If unconstitutional actions are so great


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.
why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.

They know amendments would never be ratified for the majority of the crap pushed through the courts. It's the fault of the States for allowing the federal courts to rewrite the compact they made among themselves.

why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.

They know amendments would never be ratified for the majority of the crap pushed through the courts. It's the fault of the States for allowing the federal courts to rewrite the compact they made among themselves.

Excellent post
why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.

They know amendments would never be ratified for the majority of the crap pushed through the courts. It's the fault of the States for allowing the federal courts to rewrite the compact they made among themselves.

Excellent post
So good in fact there is nothing left to add. Thanks for killing my thread with the first post. Lol
With the advent of the internet, and now in the post WWII era with global security solutions?

It's time for N. America to dissolve the Federal Reserve and revert back to the Articles of Confederation. The rest of the world would thank us, and we would have far more peace in the world.

The states could have a United Defense force to come to each others aid, but they would be unable to have any foreign policy adventurism. . . .

Our foreign policy would look much more like China's, Russia's, Japan's etc, and we would not be hobbled by a central governing leviathan sapping the creative and economic power of the people.

Damn bureaucrats and useless law makers.
why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.

They know amendments would never be ratified for the majority of the crap pushed through the courts. It's the fault of the States for allowing the federal courts to rewrite the compact they made among themselves.

Excellent post
So good in fact there is nothing left to add. Thanks for killing my thread with the first post. Lol

Sorry, Article 5 was intended to be the States solution to an over reaching federal government or to make adjustments to the Constitution as the situation demanded. The States are the ultimate sovereign that have loaned a portion of their power to the feds. If the States don't have the balls to exert their sovereignty then we're electing the wrong people at the State level. It's just that simple.

why dont they amend the damn COTUS?
Why pervert, lie and manipulate its intent? People go so far as to appoint hacks to the SC just to get agenda across. Its pathetic.
Because .... muuuhhhh...nothing will change...antiquated....progress....

In other words, they can do whatever the fuck they want, because nobody will agree to it, so thet cheat.

It’s alive! A living document, and other such bullshit.
COTUS, as seen by Statists:


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