'IMMEDIATE recusal': Techno Fog BUSTS Judge Chutkan with her OWN WORDS on Trump in bombshell of a thread

Have you ever been to any country in Africa?
No, but there’s this new fangled thing called the internet that gives you information at the tip of your fingers.

And that information includes the fact that slavery still exists in several areas in Africa. And maybe one of your distant relatives is one of them.

Wanna trade places with them? Or are you good with living here?
No, but there’s this new fangled thing called the internet that gives you information at the tip of your fingers.
You're correct, you should try using it.
And that information includes the fact that slavery still exists in several areas in Africa. And maybe one of your distant relatives is one of them.

Wanna trade places with them? Or are you good with living here?
My folks have been here for over 400yrs, why do I need to go anywhere else. You ever think about taking your pasty ass back to Europe.
Yes I did
As I said your approval isn't necessary
You have an issue take it up with the op
Yet you're desperately seeking it by continuing to reply to me. If you're not self conscious about what you presented as her words that's OK by me. 😄

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