Impeachment Is Not Enough; Why Donald Trump Must Go To Prison


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not the Oval Office.

Today, two important things happened: In the United States, Articles of Impeachment were filed in the House of Representatives against President Donald Trump. In Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was found guilty of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.

What did the former president of Brazil do to earn prison time? According to the New York Times,

The case against Mr. da Silva, who raised Brazil’s profile on the world stage as president from 2003 to 2010, stemmed from charges that he and his wife illegally received about $1.1 million in improvements and expenses from a construction company for a beachfront apartment.

In exchange, prosecutors said, the company was able to obtain lucrative contracts from Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant.

That’s garden-variety corruption — profiting from the powers that come with political office. Trump is doing that on a daily basis through systematic violation of the Emoluments Clauseof the U.S. Constitution.

But as bad as that is — and it used to be considered beyond the pale in American society — there’s a whole other dimension to Donald Trump’s lawbreaking that takes it to a much more serious level. In fact, what da Silva did to get 10 years in prison is almost nothing compared to what Trump has done. It’s like the difference between stealing a pack of gum and… stealing an election!

Based on evidence that has already been revealed, the Trump campaign met with a Russian agent for the express purpose of obtaining intelligence that could damage the Clinton campaign. The goal was to use Russian intelligence, obtained through hacking, to swing the results of the U.S. presidential election in Trump’s favor — presumably in exchange for policy changes favorable to Russia’s national interest. There have certainly been such changes since Trump got elected.

This is at the very least a violation of campaign finance law, which prohibits candidates from receiving valuable contributions from foreign sources (anything of value, not just money). In America, we don’t want our elections to become proxies for the fights between other countries. We want our elections to be about OUR interests, the American people, rather than Russia helping the Republicans, and — if what the Trump campaign did becomes politically normalized — let’s say Germany, China, or whatever other country helping the Democrats. The United States shouldn’t be a pawn of other nations, but Trump’s illegal actions risk making us so, and are thus a grave offense against our democratic republic.

It is probably also espionage. The information the Trump campaign was seeking was obtained through spying by a foreign power. Trump’s responsibility was to turn over any such information to the U.S. government, NOT to use it for his own personal political benefit.

And it may rise to the level of treason. Russia is not a friend of the United States. During the 2016 election season, Russian hackers were actively at work trying to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy by breaking into our electoral systems and stealing information from our political and governmental institutions — with Vladimir Putin’s blessing. Donald Trump publicly encouraged this, stating on national television that he hoped the Russians would find Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now we know that Trump’s own son and high-level campaign officials met with a Russian agent to discuss information damaging to Clinton. This is not normal; it is the act of a traitor — someone who would sell out his country to another country for personal gain, in this case a political victory by any means necessary.

Who knows how many other meetings occurred and what was discussed, exchanged, or promised between Trump and Russia during the course of the campaign? The collusion may run deeper than we know — or maybe not — but what we already know is bad enough. Donald Trump is a criminal who is currently occupying the United States presidency. He must be impeached and removed from office as the bare minimum to begin to rectify the situation, and then he must be prosecuted for his crimes, like anyone else would be. In America, we believe that no one is above the law.

The debate should not be about whether Trump can remain in office, whether to impeach or not impeach. It must be about for how long he will remain behind bars. That is what a rational country would be discussing right now. Let’s be that country, and start getting ourselves back on track toward rejoining the community of nations — nations such as Brazil, who just sentenced a corrupt former president to prison.
Don't be silly, the substantial people are not accountable in american society.
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I'm beginning to realize that you people don't even know what the word means.
Why Donald Trump Must Go To Prison

Yeah, right. Bill and Hillary first. And then after they start talking Soros and McCain should follow.
Don't be so daft, prison is for the impoverished so we don't have to mess with all that bringing the jobs back fiction.
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law, but no information was provided. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"? You are the perfect example of people who will stand outside a store screaming at the top of your lungs that you can't get in because you keep pushing on a door clearly marked "Pull"!
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"?

You wasted far too many electrons in your post. You should beg forgiveness for wasting them on such ridiculousness.
i went around with oldlady for a day on this and all i got was it showed the trump camps mindset to work with the russians.

i felt it showed their mindset to work with anyone who had shit on hillary.

after a day of bullshit, i walked away and gave ignore some company.

Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not the Oval Office.

Today, two important things happened: In the United States, Articles of Impeachment were filed in the House of Representatives against President Donald Trump. In Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was found guilty of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.

What did the former president of Brazil do to earn prison time? According to the New York Times,

The case against Mr. da Silva, who raised Brazil’s profile on the world stage as president from 2003 to 2010, stemmed from charges that he and his wife illegally received about $1.1 million in improvements and expenses from a construction company for a beachfront apartment.

In exchange, prosecutors said, the company was able to obtain lucrative contracts from Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant.

That’s garden-variety corruption — profiting from the powers that come with political office. Trump is doing that on a daily basis through systematic violation of the Emoluments Clauseof the U.S. Constitution.

But as bad as that is — and it used to be considered beyond the pale in American society — there’s a whole other dimension to Donald Trump’s lawbreaking that takes it to a much more serious level. In fact, what da Silva did to get 10 years in prison is almost nothing compared to what Trump has done. It’s like the difference between stealing a pack of gum and… stealing an election!

Based on evidence that has already been revealed, the Trump campaign met with a Russian agent for the express purpose of obtaining intelligence that could damage the Clinton campaign. The goal was to use Russian intelligence, obtained through hacking, to swing the results of the U.S. presidential election in Trump’s favor — presumably in exchange for policy changes favorable to Russia’s national interest. There have certainly been such changes since Trump got elected.

This is at the very least a violation of campaign finance law, which prohibits candidates from receiving valuable contributions from foreign sources (anything of value, not just money). In America, we don’t want our elections to become proxies for the fights between other countries. We want our elections to be about OUR interests, the American people, rather than Russia helping the Republicans, and — if what the Trump campaign did becomes politically normalized — let’s say Germany, China, or whatever other country helping the Democrats. The United States shouldn’t be a pawn of other nations, but Trump’s illegal actions risk making us so, and are thus a grave offense against our democratic republic.

It is probably also espionage. The information the Trump campaign was seeking was obtained through spying by a foreign power. Trump’s responsibility was to turn over any such information to the U.S. government, NOT to use it for his own personal political benefit.

And it may rise to the level of treason. Russia is not a friend of the United States. During the 2016 election season, Russian hackers were actively at work trying to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy by breaking into our electoral systems and stealing information from our political and governmental institutions — with Vladimir Putin’s blessing. Donald Trump publicly encouraged this, stating on national television that he hoped the Russians would find Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now we know that Trump’s own son and high-level campaign officials met with a Russian agent to discuss information damaging to Clinton. This is not normal; it is the act of a traitor — someone who would sell out his country to another country for personal gain, in this case a political victory by any means necessary.

Who knows how many other meetings occurred and what was discussed, exchanged, or promised between Trump and Russia during the course of the campaign? The collusion may run deeper than we know — or maybe not — but what we already know is bad enough. Donald Trump is a criminal who is currently occupying the United States presidency. He must be impeached and removed from office as the bare minimum to begin to rectify the situation, and then he must be prosecuted for his crimes, like anyone else would be. In America, we believe that no one is above the law.

The debate should not be about whether Trump can remain in office, whether to impeach or not impeach. It must be about for how long he will remain behind bars. That is what a rational country would be discussing right now. Let’s be that country, and start getting ourselves back on track toward rejoining the community of nations — nations such as Brazil, who just sentenced a corrupt former president to prison.
This sort of nuttiness hurts your cause. Keep it up.
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"?

You wasted far too many electrons in your post. You should beg forgiveness for wasting them on such ridiculousness.
i went around with oldlady for a day on this and all i got was it showed the trump camps mindset to work with the russians.

i felt it showed their mindset to work with anyone who had shit on hillary.

after a day of bullshit, i walked away and gave ignore some company.

You know, I would do the same, but people like this need to be shown for the absolute mentally incompetents that they are!

Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not the Oval Office.

Today, two important things happened: In the United States, Articles of Impeachment were filed in the House of Representatives against President Donald Trump. In Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was found guilty of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.

What did the former president of Brazil do to earn prison time? According to the New York Times,

The case against Mr. da Silva, who raised Brazil’s profile on the world stage as president from 2003 to 2010, stemmed from charges that he and his wife illegally received about $1.1 million in improvements and expenses from a construction company for a beachfront apartment.

In exchange, prosecutors said, the company was able to obtain lucrative contracts from Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant.

That’s garden-variety corruption — profiting from the powers that come with political office. Trump is doing that on a daily basis through systematic violation of the Emoluments Clauseof the U.S. Constitution.

But as bad as that is — and it used to be considered beyond the pale in American society — there’s a whole other dimension to Donald Trump’s lawbreaking that takes it to a much more serious level. In fact, what da Silva did to get 10 years in prison is almost nothing compared to what Trump has done. It’s like the difference between stealing a pack of gum and… stealing an election!

Based on evidence that has already been revealed, the Trump campaign met with a Russian agent for the express purpose of obtaining intelligence that could damage the Clinton campaign. The goal was to use Russian intelligence, obtained through hacking, to swing the results of the U.S. presidential election in Trump’s favor — presumably in exchange for policy changes favorable to Russia’s national interest. There have certainly been such changes since Trump got elected.

This is at the very least a violation of campaign finance law, which prohibits candidates from receiving valuable contributions from foreign sources (anything of value, not just money). In America, we don’t want our elections to become proxies for the fights between other countries. We want our elections to be about OUR interests, the American people, rather than Russia helping the Republicans, and — if what the Trump campaign did becomes politically normalized — let’s say Germany, China, or whatever other country helping the Democrats. The United States shouldn’t be a pawn of other nations, but Trump’s illegal actions risk making us so, and are thus a grave offense against our democratic republic.

It is probably also espionage. The information the Trump campaign was seeking was obtained through spying by a foreign power. Trump’s responsibility was to turn over any such information to the U.S. government, NOT to use it for his own personal political benefit.

And it may rise to the level of treason. Russia is not a friend of the United States. During the 2016 election season, Russian hackers were actively at work trying to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy by breaking into our electoral systems and stealing information from our political and governmental institutions — with Vladimir Putin’s blessing. Donald Trump publicly encouraged this, stating on national television that he hoped the Russians would find Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now we know that Trump’s own son and high-level campaign officials met with a Russian agent to discuss information damaging to Clinton. This is not normal; it is the act of a traitor — someone who would sell out his country to another country for personal gain, in this case a political victory by any means necessary.

Who knows how many other meetings occurred and what was discussed, exchanged, or promised between Trump and Russia during the course of the campaign? The collusion may run deeper than we know — or maybe not — but what we already know is bad enough. Donald Trump is a criminal who is currently occupying the United States presidency. He must be impeached and removed from office as the bare minimum to begin to rectify the situation, and then he must be prosecuted for his crimes, like anyone else would be. In America, we believe that no one is above the law.

The debate should not be about whether Trump can remain in office, whether to impeach or not impeach. It must be about for how long he will remain behind bars. That is what a rational country would be discussing right now. Let’s be that country, and start getting ourselves back on track toward rejoining the community of nations — nations such as Brazil, who just sentenced a corrupt former president to prison.
why trump won.jpg
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law, but no information was provided. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"? You are the perfect example of people who will stand outside a store screaming at the top of your lungs that you can't get in because you keep pushing on a door clearly marked "Pull"!
Hey Rock I've been dealing with the Russians and Chinese for decades and while I don't know this woman's particulars it is in no way uncommon for someone who looks like a private citizen to be a state actor. The Russians and Chinese do this intentionally so on the other side of the table before we even sit down with someone we do a massive amount of work to figure out who is the puppeteer. Worth knowing in this case. The rest of what you say I agree with except for the personal attacks of course.
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"?

You wasted far too many electrons in your post. You should beg forgiveness for wasting them on such ridiculousness.
i went around with oldlady for a day on this and all i got was it showed the trump camps mindset to work with the russians.

i felt it showed their mindset to work with anyone who had shit on hillary.

after a day of bullshit, i walked away and gave ignore some company.

You know, I would do the same, but people like this need to be shown for the absolute mentally incompetents that they are!
it was *never* about that but trying to understand the why's behind the thoughts. up until all this crap i had a high amount of respect for her despite not agreeing with her on many points. it used to be fun to talk to her and learn her viewpoints and where i can expand my own as well.

the last few days has been put words in my mouth to make me defend and when i wouldn't do that, wow. mary poppins shot some roman candles out her ass and went to town on talking down to me. don't think i've ever done that to her but oh well.

no sense in carrying it around but no sense in talking to someone who doesn't seem to want to return the favor of trying to understand opposite viewpoints.

comes a time all you can do is cut bait and move on.
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law, but no information was provided. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"? You are the perfect example of people who will stand outside a store screaming at the top of your lungs that you can't get in because you keep pushing on a door clearly marked "Pull"!
in the mail there was talk of the russian gov wanting to help - so anyone LOOKING for a bullet just got a nice pretty one. however, over the next few days nothing it what it seemed going in. if you rely only on this mail and think THIS IS IT NO MORE - self serving.

i said then i would not make up my mind and i still have not. sooner or later the bullshit filters away and i go back and listen to the source when available. rare on cnn you see. :)

only now when the source says "not what you think" they get called a liar and have something to hide.

the only *truth* to these people is what they want, not what it is.

Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not the Oval Office.

Today, two important things happened: In the United States, Articles of Impeachment were filed in the House of Representatives against President Donald Trump. In Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was found guilty of corruption and money laundering and sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.

What did the former president of Brazil do to earn prison time? According to the New York Times,

The case against Mr. da Silva, who raised Brazil’s profile on the world stage as president from 2003 to 2010, stemmed from charges that he and his wife illegally received about $1.1 million in improvements and expenses from a construction company for a beachfront apartment.

In exchange, prosecutors said, the company was able to obtain lucrative contracts from Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant.

That’s garden-variety corruption — profiting from the powers that come with political office. Trump is doing that on a daily basis through systematic violation of the Emoluments Clauseof the U.S. Constitution.

But as bad as that is — and it used to be considered beyond the pale in American society — there’s a whole other dimension to Donald Trump’s lawbreaking that takes it to a much more serious level. In fact, what da Silva did to get 10 years in prison is almost nothing compared to what Trump has done. It’s like the difference between stealing a pack of gum and… stealing an election!

Based on evidence that has already been revealed, the Trump campaign met with a Russian agent for the express purpose of obtaining intelligence that could damage the Clinton campaign. The goal was to use Russian intelligence, obtained through hacking, to swing the results of the U.S. presidential election in Trump’s favor — presumably in exchange for policy changes favorable to Russia’s national interest. There have certainly been such changes since Trump got elected.

This is at the very least a violation of campaign finance law, which prohibits candidates from receiving valuable contributions from foreign sources (anything of value, not just money). In America, we don’t want our elections to become proxies for the fights between other countries. We want our elections to be about OUR interests, the American people, rather than Russia helping the Republicans, and — if what the Trump campaign did becomes politically normalized — let’s say Germany, China, or whatever other country helping the Democrats. The United States shouldn’t be a pawn of other nations, but Trump’s illegal actions risk making us so, and are thus a grave offense against our democratic republic.

It is probably also espionage. The information the Trump campaign was seeking was obtained through spying by a foreign power. Trump’s responsibility was to turn over any such information to the U.S. government, NOT to use it for his own personal political benefit.

And it may rise to the level of treason. Russia is not a friend of the United States. During the 2016 election season, Russian hackers were actively at work trying to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy by breaking into our electoral systems and stealing information from our political and governmental institutions — with Vladimir Putin’s blessing. Donald Trump publicly encouraged this, stating on national television that he hoped the Russians would find Hillary Clinton’s emails. Now we know that Trump’s own son and high-level campaign officials met with a Russian agent to discuss information damaging to Clinton. This is not normal; it is the act of a traitor — someone who would sell out his country to another country for personal gain, in this case a political victory by any means necessary.

Who knows how many other meetings occurred and what was discussed, exchanged, or promised between Trump and Russia during the course of the campaign? The collusion may run deeper than we know — or maybe not — but what we already know is bad enough. Donald Trump is a criminal who is currently occupying the United States presidency. He must be impeached and removed from office as the bare minimum to begin to rectify the situation, and then he must be prosecuted for his crimes, like anyone else would be. In America, we believe that no one is above the law.

The debate should not be about whether Trump can remain in office, whether to impeach or not impeach. It must be about for how long he will remain behind bars. That is what a rational country would be discussing right now. Let’s be that country, and start getting ourselves back on track toward rejoining the community of nations — nations such as Brazil, who just sentenced a corrupt former president to prison.
Why do you believe the 1% elite media establishment?

You have nothing in common with them.
So much idiocy that I won't even quote it!

Anyone with any sense can see that this is the perfect example of a "nothing burger". She is not a representative of the Russian government. Nothing was exchanged, so how could it have been of value, which the law accurately describes as money or goods. Information may have value but not in the context of the law. Also, you failed to even prove Trump Sr was aware of this meeting,.

How many "no" answers does it take before you liberal airheads will realize that you have "nothing"?

You wasted far too many electrons in your post. You should beg forgiveness for wasting them on such ridiculousness.
i went around with oldlady for a day on this and all i got was it showed the trump camps mindset to work with the russians.

i felt it showed their mindset to work with anyone who had shit on hillary.

after a day of bullshit, i walked away and gave ignore some company.
Hmnm.....have you bothered to look into the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and their willingness to work with foreign governments to do opposition research on Trump? Something tells Me you'll find some way to justify that.

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