I'm Sure Glad There's No Politics In Our Schools


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You gotta love this.

It makes you wonder why we're one of the least educated societies on the Planet Earth.


Seriously folks, we're paying our Teachers stupid money for -- What?

Nothing. All they do all day is indoctrinate your kids with their own brand of dim poison.

With garbage.

And lies.

Check this one out....

Newton, MA Parents Launch Lawsuit Against School District For Teaching Their Kids... Blatant Antisemitic Propaganda
—Ace of Spades


Some of the evidence described in the complaint goes to support their complaint that students were being taught Jews and Christians deliberately forged their holy texts to contradict the Muslim Qur'an. Another textbook instructed that Zionism has "little connection" to Jewish history in "Palestine." Students were also taught Jews took advantage of the Holocaust to gain sympathy for Zionism at the expense of "Arab plight," and Israelis were compared to Nazis amid claims they've treated Palestinians like Nazis historically treated Jews.

"In looking for the sources of the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bigotry in the Newton curriculum, we discovered a few bad apple teachers who view their teaching positions as giving them license to promote their personal political agendas," APT Executive Director Ilya Feoktistov said. "We are also looking closely at a common pattern with these politicized teachers -- most, if not all, have taken professional development courses developed with foreign funding by the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia."

"Newton history teachers and school administrators must think either that anti-discrimination laws do not apply to them, or that these laws do not protect their Jewish and Israeli students," APT President Charles Jacobs said.

Ace: I think it was very tolerant and open-minded of us to invite the vicious and violent politics of the Islamic world into our government and schools.

It's important we elect as many radical/antisemitic Democrat officials as possible to really teach those Trump Voters a lesson they won't soon forget.

Me: Amen
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.


My friend's daughter (cute but dumb as a box of rocks) just transferred to the Teaching Program at Ohio State because she was flunking out of her Liberal Arts program.

You see, you don't have to do much to get a teaching degree. Hardly even have to show up. They just kinda hand it to you.

And Teachers in Ohio make up to 6 figures.

In The People's Republic of Massachusetts they AVERAGE $65k a year.

I've never met a Teacher with an IQ. And I've met a LOT of them. My neighbor is and exception. A bona fide genius and a perfesser at the newest University in the Country. But he's nuts. I mean, he's been carted away a few times.

Nice guy but nuts
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.


My friend's daughter (cute but dumb as a box of rocks) just transferred to the Teaching Program at Ohio State because she was flunking out of her Liberal Arts program.

You see, you don't have to do much to get a teaching degree. Hardly even have to show up. They just kinda hand it to you.

And Teachers in Ohio make up to 6 figures.

In The People's Republic of Massachusetts they AVERAGE $65k a year.

I've never met a Teacher with an IQ. And I've met a LOT of them. My neighbor is and exception. A bona fide genius and a perfesser at the newest University in the Country. But he's nuts. I mean, he's been carted away a few times.

Nice guy but nuts

Look it up. Teachers absolutely do start that low in some areas unless something has changed in the last few years. Teaching is one of the lowest paid jobs that requires a 4-6 year degree. I think low pay for teachers and overcrowded classrooms is a big part of why our education system is in decline. Not a lot of truly gifted people are going to go to college for 6 years so they can be overwhelmed by too many students for pay that might barely put them in the middle class.
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.
Tough shit....Nobody held a gun to their heads to get a degree in education, when there is already a glut of teachers in the pipeline.
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.


My friend's daughter (cute but dumb as a box of rocks) just transferred to the Teaching Program at Ohio State because she was flunking out of her Liberal Arts program.

You see, you don't have to do much to get a teaching degree. Hardly even have to show up. They just kinda hand it to you.

And Teachers in Ohio make up to 6 figures.

In The People's Republic of Massachusetts they AVERAGE $65k a year.

I've never met a Teacher with an IQ. And I've met a LOT of them. My neighbor is and exception. A bona fide genius and a perfesser at the newest University in the Country. But he's nuts. I mean, he's been carted away a few times.

Nice guy but nuts

Look it up. Teachers absolutely do start that low in some areas unless something has changed in the last few years. Teaching is one of the lowest paid jobs that requires a 4-6 year degree. I think low pay for teachers and overcrowded classrooms is a big part of why our education is failing. Not a lot of truly gifted people are going to go to college for 6 years so they can be overwhelmed by too many students for pay that might barely put them in the middle class.

My heart bleeds purple piss for those over-educated idiots....

High school teachers in Massachusetts earn an annual salary of $74,040...............
Online Teaching Programs in Massachusetts - TeachingDegree.org


Coming in at number 5....

Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School
Average salary: $100,042

Total spent on salaries: $7,453,098

FTE (full-time equivalent employees): 75

Here are the 100 Massachusetts school districts that pay the highest
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.


My friend's daughter (cute but dumb as a box of rocks) just transferred to the Teaching Program at Ohio State because she was flunking out of her Liberal Arts program.

You see, you don't have to do much to get a teaching degree. Hardly even have to show up. They just kinda hand it to you.

And Teachers in Ohio make up to 6 figures.

In The People's Republic of Massachusetts they AVERAGE $65k a year.

I've never met a Teacher with an IQ. And I've met a LOT of them. My neighbor is and exception. A bona fide genius and a perfesser at the newest University in the Country. But he's nuts. I mean, he's been carted away a few times.

Nice guy but nuts

Look it up. Teachers absolutely do start that low in some areas unless something has changed in the last few years. Teaching is one of the lowest paid jobs that requires a 4-6 year degree. I think low pay for teachers and overcrowded classrooms is a big part of why our education is failing. Not a lot of truly gifted people are going to go to college for 6 years so they can be overwhelmed by too many students for pay that might barely put them in the middle class.

My heart bleeds purple piss for those over-educated idiots....

High school teachers in Massachusetts earn an annual salary of $74,040...............
Online Teaching Programs in Massachusetts - TeachingDegree.org

Online Teaching Programs in Massachusetts
Coming in at number 5....

Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School
Average salary: $100,042

Total spent on salaries: $7,453,098

FTE (full-time equivalent employees): 75

Here are the 100 Massachusetts school districts that pay the highest


And this is at a VoTech School???


Unions, particularly government unions are killing our Country
we're paying our Teachers stupid money

You're fucking with me, right? In some places teachers start out as low as 32k/yr. That doesn't even qualify as middle class. Also a lot of them are forced to buy supplies for their students because the school lacks the funds to provide what's needed.


My friend's daughter (cute but dumb as a box of rocks) just transferred to the Teaching Program at Ohio State because she was flunking out of her Liberal Arts program.

You see, you don't have to do much to get a teaching degree. Hardly even have to show up. They just kinda hand it to you.

And Teachers in Ohio make up to 6 figures.

In The People's Republic of Massachusetts they AVERAGE $65k a year.

I've never met a Teacher with an IQ. And I've met a LOT of them. My neighbor is and exception. A bona fide genius and a perfesser at the newest University in the Country. But he's nuts. I mean, he's been carted away a few times.

Nice guy but nuts

Median teacher salary in Ohio is $56,117.
Tough shit....

Right, well, don't wonder why our education is in decline when we give teachers too many students and not enough pay. That's the reason.
Our education is in decline because it is top heavy with bureaucrats and has been politicized....This is what happens when you put gubmint in charge of things....So, I reiterate....

Tough shit.
It seems that libs have successfully changed the subject from marxist and muslim bullshit on the schools to how much the teachers are getting paid

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