“Income Inequality”: A Crisis of Stupidity


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Unless you have been living in a cave with no internet access for a couple years, you have undoubtedly heard scores of Democrat politicians and pundits whining about “income inequality.” Many have deemed Income Inequality to be the defining crisis of this Age.

But the expression itself is insidious and stupid.

The actual problem in the U.S. – from a public policy standpoint – is the phenomenon of persistent, generational poverty (“PGP”). Occasional poverty, temporary poverty, and the poverty that people experience at the beginning of their working lives, are problems that are already addressed in one way or another, and they are arguably more a “personal” issue than one that requires a Government solution.

But PGP is growing and, from a societal economic standpoint, is a cancer that can eventually consume so many resources that it will bring Government to its knees (along with public pensions and CSO).

But the Left is unable to even address PGP.

It’s causes are broadly and unquestionably known, as are its solutions. The cause is illegitimacy, and the solution is three-fold: (1) finish school, (2) get a job – any job, and (3) don’t have kids until/unless you are married. Living according to those simple, easy guidelines reduces one’s chances of living in poverty by 80%. But a Leftist government is powerless to broadly publish that message, because to do so would be tantamount to being judgmental about the lifestyle of millions of people now living in poverty. And the Cardinal Sin of the Left is being judgmental – even when the data are incontrovertible proving that the judgment is correct. They simply cannot be judgmental about anything (except smoking).

So they made up the expression, “Income Inequality.” Income Inequality takes the focus OFF of poverty and the obvious causes thereof, and places it on people who are SUCCESSFUL, as though the reasons for PGP were the success of others – which is economic nonsense. So the Left abandons the possibility of a united campaign to fight PGP – one which both ends of the political spectrum could support, each in their own way, and in its place they construct a shining monument to Envy of The Rich! That monument being the expression, "Income Inequality."

The next time you hear a politician bemoaning the “crisis” of Income Inequality, ask yourself why they have chosen NOT to address it as “fighting poverty.” There is only one reason: they want to use the expression as a means of blame Rich Republicans for the real problem of persistent generational poverty. (Parenthetically, it is quite perverse that the Left and the MSM have been able to sell the B.S. narrative that it is the Right where all the rich people are; this is provably false).

Imagine a teacher who is confronted by a small group of students who decide at the beginning of the school year that they will refuse to do anything the teacher says, and will do their best to fail utterly, just to see what the school will do to them. What would you think of the teacher who presented this issue to her Principal as a problem of “an unacceptable gap between the grades of the best students and the worst”? Delusional? Stupid?
Neat theory and all - but this has been studied and compensation for specific jobs -- and it has not risen at thenrate of 400% like the executive salaries have since te late 70s but has remained relatively flat

And productivity is UP, so theyre not working any less hard.

If you dont feel this is an issue, then ----- no hope for the closed mind says the man with the key ring and doesnt know the key.
Actually the problems the US has with poverty have a lot of causes including things like a massive trade deficit, racism, government housing policies, drug violence, segregation, and more.
GT Person, why is prosperity a problem? Do tell.

In our information age, a top executive is worth measurably more to the enterprise than his counterpart of a few generations ago. And his value can actually be calculated on the financial statements of the company that employs him. And don't forget, the people you refer to are being paid by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, costing the taxpayer NOTHING. Costing YOU nothing.

And the increase in productivity of the Workers has nothing to do with people "working harder." Quite the contrary; the rise in productivity is the result of better tools, automation, and streamlined processes and manufacturing techniques.

In my own line of work (proposals, contracts, other written agreements), I am twice as "productive" as I was 25 years ago, while working less hard. I have a mountain of documents I have developed over the years, and when every new requirement comes up I can electronically sift through my archives and produce something in an hour or so that would have taken a whole day before. Not my doing. My increased productivity is thanks to MS WORD and its incredible capabilities.
Unless you have been living in a cave with no internet access for a couple years, you have undoubtedly heard scores of Democrat politicians and pundits whining about “income inequality.” Many have deemed Income Inequality to be the defining crisis of this Age.

But the expression itself is insidious and stupid.

The actual problem in the U.S. – from a public policy standpoint – is the phenomenon of persistent, generational poverty (“PGP”). Occasional poverty, temporary poverty, and the poverty that people experience at the beginning of their working lives, are problems that are already addressed in one way or another, and they are arguably more a “personal” issue than one that requires a Government solution.

But PGP is growing and, from a societal economic standpoint, is a cancer that can eventually consume so many resources that it will bring Government to its knees (along with public pensions and CSO).

But the Left is unable to even address PGP.

It’s causes are broadly and unquestionably known, as are its solutions. The cause is illegitimacy, and the solution is three-fold: (1) finish school, (2) get a job – any job, and (3) don’t have kids until/unless you are married. Living according to those simple, easy guidelines reduces one’s chances of living in poverty by 80%. But a Leftist government is powerless to broadly publish that message, because to do so would be tantamount to being judgmental about the lifestyle of millions of people now living in poverty. And the Cardinal Sin of the Left is being judgmental – even when the data are incontrovertible proving that the judgment is correct. They simply cannot be judgmental about anything (except smoking).

So they made up the expression, “Income Inequality.” Income Inequality takes the focus OFF of poverty and the obvious causes thereof, and places it on people who are SUCCESSFUL, as though the reasons for PGP were the success of others – which is economic nonsense. So the Left abandons the possibility of a united campaign to fight PGP – one which both ends of the political spectrum could support, each in their own way, and in its place they construct a shining monument to Envy of The Rich! That monument being the expression, "Income Inequality."

The next time you hear a politician bemoaning the “crisis” of Income Inequality, ask yourself why they have chosen NOT to address it as “fighting poverty.” There is only one reason: they want to use the expression as a means of blame Rich Republicans for the real problem of persistent generational poverty. (Parenthetically, it is quite perverse that the Left and the MSM have been able to sell the B.S. narrative that it is the Right where all the rich people are; this is provably false).

Imagine a teacher who is confronted by a small group of students who decide at the beginning of the school year that they will refuse to do anything the teacher says, and will do their best to fail utterly, just to see what the school will do to them. What would you think of the teacher who presented this issue to her Principal as a problem of “an unacceptable gap between the grades of the best students and the worst”? Delusional? Stupid?

Income inequality is the result of output inequality.
Unless you have been living in a cave with no internet access for a couple years, you have undoubtedly heard scores of Democrat politicians and pundits whining about “income inequality.” Many have deemed Income Inequality to be the defining crisis of this Age.

But the expression itself is insidious and stupid.

The actual problem in the U.S. – from a public policy standpoint – is the phenomenon of persistent, generational poverty (“PGP”). Occasional poverty, temporary poverty, and the poverty that people experience at the beginning of their working lives, are problems that are already addressed in one way or another, and they are arguably more a “personal” issue than one that requires a Government solution.

But PGP is growing and, from a societal economic standpoint, is a cancer that can eventually consume so many resources that it will bring Government to its knees (along with public pensions and CSO).

But the Left is unable to even address PGP.

It’s causes are broadly and unquestionably known, as are its solutions. The cause is illegitimacy, and the solution is three-fold: (1) finish school, (2) get a job – any job, and (3) don’t have kids until/unless you are married. Living according to those simple, easy guidelines reduces one’s chances of living in poverty by 80%. But a Leftist government is powerless to broadly publish that message, because to do so would be tantamount to being judgmental about the lifestyle of millions of people now living in poverty. And the Cardinal Sin of the Left is being judgmental – even when the data are incontrovertible proving that the judgment is correct. They simply cannot be judgmental about anything (except smoking).

So they made up the expression, “Income Inequality.” Income Inequality takes the focus OFF of poverty and the obvious causes thereof, and places it on people who are SUCCESSFUL, as though the reasons for PGP were the success of others – which is economic nonsense. So the Left abandons the possibility of a united campaign to fight PGP – one which both ends of the political spectrum could support, each in their own way, and in its place they construct a shining monument to Envy of The Rich! That monument being the expression, "Income Inequality."

The next time you hear a politician bemoaning the “crisis” of Income Inequality, ask yourself why they have chosen NOT to address it as “fighting poverty.” There is only one reason: they want to use the expression as a means of blame Rich Republicans for the real problem of persistent generational poverty. (Parenthetically, it is quite perverse that the Left and the MSM have been able to sell the B.S. narrative that it is the Right where all the rich people are; this is provably false).

Imagine a teacher who is confronted by a small group of students who decide at the beginning of the school year that they will refuse to do anything the teacher says, and will do their best to fail utterly, just to see what the school will do to them. What would you think of the teacher who presented this issue to her Principal as a problem of “an unacceptable gap between the grades of the best students and the worst”? Delusional? Stupid?

Income inequality is the result of output inequality.

That is not true at all. Labor is a supply and demand market like anything else and there are a lot of things that can impact that market and the labor market of management.

This is economics 101.
GT Person, why is prosperity a problem? Do tell.

In our information age, a top executive is worth measurably more to the enterprise than his counterpart of a few generations ago. And his value can actually be calculated on the financial statements of the company that employs him. And don't forget, the people you refer to are being paid by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, costing the taxpayer NOTHING. Costing YOU nothing.

And the increase in productivity of the Workers has nothing to do with people "working harder." Quite the contrary; the rise in productivity is the result of better tools, automation, and streamlined processes and manufacturing techniques.

In my own line of work (proposals, contracts, other written agreements), I am twice as "productive" as I was 25 years ago, while working less hard. I have a mountain of documents I have developed over the years, and when every new requirement comes up I can electronically sift through my archives and produce something in an hour or so that would have taken a whole day before. Not my doing. My increased productivity is thanks to MS WORD and its incredible capabilities.

MS word acts as a force multiplier just like any tool. Education has also been a major reason we have become more productive.

The growing gap between the market leverage of labor compared to capital is a major reason why income inequality has been such a problem. Globalization and capitalism are great but they don't come without problems that need fixing.
Young people are urged to get a college degree in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics. This is what Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) wrote in a letter to the editor that appeared May 1, 2015 in The Wall Street Journal:

Each year, the U.S. graduates twice as many students with STEM degrees as are hired in STEM occupations. Contrary to the suggestion that these students are finding better, higher-paying jobs, the opposite is true. About 35% of science students, 55% of technology students, 20% of engineering students and 30% of math students who recently graduated are now working in jobs that don’t require any four-year college degree. As further proof of no shortage, wages in the profitable IT industry have been largely flat for more than a decade.
The H1-B Visas Don t Help American STEM Graduates Letters to the Editor - WSJ

Sen. Sessions is writing about "students who recently graduated." Nevertheless we should not assume that more than a rather small minority of these will ever get the jobs they trained for in college. The longer one has been away from college the less current one's skills are.
The Wall Street Journal Sept. 17, 2010

Lost Decade for Family Income

The inflation-adjusted income of the median household—smack in the middle of the populace—fell 4.8% between 2000 and 2009, even worse than the 1970s, when median income rose 1.9% despite high unemployment and inflation. Between 2007 and 2009, incomes fell 4.2%...

The bureau said that the drop in income in the recent recession, so far, wasn't much different from those recorded in the early 1990s and early 2000s recessions, and was actually smaller than the 6% drop recorded in the deep recession of the early 1980s [when Ronald Reagan was president, and when the Senate was dominated by the Republican Party].

But there is a difference this time: In the prior three recessions, incomes fell after years of upswing, then resumed growing once the downturn ended. The decline this time comes on top of a long period in which incomes stagnated even through the recovery of 2003 to 2007.
Lost Decade for American Income - WSJ
Imagine a teacher who is confronted by a small group of students who decide at the beginning of the school year that they will refuse to do anything the teacher says, and will do their best to fail utterly, just to see what the school will do to them. What would you think of the teacher who presented this issue to her Principal as a problem of “an unacceptable gap between the grades of the best students and the worst”? Delusional? Stupid?

The problem with DGS49's analysis is that he thinks of inequality as a problem that only effects the lower class. Moreover, he sees lower class poverty as caused by the immorality of the poor.

What is happening is that the average income is declining, while the rich are getting richer. This situation is not conducive to a healthy society. During previous periods when economic inequality grew the standard of living for most Americans grew somewhat.
Businesses and there board of directors typically set wages. Keeping wages flat has provided a windfall of record corporate profits and huge gains of wealth, specifically for the Top 1%.
The OP is a desperate attempt to justify the ever growing disparity with the wealth gap. It's not just liberal economist who have proclaimed there is a wealth gap, most economist of all political stripes have clearly stated there is a wealth gap. About the only ones who are in denial are those economists that are more or less ideological tools, so therefore it's more important to defend their ideology than deal with reality.
Accepting the status quo has lead to not only a increase in the wealth gap, but also has negatively effected the economy. Not only the US economy but also the world economy, per a majority a large majority of economists including the World Bank.
So go right head and live in denial, considering that a majority of posters here have seen their wealth dwindle in Real Dollars, just keep on gleefully selling out your, your children's and their children's economic future.
GT Person, why is prosperity a problem? Do tell.

In our information age, a top executive is worth measurably more to the enterprise than his counterpart of a few generations ago. And his value can actually be calculated on the financial statements of the company that employs him. And don't forget, the people you refer to are being paid by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, costing the taxpayer NOTHING. Costing YOU nothing.

And the increase in productivity of the Workers has nothing to do with people "working harder." Quite the contrary; the rise in productivity is the result of better tools, automation, and streamlined processes and manufacturing techniques.

In my own line of work (proposals, contracts, other written agreements), I am twice as "productive" as I was 25 years ago, while working less hard. I have a mountain of documents I have developed over the years, and when every new requirement comes up I can electronically sift through my archives and produce something in an hour or so that would have taken a whole day before. Not my doing. My increased productivity is thanks to MS WORD and its incredible capabilities.
You confuse prosperity being a problem with stagnant wages being a problem.

The TOP execs at x,y,z corp. Taking a 400% increase in pay while leaving their EMPLOYEES' compensation stagnant are in turn going to end up, and have, actually hurting the economy.

Prosperity isnt the issue. Unchecked greed capable of crashing an entire Country's economy is.

If you cant tell the "nuance" between the two, youre not contemplating very hard.

If the economy grows, compensation should also grow as a percent across the board.

So if employees see a 3% pay increase and execs see a 3% pay increase - the execs' pay increase is still far greater because 3% of 250k is a lot more than 3% of 45......

But instead of the PERCENTS rising at an equal rate, which should be the case for stability - theyre not only taking the warranted raises as the economy grows.....but cutting into the raises the middle class should also be seeing and so here we are - stagnant wages in the face of record corporate profits.

No.....youre right though.......no problem there.
GT Person, why is prosperity a problem? Do tell.

In our information age, a top executive is worth measurably more to the enterprise than his counterpart of a few generations ago. And his value can actually be calculated on the financial statements of the company that employs him. And don't forget, the people you refer to are being paid by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, costing the taxpayer NOTHING. Costing YOU nothing.

And the increase in productivity of the Workers has nothing to do with people "working harder." Quite the contrary; the rise in productivity is the result of better tools, automation, and streamlined processes and manufacturing techniques.

In my own line of work (proposals, contracts, other written agreements), I am twice as "productive" as I was 25 years ago, while working less hard. I have a mountain of documents I have developed over the years, and when every new requirement comes up I can electronically sift through my archives and produce something in an hour or so that would have taken a whole day before. Not my doing. My increased productivity is thanks to MS WORD and its incredible capabilities.
You confuse prosperity being a problem with stagnant wages being a problem.

The TOP execs at x,y,z corp. Taking a 400% increase in pay while leaving their EMPLOYEES' compensation stagnant are in turn going to end up, and have, actually hurting the economy.

Prosperity isnt the issue. Unchecked greed capable of crashing an entire Country's economy is.

If you cant tell the "nuance" between the two, youre not contemplating very hard.

If the economy grows, compensation should also grow as a percent across the board.

So if employees see a 3% pay increase and execs see a 3% pay increase - the execs' pay increase is still far greater because 3% of 250k is a lot more than 3% of 45......

But instead of the PERCENTS rising at an equal rate, which should be the case for stability - theyre not only taking the warranted raises as the economy grows.....but cutting into the raises the middle class should also be seeing and so here we are - stagnant wages in the face of record corporate profits.

No.....youre right though.......no problem there.
GT Person, why is prosperity a problem? Do tell.

In our information age, a top executive is worth measurably more to the enterprise than his counterpart of a few generations ago. And his value can actually be calculated on the financial statements of the company that employs him. And don't forget, the people you refer to are being paid by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, costing the taxpayer NOTHING. Costing YOU nothing.

And the increase in productivity of the Workers has nothing to do with people "working harder." Quite the contrary; the rise in productivity is the result of better tools, automation, and streamlined processes and manufacturing techniques.

In my own line of work (proposals, contracts, other written agreements), I am twice as "productive" as I was 25 years ago, while working less hard. I have a mountain of documents I have developed over the years, and when every new requirement comes up I can electronically sift through my archives and produce something in an hour or so that would have taken a whole day before. Not my doing. My increased productivity is thanks to MS WORD and its incredible capabilities.
And the cheaper speedier output hasnt made prices cheaper.....its made profits grow.....

Increased exec compensation.
Cheaper labor.
Rising prices for no realized reason.

Goods=more expensive.
Pay =stagnant.


Greed has exceeded honest and realistic compensation.
The trade deal with Asia, is another nail in the coffin for America's Middle Class, thanks Obama and GOP (and some Dems).
When Clinton signed off on NAFTA, he included protection for the American worker and we all saw how well that worked out. I don't believe Obama's promise that the Asian trade deal won't hurt the American worker for a second. Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.
"Income Inequality" is the first lie told by every Progressive dictator like Hilter, Mao, Stalin and Fidel. It's always the Kulaks (1%, Jews) who are making our Low Information Progressive unhappy and poor. Only by surrendering power to the Progressive Dictator will things be alright. Not for the morons in the Progressive Base, they get stale bread once a week, but for the leaders it's all good.
"Income Inequality" is the first lie told by every Progressive dictator like Hilter, Mao, Stalin and Fidel. It's always the Kulaks (1%, Jews) who are making our Low Information Progressive unhappy and poor. Only by surrendering power to the Progressive Dictator will things be alright. Not for the morons in the Progressive Base, they get stale bread once a week, but for the leaders it's all good.
Frank question.
Are wages relatively stagnant for the same positions over the last 40 years, or are they not?

Cute diatribes are cute and make you feel nice and superior I get it......

But the point youre missing is that your hard mosed spit a whacley tobaccy into a moonshine bottle logic isnt matching up with the actual data.

That should be a red flag for ya bud.
Young people are urged to get a college degree in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics. This is what Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) wrote in a letter to the editor that appeared May 1, 2015 in The Wall Street Journal:

Each year, the U.S. graduates twice as many students with STEM degrees as are hired in STEM occupations. Contrary to the suggestion that these students are finding better, higher-paying jobs, the opposite is true. About 35% of science students, 55% of technology students, 20% of engineering students and 30% of math students who recently graduated are now working in jobs that don’t require any four-year college degree. As further proof of no shortage, wages in the profitable IT industry have been largely flat for more than a decade.
The H1-B Visas Don t Help American STEM Graduates Letters to the Editor - WSJ

Sen. Sessions is writing about "students who recently graduated." Nevertheless we should not assume that more than a rather small minority of these will ever get the jobs they trained for in college. The longer one has been away from college the less current one's skills are.

Spot on. My oldest son has his BA in math, today he drives for UPS and makes double what a secondary school math teacher earns.
"Income Inequality" is the first lie told by every Progressive dictator like Hilter, Mao, Stalin and Fidel. It's always the Kulaks (1%, Jews) who are making our Low Information Progressive unhappy and poor. Only by surrendering power to the Progressive Dictator will things be alright. Not for the morons in the Progressive Base, they get stale bread once a week, but for the leaders it's all good.
Frank question.
Are wages relatively stagnant for the same positions over the last 40 years, or are they not?

Cute diatribes are cute and make you feel nice and superior I get it......

But the point youre missing is that your hard mosed spit a whacley tobaccy into a moonshine bottle logic isnt matching up with the actual data.

That should be a red flag for ya bud.

LOL, sadly the only thing CrusaderFrank will walk away from your post with is the red flag comment. Every night he'll look under his bed for the commie he's been told by Limbaugh is hiding there.
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