Which, incidentally, would have meant she commited voter fraud by voting at age 16 in 1979. (This wasn't a typo, she's professed to be 2 years younger than she is multiple times in publication). Petty? Yes. But it just goes to show what type of chick she is.

2. On page 8 of Slander, her book, she says Jesse Jackson's 1994 X-mas day speech was never reported on by the NY Times, again citing its liberal nature as cause. The only problem was, they DID, 5 days BEFORE the speech, which was pre-recorded for their convenience. Again, if you don't believe me this is insanely easy for you to see for yourself.

3. Slander, page 134 says that during Iran-Contra, Reagan's approval rating fell only 5 points from 80-75 percent, citing a Christian Science monitor article from January 7th, 1987. THAT SAME ARTICLE in REALITY says that his approval rating fell 63 to 47 percent. So I'd consider MAKING SHIT UP lying. Again, very easy to fact-check this shit.
nakedemperor said:
This is classic. The right cries "biased left-wing media outlets" and then will not--cannot admit that Fox is right-wing bias.

The right cries distortation, lies and Slander from Michael Moore, and then holds Coulter up as the paradigm of anti-liberal militant.

Come on, Coulter is a raving lunatic. Truthful? Ha.

Your sanity is very refreshing, keep pounding away.
nakedemperor said:
This is classic. The right cries "biased left-wing media outlets" and then will not--cannot admit that Fox is right-wing bias.

The comment you quoted has nothing to do with your reply, which just happens to be off-topic. Start your own "Fox News" thread if you wish...this topic is about her "Rightness..." ;)

nakedemperor said:
Come on, Coulter is a raving lunatic. Truthful? Ha.

Do you think you are smarter than she? I'd bet dollars to donuts she'd OWN a debate.

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