“I'm not comparing Trump to Reagan” - Jim Baker, Bolten replied: “You just did. disgraceful comparison & you know it", Trump called Baker to thank him


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
While Trump was still a 2016 candidate, he and Baker had a one-on-one meeting. After it was over, Baker handed Trump a two-page memo with some thoughts about the campaign, including his hope that Trump would uphold Republican principles like free trade and American leadership in the world.

from the article:

In fact, Baker says, it was a favorable comparison he drew between Reagan and Trump at the lunch before Nancy Reagan’s funeral last year that led, indirectly, to his one-on-one meeting with Trump. As he recounts it, Baker was telling Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister of Canada, that Trump’s rise reminded him of Reagan’s.

“I said I saw some parallels here with the way Reagan came up,” Baker says. “I was an establishment Republican when Reagan was coming up and we were really fearful, we were afraid he was going to get us in a nuclear war. Here was this Grade B actor, Bedtime for Bonzo, I mean, my God, [we thought] the world was going to end, and that turned out not to be the case.”

Mulroney, unbeknownst to Baker, is a friend of Trump’s, and soon after, Baker got a call from the billionaire.

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