Independents Now Largest Voter Group in United States

They are the enemy. I would like to see them rounded up and thrown on a desert island.
I know. People like you are dangerous. Not in the direct, violent way - but you'll support any unhinged populist who promises to round up people and dispose of them on your behalf.
“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

Yep. Sick of it. I've had to vote for a party I very much don't like in the last two elections, and I was ALREADY pissed off.

I still don't think that we can regain control from the nutter bases on the ends unless and until we fix this fucked up electoral system.
The electoral system we have is the only thing keeping this from getting worse.

You just don't like the checks and balances in American government.

You want to bulldoze the minority and stomp all over their rights with D.E.M.O.C.R.A.C.Y
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The electoral system we have is the only thing keeping this from getting worse.

You just don't like the checks and balances in American government.

You want to bulldoze the minority and stomp all over their rights with D.E.M.O.C.R.A.C.Y
Another great example of a story you have created in your fevered, paranoid, manipulated mind. Standard behavior in MAGA World™.

Now, here's reality. Sorry. I know you'll create a new story to deny it, you just HAVE to deny it, but here you go:

It would be a terrible idea. Both ridiculous parties need the other ridiculous party to keep them in check.

The problem is that, since we've become so tribal, the parties aren't allowed to work together so that they both have skin in the game, and so that we can come up with some NEW IDEAS together.

It's like a reverse tug of war: Both parties are doing everything they can to push the rest of us away, instead of pulling us in.
America needs the Republican Party to somehow recover from this madness. We need two strong parties (at least) to keep the other in check.
This country desperately needs two strong, serious parties. The Dems are in bad enough shape, having hitched their wagon to all their various loony PC/Identity Politics positions. So loony that they played a role in getting Trump getting elected in the FIRST place.

Now the GQP comes along and becomes a full-on socio-political cult, surrounding a childlike, mentally ill, congenital liar. If the GQP is indeed dead, THAT'S what killed it.

This is what it looks like when the lunatics take over the asylum, and now the rest of the country has to pay the fuckin' price.
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