In other news...

... introducing Hillary at the foreign policy speech this week - Grandpa Munster. There you have it, at the same stage Mondale and Clinton, two losers speaking on a topic about which neither knows diddly squat.
... Hillary also got endorsement from Warren Buffet. Look, another old white guy. You can't tell if she's running for office or putting together a world class shuffleboard team.
... it turns out the San Bernardino terrorists might have been caught were it not for Barry's policy of not checking Muslims on social media. The guy who wiretap your grandma and sent IRS goons after the tea party is worried about islamofascists privacy. Because that's where Barry draws "the line".
... once suspected Al Qaeda financier from Ohio was released into the custody of his mother.
"That's it Ackbar, you're grounded."
"Hey Ali, I can't jihad this weekend, I'm grounded."
... Hillary said ISIS is using Trump's anti-Muslim comments as recruiting tool. Wait until ISIS gets load of this cake eating slob pretending to be one of them.


Now, THAT's offensive.
... President's Christmas wish list includes cable TV so he can finally find out what's happening in the world. It also includes personal trainer to beef up. However, that's questionable, since you can't rush the puberty.
... in her wish list, Muchelle wants some jewelry, but nothing over the top. Crown would be just enough, since she can't find real one at Target.
... Vice President Joe Biden's list is little hard to read since he's not so good at staying inside the lines, but he says he wants more crayons.
... a year from now, the Obamas will still have yet to work an honest day in their lives, Harry Reid wont be in the Senate anymore, Bernie Sanders will be chairmen of the polit-bureau at Shady Acres. Hillary, she'll be kicking off 5 to 10 at Club Fed (they have good computer training program) and Bill will finally snag his dream gig as greeter at the Bunny Ranch.

P.S. Year from now, Caitlin Jenner, still a dude.
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... getting Barry to cry on a cue like that took years of training. Aaaand action.

"When I am thinking of lies I am telling today, and how this illegal order would prevented none of the incidents I'm shamelessly exploiting, I just get... all misty."
... although the "gun-free-city" is the war zone, the Baltimore Sun called for publicly searchable database of all legal firearm owners. That seems like a hassle. Why not just have them wear a number or marker of some kind?
... in North Korea, 25 million starving to death in dark, but they've got nukes. Communism is fantastic! By the way, their nukes are paid for with your tax dollars. "Dear Kim, you're welcome. Yours truly, Bill Clinton."
... speaking of Bill, Ole Bubba's baggage is starting to pile up in front of Hillary's campaign HQ. "Dear Juanita Broderick, if you thought being raped by my husband was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. Yours truly, Hillary."

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