'IMMEDIATE recusal': Techno Fog BUSTS Judge Chutkan with her OWN WORDS on Trump in bombshell of a thread

As my avatar posted earlier ----- I saw no quote or reference to Judge Chutkan's where she referred directly to "Don Trump" by name.

In two trials of the J6Jackasses that came before her bench and that some say proves her bias, she obliquely alluded to the people responsible for the J6 attack. Even Don Trump's own lawyers state that Chutkan doesn't mention Trump. But they ASSUME ....as do right-wing Trump fanboys on this venue.....that she "placed blame on President Trump".

Ouch! That's sort of an 'uh-oh' moment. Any assumption like that is fraught. All the folks here who can fog a mirror know well that 'assumptions' have a sketchy record for reliability.

For one thing, it also assumes ---by his lawyers and Trump's defenders on this chatboard --- that he is the only individual who could be responsible for the J6 attack on our Congressional representatives. Not Guiliani. Not Eastman. Not Pelosi. Not Ray Epps. Not the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys. Only Trump?

Trump's lawyers and Trump's cultzoids on this forum all ......ASSUME......he is the only one who could be guilty of instigating the J6Jackass attack.

On the other hand, the rest of the responsible patriotic adult world is willing to keep an open mind and let American jurisprudence go its course. As it has served America well for over 200 years.

Their standards aren't the same as your bitch feelings. They don't give a shit if she has personal feelings about Donald Trump. She's a human, she's going to have personal feelings about everyone who appears before her court. The question is whether or not she can put those feelings aside and rule fairly in her court. Do you have anything in her actions, rather than her personal feelings to suggest this?
Bitch a judge is not supposed to have the presumption of guilt against the defendant before the trial begins
Absolutely! We're a smarter civilized race of people compared to you black impulsive savages. We are the masters.
Do you wear your swastika openly? Hitler believed in a master race too so follow his example and put your bunker to good use. Trump said that he loves his dumbfucks. Keep sending him money. :abgg2q.jpg:
Dont you think its problematic for a judge who made such statements, to now be presiding over the case?
Maybe that is the reason a lot of Americans will ignore any convictions that President Trump receives.
Because the bitch should never make her biase known. That's why she is a bitch
.........Bitch a judge is not supposed to have the presumption of guilt against the defendant before the trial begins

Where is this alleged "presumption of guilt" referenced in her rulings from the bench?
Where does Judge Chutkans specifically mention 'Don Trump'?

The posters above....Godboy, Parser, and Bigrench....are the one who are placing guilt upon Don Trump, putting words in Chutkans's mouth...... even before Don Trump's trial for four felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. (The indictment also accused Trump of trying to exploit the violent Jan. 6 assault on Congress to continue his effort to cling to power.)

So, I would caution the posters above to NOT assume Don Trump is guilty of those crimes until after the jury states their verdict.

Patience, Grasshoppers, patience.


Where is this alleged "presumption of guilt" referenced in her rulings from the bench?
Where does Judge Chutkans specifically mention 'Don Trump'?

The posters above....Godboy, Parser, and Bigrench....are the one who are placing guilt upon Don Trump, putting words in Chutkans's mouth...... even before Don Trump's trial for four felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. (The indictment also accused Trump of trying to exploit the violent Jan. 6 assault on Congress to continue his effort to cling to power.)

So, I would caution the posters above to NOT assume Don Trump is guilty of those crimes until after the jury states their verdict.

Patience, Grasshoppers, patience.

Come on chillcunt pull your head out of your ass
SHE ADMITTED she pre-judged him.
Like, in her little mind, he's already guilty.
How can we expect justice to be blind with a judge like Chutkan?

Because juries, not judges decide if a person is guilty.

This is not like the court of appeals, or supreme court where the judges/justices decide a case.

If she carries out any actions that show bias against Trump, that would be grounds to have the case thrown out.
Bitch a judge is not supposed to have the presumption of guilt against the defendant before the trial begins

Actually they are.

Examples – Recusal Not Warranted

No disqualification just because judge is aware of the facts, or had prior involvement in the case, including ruling against a party. See State v. Moffitt, 185 N.C. App. 308 (2007)

Judge’s personal view that a certain type of crime is very serious is not disqualifying. See State v. Kennedy, 110 N.C. App. 302 (1993)
Re: Judges statements

Numerous statements by Chutkan suggesting Trump should be charged for January 6.

Expressing disappointment that Trump was not yet charged -

Criticizing a J6 Defendant's "blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day."

She was merely commenting on the points made by the defendants before her. Who tried to make a case of why should they be on trial, if the person who instigated everything isn't on trial.
A judge is not supposed to give any opinion of guilt or innocence before the trial begins. It would contaminate the view of the jury

The judges opinion was for the benefit of the people who were found guilty by a jury of their piers, and now stood before her.
What were her words exactly that you're alleging contaminate a jury? Quote them.
It's not even that they will contaminate a jury, but that they feel the comments do not allow her to make impartial rulings. Which based on what she said, is a ridiculous notion that a judge can't set personal feelings aside.
When you write the history, you write what you want us to believe. Thxs when I go to Africa I will look into it, but for today I will deal with what is happening in America.

Gee, if you were never brought here, hell, you might be an actual slave today.

Strange, ain’t it?

Where is this alleged "presumption of guilt" referenced in her rulings from the bench?
Where does Judge Chutkans specifically mention 'Don Trump'?

The posters above....Godboy, Parser, and Bigrench....are the one who are placing guilt upon Don Trump, putting words in Chutkans's mouth...... even before Don Trump's trial for four felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. (The indictment also accused Trump of trying to exploit the violent Jan. 6 assault on Congress to continue his effort to cling to power.)

So, I would caution the posters above to NOT assume Don Trump is guilty of those crimes until after the jury states their verdict.

Patience, Grasshoppers, patience.

So you DONT think its problematic for a judge to be making those kinds of statements?
Gee, if you were never brought here, hell, you might be an actual slave today.

Strange, ain’t it?
It's easy for stupid ass white men to claim how great it is for black folks to be here. If you were one of the black folks who came here as a slave and faced the atrocities that they faced you would never say that stupid shit again.
It's easy for stupid ass white men to claim how great it is for black folks to be here. If you were one of the black folks who came here as a slave and faced the atrocities that they faced you would never say that stupid shit again.

I would submit to you the “stupid ass” people are those who vote 95% for one party year after year.
Wouldn’t you agree?

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