In case you missed it...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Best slam of Glen Beck ever!

[ame=]YouTube - Keith Olbermann Interviews Dave Foley On His 1994 "Kids In The Hall" Communism Sketch[/ame]

What do you mean "in case" we missed it?...Olberdink has about three viewers left.

Since I'm not one of Olberdouches 3 viewers. I did miss it.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Hmmm Methinks the slamming of Beck by Olberdouche might have something to do with the fact that Fox is kicking MSNBC's ass all over the ratings world. LOL

Just a thought.
Lolol put glasses on him and he could be immitating olbermann too.

What do you mean "in case" we missed it?...Olberdink has about three viewers left.

Since I'm not one of Olberdouches 3 viewers. I did miss it.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Hmmm Methinks the slamming of Beck by Olberdouche might have something to do with the fact that Fox is kicking MSNBC's ass all over the ratings world. LOL

Just a thought.

oh psssshaw ya old spoil sport..:eusa_angel:
i have to laugh at the stupid demonrats,, they want to legalize drugs but they never miss a chance to bash someone because of an addiction.. asswipes.. that's all they are good at asswiping.. and kissing.. and smooching,, and :eusa_whistle:
i have to laugh at the stupid demonrats,, they want to legalize drugs but they never miss a chance to bash someone because of an addiction.. asswipes.. that's all they are good at asswiping.. and kissing.. and smooching,, and :eusa_whistle:

I always figured you must have been dumped by one. Health Hath No Scorn Like a Woman Dumped by a Liberal.
i have to laugh at the stupid demonrats,, they want to legalize drugs but they never miss a chance to bash someone because of an addiction.. asswipes.. that's all they are good at asswiping.. and kissing.. and smooching,, and :eusa_whistle:

I always figured you must have been dumped by one. Health Hath No Scorn Like a Woman Dumped by a Liberal.

Paulie Pustule won't have sex wit me.. I'm crushed I tell ya.. just crushed.
i have to laugh at the stupid demonrats,, they want to legalize drugs but they never miss a chance to bash someone because of an addiction.. asswipes.. that's all they are good at asswiping.. and kissing.. and smooching,, and :eusa_whistle:

I always figured you must have been dumped by one. Health Hath No Scorn Like a Woman Dumped by a Liberal.

That is very prescient and explains quite a bit about Willow. And I guess her dried up shrewish bitterness might come from . . .? Just sayin'.
Paulie Pustule won't have sex wit me..

You're not surprised though, I expect. A little dust cloud puffs outta yer pants with each step you take. That thing hasn't been used since at least the Ford administration.

I think I shall call you Pigpen.
i have to laugh at the stupid demonrats,, they want to legalize drugs ...
Total bull.

Democratics are every bit the brain dead drug warriors that republitards are.

In fact, I positively defy you to name one dimmie who is for ending the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs and abolishing the DEA.

Just one.

Dont forget Reagan and his promotion of the war on drugs.
John Bush and his promoting the three strikes drug law in FL on drugs until his daughter got her third strike. Talk about fast wiping of records.

the video was great. I thought Beck looked different when he was younger though.

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