In other news...

... this Thanksgiving holiday, Bernie Sanders is thankful there are enough pencil neck hipsters and gender studies majors to keep him in conversation even though he was alive before color television...
... and that means that Hillary should give thanks that there are not more pencil neck hipsters and gender studies majors and also that the Democrat Party has the moral center of the Bangkok hooker.
... Planned Parenthood gave thanks to Democrats by cheering "we got away with it". By the way, do not eat thanksgiving dinner with those people, you may think they are, but they're definitely not giblets.
... at first it was white Christian, then it was NRA, and later on it was workplace violence. It turns out to be a Muslim in gun-free Californistan.
... just few days before the shooting, president clueless showed us there was "no credible threat". It seems that nothing gets by this guy. Except terrorists.
... Democrats use San Bernardino shooting to renew their demands for more gun control laws. Do they mean the same laws that California already have?
... Sen. Barbara Boxer reacted to the attack by claiming "We've proven in California that sensible gun law work". When she retires, we'll never find another one like her. Unless we're really, really unlucky.
... neighbors of San Bernardino shooters reportedly didn't alert authorities to suspicious activities at terrorist's home because they didn't wanted be seen as racial profiling.
... Barry's old security slogan: "See something, say something." The new security slogan: "See something, say something... unless they're Muslim."
... Hillary think she gets it. She said "If you're too dangerous to fly, then you're too dangerous to buy a gun." Hmmm... no-fly-lister Ted Kennedy had an Oldsmobile, I have guns. You can guess which one of us has actually killed somebody.
... the left direct their money and blame at the NRA. Newsflash, NRA doesn't sell guns to terrorists. In fact, they don't sell guns at all. Unlike, Holder or Clinton or Soetoro. According to ISIS, sometimes they even give the guns for free. :cuckoo:
... President Rainbow said that is "Our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslims should somehow be treated differently". Come on dude, it's not like they're Christian bakers.
... trying to hang on to relevance, Hillary announced she battled corporate influence in politics. Yeah right, the banksters favorite party girl battle corporate money the same way that Monica battled Bill.
... North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un says his country has a "hydrogen bomb". Sure you do little fella, maybe you can put it in your "aircraft carrier".
... unlike Democrat debate, at the last GOP debate, there were nine candidates on the stage and not one FBI investigation for leaking top secret investigation.

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