I'm Leaving the Conservative Party

The whole "legitimate rape" thing went far beyond being a "poor choice of words".
I disagree. I believe that every time someone accusing of another of rape one should have to have some sort of evidence that it wasn't just two people having sex and one of them saying it was rape later because they didn't buy them chocolates on Valentines day.

Or if they have a shit load of money and they were trying to get some of it.

I mean obviously you can't use the term in a legal sense... There is no such thing as "lawful" rape. But the accuser does have to justify it somehow, just as the defendant does to say it wasn't.

Not to say I agree with the man who said it. But whither I agree with it or not really doesn't mean anything in terms of what he was trying to say.

People should be arguing with him for being an idiot about the stance... Not for the words he chose to convey it. Because frankly I believe he used the correct ones for what he was trying to say... He's just an idiot in general for saying it.

You have a faction of the Republican Party which actually believes in this concept and a lot of other stuff that mainstream people dismiss - like Creationism, that the earth is 6000 years old. They deny science, to the point of dimissing the Theory of Relativity, although they certainly like their GPS which works using parts of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

The have an entire website called Conservapedia which is like Wikipedia, except at Conservapedia, all of their delusions are confirmed.
Oh... The whole grouping thing by religion doesn't really work for me. If it does for you... Fine... But not all religious people are fucked up.

It's time for Republican's leave their protective bubble and face reality.
While I agree with the statement I believe it's for different reasons.
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I have been a registered Conservative since the first Reagan election, they best represent my principles and beliefs. But the time has come to say goodbye.

It's not that the Conservative Party has done anything wrong, it's that the Republican Party needs me, needs us more.

We, Conservatives, the base of the Party and the country, must take over the Republican Party and start to turn the country around. Our task is formidable: too many Republicans believe that Washington DC is the US Economy.

We must get involved at the local level. If we are Conservative Party members, we do not get to run the local Republican Party. It's time to send the Neo-Marxist Enablers known as Republican Moderates packing, they've done nothing but damage the brand and have lost every time they try to lead.

Will you be organizing the Ignorant Douche Bag Party? You can claim the fame of being the first member.
You could not be more wrong, It's the Rights unwillingness to accept Moderates that have made the GOP unable to win National Elections. Not the other way around.

Not the way I see it. The GOP if full of moderates. The only thing republicans are conservative about is tax cuts for the rich. Everything else they're either moderate or liberal.

Wow. This statement is right up there with "nazis are left wingers".


History really is not your strong suit. Must take to much thinking for your wee brain.
Oh... The whole grouping thing by religion doesn't really work for me. If it does for you... Fine... But not all religious people are fucked up.

It's not just religious people who deny science. I'm a religious person. I taught Sunday School, and I on the Session of the Presyterian Church I attend. I believe in God and science. But then I didn't attend a Christian School that taught me that the earth is 6000 years old and humans rode dinosaurs.

There is a reason why the US education rankings are dropping. Home schooling and religious schools. One way to segregate your child and have them learn stuff that is completely useless in the real world, while ensuring that public education continues to deteriorate. Who comes up with this shit anyway? Oh yeah, the Republicans.
I disagree. I believe that every time someone accusing of another of rape one should have to have some sort of evidence that it wasn't just two people having sex and one of them saying it was rape later because they didn't buy them chocolates on Valentines day.

You misinterpret "legitimate rape" completely. The "legitimate rape guys" is verbal shorthand for a whole slew of Republican candidates who believe what can be at best called "old wives tales" about women's sexuality. Things like "a woman can't get pregnant from 'legitimate rape' because her body somehow shuts down the reproductive process". First off, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support this claim and a whole lot which says that it's superstition at best. Furthermore, it suggests that if a woman is raped and a pregnancy results from that rape, that she was lying and she wasn't "llegitimately raped".

The "pregnancy which results from rape is a blessing" crowd aren't much better. I've heard of women who were able to forgive the rapist and raise their child, God bless them. Forcing women to carry the child to term is perpetuating the rape and few women so do willingly.

Any pronouncement by male politicans regard women's reproductive rights is warning call to feminists who thought that we had won this battle when Roe v. Wade was passed. And there's been an entire horn section calling the feminist movement back to life this past election campaign.

All of us old Baby Boomer feminists are retiring now. I have a LOT more time on my hands these days than I used to when I was working full time and raising three kids, and I'll be voting for women's reproductive rights because these are hardcore economic issues for poor women. There's a LOT of Baby Boomer women. We remember the days of back alley abortions and we don't want our daughters or our granddaughters to ever have to go through that.

60% of the women voted for Obama. The ONLY female demographic which voted for Romney was married white women. Single women, poor women, women of color be they black, Latino or Asian, all voted for Obama. There are now more registered women voters than men.

Stop dismissing "women's issues" as unimportant to the overall election. There are now more of us then there are of you. More and more, we will hold the balance of power until the Boomers are gone.
I disagree. I believe that every time someone accusing of another of rape one should have to have some sort of evidence that it wasn't just two people having sex and one of them saying it was rape later because they didn't buy them chocolates on Valentines day.

You misinterpret "legitimate rape" completely.
Perhaps. But then I take what is said literally... And I try not to project values to it that weren't meant.

Furthermore, it suggests that if a woman is raped and a pregnancy results from that rape, that she was lying and she wasn't "llegitimately raped".
Like that... I try not to do that. The direct quote from him shuts that avenue of thought down, because he said sometimes it doesn't work. Now I agree with you that is a bullshit stance and I haven't looked into the factual bases of what he said about a woman's body shutting it down. For me it doesn't matter one way or the other if an abortion is under 16 weeks.

You are putting words in his mouth he didn't say... Don't do that. By all means run him over for what he says... No problems there. But don't put your own there.

Stop dismissing "women's issues" as unimportant to the overall election.
Ok... Did I say or suggest that somewhere?

There are now more of us then there are of you. More and more, we will hold the balance of power until the Boomers are gone.
You know... I think you and I agree on a whole lot of things. I even agree that old boy we are talking about it is a complete idiot. Although maybe for different reasons.

However... You are coming off as a religious person that you describe that you hate. I don't have a problem with someone that is strong in their stance and passionate about what they say. By all means... It's a good way to go I think.

However... To aggressively attack a group for their stances in the same fashion that you are bitching about is... Hypocritical. And I will jump on that faster than sheer stupidity. I accept stupidity in others because there is nothing I can do to fix it. Being hypocritical is another matter... Certainly when I more or less agree with what you are saying.

You see if I agree more or less with you... When you come off as a hypocrite you are hurting what I'm trying to get done. You devalue a stance that I believe in. I don't like that...

Respect their views... And absolutely respect it enough to call it stupid if need be... That's fine. I see that as respect. But don't twist it... Don't make them say something they didn't say. That solves exactly nothing.
You could not be more wrong, It's the Rights unwillingness to accept Moderates that have made the GOP unable to win National Elections. Not the other way around.

Not the way I see it. The GOP if full of moderates. The only thing republicans are conservative about is tax cuts for the rich. Everything else they're either moderate or liberal.

That is absurd. And it is the fact that the radical right lives in lala land which keeps you losing elections.

Do you realize how many senate seats you'd have of you weren't radical dightwing extremists?

Jillian, come on, be honest for a moment. Damn near the entire GOP is Kennedy-era liberals. Did you see how much George W. Bush GREW the U.S. federal government? Did you see how much he SPENT? There is nothing conservative about that. The fact is, you guys would WORSHIP GWB if he had "Democrat" after his name.

The reality is, the left has gone so far off the political scale, anything that is not 100% Socialist, Communist, or Marxist is looked at by your side as "radical". Want proof?

John F. Kennedy flat out said that the only way to create a strong, growing economy is LOW TAXES. If someone says that now, the dumbocrats scream "tea bagger wing nut" when it's their own golden boy who stated as much! That's how far left you guys have gone now.

JFK: The Case For Tax Cuts : Paul Williams : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

John F. Kennedy also flat out said, "Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". Once again, anyone that suggest that today is accused of being a "selfish, reggressive, tea bagger wing nut". And again, it was your party's ultimate golden boy who said to shut the fuck up, quit being a parasite, and go DO for the nation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLdA1ikkoEc]John F Kennedy 'Ask not' - YouTube[/ame]
You are putting words in his mouth he didn't say...

If you don't know the context of the original quote, then let me explain: Todd Akin was asked about the change in the Republican Party platform on abortion, which had previously wanted to ban abortion outright with exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother. Did he not think there should be an exception for victims of rape and incest? Akin responded that incest was very rare (?????) and that when a woman is a victim of legitimate rape, that she can't get pregnant. The original question related to rape and abortion. I'm not putting words in his mouth that weren't there. He was definitely saying that if a woman who is raped get's pregnant, she was not legitimately raped so she should therefore not be allowed to have an abortion.

There are now more of us then there are of you. More and more, we will hold the balance of power until the Boomers are gone.

That was not directed at you, it was directed at the Republican Party. Akin isn't the only Republican candidate to put forth ideas that women found odious, including Rick Santorum, and Paul Ryan, who co-sponsored a Bill in the Senate to redefine rape to "forcible rape" so that a woman couldn't claim rape and have an abortion, she had to have physical evidence of force.

As long as the Republican Party has as a plank of it's platform that women can't have abortions under any circumstance, women will not vote for them. When a Republican candidate opines that birth control is a bad thing for women and he'd shut down Planned Parenthood, why do the rest of the candidates say NOTHING???? Why don't they say "He's crazy, don't listen to him, I'd NEVER do anything like that". No, they just stand there shuffling their feet and they don't disavow this shit.

You know... I think you and I agree on a whole lot of things. I even agree that old boy we are talking about it is a complete idiot. Although maybe for different reasons.

However... You are coming off as a religious person that you describe that you hate. I don't have a problem with someone that is strong in their stance and passionate about what they say. By all means... It's a good way to go I think.

I've pretty much a live and let live kind of gal, but the lack of respect that Romney and the Republican Leadership have shown for American women just gets on my last nerve. Reproductive freedom is what allows women to have economic choices in their lives, so their lives are not governed simply by reproductive biology. Women will protect it as strongly as they will protect their own children.

The Democratic Party is smart enough to recognize how important these issues are, so they got and they will continue to get women's votes. If the Republicans continue to pander to those we are sticking their noses into our business and ultrasound probes up our cooches, we won't. This is an issue of respecting the women. The Republican Party does not respect women.
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Oh... The whole grouping thing by religion doesn't really work for me. If it does for you... Fine... But not all religious people are fucked up.

It's not just religious people who deny science. I'm a religious person. I taught Sunday School, and I on the Session of the Presyterian Church I attend. I believe in God and science. But then I didn't attend a Christian School that taught me that the earth is 6000 years old and humans rode dinosaurs.

There is a reason why the US education rankings are dropping. Home schooling and religious schools. One way to segregate your child and have them learn stuff that is completely useless in the real world, while ensuring that public education continues to deteriorate. Who comes up with this shit anyway? Oh yeah, the Republicans.

If home schooling is so bad why do home schoolers consistently score MUCH better in ALL objective testing measures?

One study of more than 11,000 home-school students found that students typically score 34 to 39 percentile points higher than the average student on standardized tests (Ray, 2009). Another study found that 25 percent of home-schooled students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level public and private school peers (Rudner, 1999). These findings mirrored the study showing that home-educated students scored, on average, at or above the 84th percentile in all areas on standardized achievement tests (Ray, 2009).

Research Center: Home Schooling

Sources at link.
Romney lost by 5 million. According to FoxNews, 8 million more moderates voted for Obama than Romney. Romney received the second most votes for a Republican in history.

Why is making the Republican party more conservative a winning formula?
Didn't say how many voters that were alienated by the chickenshit played by the RNC at the convention affected the election, did they?

When are we ever going to get polls of people who stayed home and why they do so?

^Where'd he go?...

Or did he?... :dunno:


Romney lost by 5 million. According to FoxNews, 8 million more moderates voted for Obama than Romney. Romney received the second most votes for a Republican in history.

Why is making the Republican party more conservative a winning formula?
Didn't say how many voters that were alienated by the chickenshit played by the RNC at the convention affected the election, did they?

When are we ever going to get polls of people who stayed home and why they do so?

^Where'd he go?...

Or did he?... :dunno:



I was wondering the same thing :eusa_think:
You could not be more wrong, It's the Rights unwillingness to accept Moderates that have made the GOP unable to win National Elections. Not the other way around.

Not the way I see it. The GOP if full of moderates. The only thing republicans are conservative about is tax cuts for the rich. Everything else they're either moderate or liberal.

Not anymore :D

On social issues, i wonder how can you embrace a society of single moms and call youself a "fiscal conservative" who wants to "bring down the government". It's beyond me. And this is not about choices. People are free to make their choices. This is about the political power glorifying certain "alternative" lifestyles and criminalizing all who oppose them (yes, it's coming)

You could not be more wrong, It's the Rights unwillingness to accept Moderates that have made the GOP unable to win National Elections. Not the other way around.

75% of GOP congressmen who lost reelection in November were moderate and pro-choice. It was a bloodbath for moderate Republicans in Illinois, California and the North East. You cannot blame primaries; it was a general election.

Romney won the white vote by double-digit margins in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia, but Obama easily carried those states. According to a recent poll, Christie is the most popular GOPer among african americans: 50% approve him... but only 19% would vote for him. Won't vote for him because of the (R). That's the real problem with the GOP. Unless the GOP becomes an openly welfarist populist party, the problem will last.
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I have been a registered Conservative since the first Reagan election, they best represent my principles and beliefs. But the time has come to say goodbye.

It's not that the Conservative Party has done anything wrong, it's that the Republican Party needs me, needs us more.

We, Conservatives, the base of the Party and the country, must take over the Republican Party and start to turn the country around. Our task is formidable: too many Republicans believe that Washington DC is the US Economy.

We must get involved at the local level. If we are Conservative Party members, we do not get to run the local Republican Party. It's time to send the Neo-Marxist Enablers known as Republican Moderates packing, they've done nothing but damage the brand and have lost every time they try to lead.

the country has told you the republican party going to the far right is something they dont like.

whats your plan?

take it further right.

How can you think what you posted here and still be in touch with reality?

the answer is you cant.

You have no Idea what the pulse of the nation just told you.

You instead say "hey we just got denied by the American people so it must mean they want more of the same we just gave them".

with people like you "helping" the republican party its surely doomed
According to a recent poll, Christie is the most popular GOPer among african americans: 50% approve him... but only 19% would vote for him. Won't vote for him because of the (R). That's the real problem with the GOP. Unless the GOP becomes an openly welfarist populist party, the problem will last.

Here is where the rubber meets the road. As long as conservatives keep espousing this idea that black people won't vote Republican because they like their welfare, you can kiss the entire black vote goodbye. Because the entire black population of the United States is not on welfare, nor do they wish to be on welfare. That condescending racist attitude is why people who aren't white, don't vote Repulican.
and telling latinos they shouldnt be allowed to have birthright citizenship makes all latinos realise they are racists pieces of shit.

Face it the republican party has won only by cheating in elections and whipping up the racist vote for decades now.

Their time is up.

Demographics have ended the repoublican partys ability to CHEAT enough to win a national election.

they are done
It's time to send the Neo-Marxist Enablers known as Republican Moderates packing, they've done nothing but damage the brand.....

.....And, fought your Wars.



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