I'm sorry I didn't vote for Obama


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

I think I was just insulted.....

He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

I think I was just insulted.....


It insults you for somebody to agree with you??????:confused:
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Are you new to politics? I bet you are also glad you didn't vote for Clinton or Kennedy or FDR?

And what about McCain or Mitt or Rudy? The corporate fat cats would have an office in the Lincoln bedroom like they did under Bush/Chaney. War mongers. They bankrupt the country in their own way and you don't complain, so who cares what you think?

Yes, Obama has to play ball with the people that truly run/own/control our country. The same people that offed Kennedy. Just keep in mind you don't seem to mind all the things Obama does when its BUSH doing it. Or Reagan. Do you realize the GOP sold America to the corporations? The GOP ARE/IS the corporations. Just because you work for one doesn't mean you should vote with them. You are a HAVE NOT. Get that thru your head. You're a Democrat.

So start leaning on guys like Lieberman and the GOP Senators who are obstuctionists. Tell them to vote for progress so we don't have to pay them off. And hey, if we pay them off, that means money for your state, so quit crying like a baby. You're a bullshitter. Obama rules. He's as close as you will get to a NON sellout. He is a man of the people, as much as he can. He doesn't want to end up like Carter or worse, Kennedy. So STFU and let the man lead. You anti American fuck.

You didn't care what the rest of the world thought when Bush was president. Hipocrite.

Obama bankrupted the US? Let me explain something to you. Bush 1 raised taxes, and that allowed Clinton to balance the budget. Bush gave the rich massive tax breaks, and then he spent us into a refucking session. You are either completely ignorant or a dishonest right wing idiot.

I hope you change. That would be change we'd all believe in.
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.
Wow. They got to you, eh?
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.

And what's the problem with having, and I quote, middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns? Unquote. I know a lot of folks that could fit in that description. Funny that none of them are liberal assholes.:lol:
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Are you new to politics? I bet you are also glad you didn't vote for Clinton or Kennedy or FDR?

And what about McCain or Mitt or Rudy? The corporate fat cats would have an office in the Lincoln bedroom like they did under Bush/Chaney. War mongers. They bankrupt the country in their own way and you don't complain, so who cares what you think?

Yes, Obama has to play ball with the people that truly run/own/control our country. The same people that offed Kennedy. Just keep in mind you don't seem to mind all the things Obama does when its BUSH doing it. Or Reagan. Do you realize the GOP sold America to the corporations? The GOP ARE/IS the corporations. Just because you work for one doesn't mean you should vote with them. You are a HAVE NOT. Get that thru your head. You're a Democrat.

So start leaning on guys like Lieberman and the GOP Senators who are obstuctionists. Tell them to vote for progress so we don't have to pay them off. And hey, if we pay them off, that means money for your state, so quit crying like a baby. You're a bullshitter. Obama rules. He's as close as you will get to a NON sellout. He is a man of the people, as much as he can. He doesn't want to end up like Carter or worse, Kennedy. So STFU and let the man lead. You anti American fuck.

You didn't care what the rest of the world thought when Bush was president. Hipocrite.

Obama bankrupted the US? Let me explain something to you. Bush 1 raised taxes, and that allowed Clinton to balance the budget. Bush gave the rich massive tax breaks, and then he spent us into a refucking session. You are either completely ignorant or a dishonest right wing idiot.

I hope you change. That would be change we'd all believe in.
More people in America care and think like I do then you leftists.

I didn't vote for Clinton. Who would vote for a man devoid of character ant original thought?

You play ball with the people who are in charge? Really? Wasn't that the biggest talking point of the left? That Bush was playing ball with terrorists? Talk about a fucking hypocrite.

Don't even begin to talk to Me about obstructionists. The Democrats have that title all sown up. Or did you forget the last decade? The Democrats were the party of "No".

I didn't and still don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the U.S. When they stop comming to us for a handout, then they can start complaining.

Obama bankrupted the US, plain and simple.
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

My brother works for a Tier One Auto supplier. He's a VP. He says Toyota and Honda are now going through all the same problems that the Big 3 went through. They'll leave for Mexico soon. Detroit will come back. Too great of a state. We're surrounded by the Great Lakes. You know what they say, its all about location, location, location. Detroit? Fuck Detroit. I only care about Michigan! I don't live in the D.
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

My brother works for a Tier One Auto supplier. He's a VP. He says Toyota and Honda are now going through all the same problems that the Big 3 went through. They'll leave for Mexico soon. Detroit will come back. Too great of a state. We're surrounded by the Great Lakes. You know what they say, its all about location, location, location. Detroit? Fuck Detroit. I only care about Michigan! I don't live in the D.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of liberalism at work.

They only care about themselves.

Case closed. Time to go watch some football.
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

Look into how rich Oakland County, MI is in the USA. Lots of money. Compare it to Dixie. Dixie's economy is a joke compared to Michigan. Sure its a bit better because you got a couple plants and we lost ALL OUR FUCKING MANUFACTURING to the rest of the FUCKING ENTIRE WORLD. Congrats on your couple plants. How's business stupid?

But you got a couple plants. What a fucking idiot. You're next stupid. A kookaracha, a cookaracha, ariba, andale', uno dos tres quatro.
Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.
Wow. They got to you, eh?

Just remember, Willow's on your side.
Good post. If this person can figure out what's going on, why can't the rest of you?????

The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.

And what's the problem with having, and I quote, middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns? Unquote. I know a lot of folks that could fit in that description. Funny that none of them are liberal assholes.:lol:

You vote for the people who want you to be a slave. A cog. Forget all their bullshit about freedom and less taxes and giving a man a fish. That's all bullshit and you know it. The GOP took from the middle class. The rich got richer and middle class/poor took a big fucking hit. And you want to pretend that didn't happen? Or blame Pelosi/Reed/Obama and forget what the GOP did from 2000-2006 when THEY had complete control?

Free markets will drive your wages down. Haven't they already? And the rich who ruled wallstreet and the mortgage/bankers/oil companies/defense companies all made out under Bush and Chaney. Coincidence they work for oil and defense companies before they were put into office in 2000? And lets not go into how they totally just stole that election, then again in 2004 Ohio. Ken Blackwell my ass. Katherine Harris too. Jeb the gov. Come on!

How do you benefit? That's what I'm curious about. Or are you just conned into voting outside your tax bracket because of God Gays and Guns?

That's what's wrong with voting for GG&G's. If they make me/us poor, I don't care if gays can marry. If I'm a slave, what's my little gun gonna do? And if I'm broke, I might need to have an abortion because I can't afford a kid.
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Are you new to politics? I bet you are also glad you didn't vote for Clinton or Kennedy or FDR?

And what about McCain or Mitt or Rudy? The corporate fat cats would have an office in the Lincoln bedroom like they did under Bush/Chaney. War mongers. They bankrupt the country in their own way and you don't complain, so who cares what you think?

Yes, Obama has to play ball with the people that truly run/own/control our country. The same people that offed Kennedy. Just keep in mind you don't seem to mind all the things Obama does when its BUSH doing it. Or Reagan. Do you realize the GOP sold America to the corporations? The GOP ARE/IS the corporations. Just because you work for one doesn't mean you should vote with them. You are a HAVE NOT. Get that thru your head. You're a Democrat.

So start leaning on guys like Lieberman and the GOP Senators who are obstuctionists. Tell them to vote for progress so we don't have to pay them off. And hey, if we pay them off, that means money for your state, so quit crying like a baby. You're a bullshitter. Obama rules. He's as close as you will get to a NON sellout. He is a man of the people, as much as he can. He doesn't want to end up like Carter or worse, Kennedy. So STFU and let the man lead. You anti American fuck.

You didn't care what the rest of the world thought when Bush was president. Hipocrite.

Obama bankrupted the US? Let me explain something to you. Bush 1 raised taxes, and that allowed Clinton to balance the budget. Bush gave the rich massive tax breaks, and then he spent us into a refucking session. You are either completely ignorant or a dishonest right wing idiot.

I hope you change. That would be change we'd all believe in.
More people in America care and think like I do then you leftists.

I didn't vote for Clinton. Who would vote for a man devoid of character ant original thought?

You play ball with the people who are in charge? Really? Wasn't that the biggest talking point of the left? That Bush was playing ball with terrorists? Talk about a fucking hypocrite.

Don't even begin to talk to Me about obstructionists. The Democrats have that title all sown up. Or did you forget the last decade? The Democrats were the party of "No".

I didn't and still don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the U.S. When they stop comming to us for a handout, then they can start complaining.

Obama bankrupted the US, plain and simple.

Millions died for oil under Bush. You voted for him, right? Fact, Iraq was about Oil. Ask Greenspan. And they lied us in. Fact.

You don't care what the rest of the world thinks? Then why did you say/mention they are laughing at us? And that's a flat out lie by the way. They hated Bush/the US the last 8 years. We made enemies, not allies. Obama is getting all our allies back on board.

The rest of what you said is just hogwash.
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

Look into how rich Oakland County, MI is in the USA. Lots of money. Compare it to Dixie. Dixie's economy is a joke compared to Michigan. Sure its a bit better because you got a couple plants and we lost ALL OUR FUCKING MANUFACTURING to the rest of the FUCKING ENTIRE WORLD. Congrats on your couple plants. How's business stupid?

But you got a couple plants. What a fucking idiot. You're next stupid. A kookaracha, a cookaracha, ariba, andale', uno dos tres quatro.

And not only that Boeing is leaving Seattle, and guess what? coming South to Charleston!
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

Look into how rich Oakland County, MI is in the USA. Lots of money. Compare it to Dixie. Dixie's economy is a joke compared to Michigan. Sure its a bit better because you got a couple plants and we lost ALL OUR FUCKING MANUFACTURING to the rest of the FUCKING ENTIRE WORLD. Congrats on your couple plants. How's business stupid?

But you got a couple plants. What a fucking idiot. You're next stupid. A kookaracha, a cookaracha, ariba, andale', uno dos tres quatro.

And not only that Boeing is leaving Seattle, and guess what? coming South to Charleston!

Hey, I'm glad they are staying in America. Under Bush they sent a lot of their work overseas. Bush's pentagon boys went with a European manufacturer and Boeing cried foul and got a lot of media attention and they stopped those jobs from going oveseas.

I know you don't know all these details. You're just a right wing bimbot.
Detroit is dead bobo! We make quality affordable cars in Dixie!

Look into how rich Oakland County, MI is in the USA. Lots of money. Compare it to Dixie. Dixie's economy is a joke compared to Michigan. Sure its a bit better because you got a couple plants and we lost ALL OUR FUCKING MANUFACTURING to the rest of the FUCKING ENTIRE WORLD. Congrats on your couple plants. How's business stupid?

But you got a couple plants. What a fucking idiot. You're next stupid. A kookaracha, a cookaracha, ariba, andale', uno dos tres quatro

Tell me all abouts it bobo,, your demoncwats are fixing to make all the illegals legal and then let 30 million more move in on ya! we sent DUmb detroit bail out money and what did they do? sent that money and those jobs on down to Mexico,, can't win for losing can ya?

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