If they delete the ACA , we will have to go all out for the Universal Healthcare!!

We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
Nothing is free in this world

the federal government is already running a budget deficit

in order to increase spending on people who cant pay it will have to reduce services to those who already have health insurance - and raise their taxes

Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.

Well they should of given themselves a tax cut.


Well they haven't deleted it yet, have they??

Why should they? Just because you don't want to face the music doesn't mean you get to have it deleted. It is a legitimate question I asked, and you, as I expected either can't or refuse to answer. Expecting the Mods to assist you in dodging the question like ALL Liberal, progressive, socialist, spread the wealth Democrats shows how ignorant you are.
Just answer the question. How much is ENOUGH?

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs

I repeat the ACA is even more popular now. People are finally catching on to the benefits.
We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
Nothing is free in this world

the federal government is already running a budget deficit

in order to increase spending on people who cant pay it will have to reduce services to those who already have health insurance - and raise their taxes

Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.

Well they should of given themselves a tax cut.


Well they haven't deleted it yet, have they??

Why should they? Just because you don't want to face the music doesn't mean you get to have it deleted. It is a legitimate question I asked, and you, as I expected either can't or refuse to answer. Expecting the Mods to assist you in dodging the question like ALL Liberal, progressive, socialist, spread the wealth Democrats shows how ignorant you are.
Just answer the question. How much is ENOUGH?

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs

I repeat the ACA is even more popular now. People are finally catching on to the benefits.
I repeat, reality TV is more popular than ever. People are fucking idiots.
We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
Nothing is free in this world

the federal government is already running a budget deficit

in order to increase spending on people who cant pay it will have to reduce services to those who already have health insurance - and raise their taxes

Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.

Well they should of given themselves a tax cut.


Well they haven't deleted it yet, have they??

Why should they? Just because you don't want to face the music doesn't mean you get to have it deleted. It is a legitimate question I asked, and you, as I expected either can't or refuse to answer. Expecting the Mods to assist you in dodging the question like ALL Liberal, progressive, socialist, spread the wealth Democrats shows how ignorant you are.
Just answer the question. How much is ENOUGH?

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs

I repeat the ACA is even more popular now. People are finally catching on to the benefits.

That's not even an artful dodge of the question, and certainly in no way shape or form does it begin to answer it. SOOOOO.........I REPEAT.......

Just answer the question. How much is ENOUGH?

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

Biden can't write an executive order for health care.

Plus if you think that the republicans won't filibuster all legislation that goes to the senate if democrats have majority I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

The republicans will make sure that nothing is done, nothing is passed and the American people suffer as long as possible.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

Not just in other nations.

Right here in America.

trump was cured of the virus using socialized medicine.

Every doctor he saw is paid by the government. The hospital he went to was paid by the government. Every step of his recovery with our health care system was socialism. trump didn't pay one penny for that care. We the taxpayers paid for all of it. Doctors, hospital, drugs, everything.

In other words socialized medicine.

I wish I had the same health care trump and politicians get.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
That is the intent of the ACA anyway, commie Dems plan.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?

While the VA isn't perfect, it's better than the civilian options. It's a good model to use.
No it isn’t and has been a mess for decades!
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

And most of those countries middle class to rich citizens go to third world countries to get medical procedures done.

Pass a Universal Healthcare Plan here and watch Mexico grow in tourism for people to see Doctors down there and there is nothing you can do!

Canada is a perfect example how their people would come here to avoid the waiting list and before you say it never happened I have seen it happen!

Your scare tactics aren't working so well these days. And it's going to cost you the Senate which is something I don't wish to see. But if it means sending Moscow Mitch to the end of the line for the next two years, the I guess that is something that needs to be done.

If the republicans retained majority in the senate there would be no health care system to replace Obamacare when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional.

The worst thing for America is if the republicans retain majority in the senate.

There will be absolutely no chance for a replacement for Obamacare.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

Not just in other nations.

Right here in America.

trump was cured of the virus using socialized medicine.

Every doctor he saw is paid by the government. The hospital he went to was paid by the government. Every step of his recovery with our health care system was socialism. trump didn't pay one penny for that care. We the taxpayers paid for all of it. Doctors, hospital, drugs, everything.

In other words socialized medicine.

I wish I had the same health care trump and politicians get.
Perks of the office, just like Obama and every other POTUS enjoyed. Your point is pointless.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?

While the VA isn't perfect, it's better than the civilian options. It's a good model to use.
No it isn’t and has been a mess for decades!
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

And most of those countries middle class to rich citizens go to third world countries to get medical procedures done.

Pass a Universal Healthcare Plan here and watch Mexico grow in tourism for people to see Doctors down there and there is nothing you can do!

Canada is a perfect example how their people would come here to avoid the waiting list and before you say it never happened I have seen it happen!

Your scare tactics aren't working so well these days. And it's going to cost you the Senate which is something I don't wish to see. But if it means sending Moscow Mitch to the end of the line for the next two years, the I guess that is something that needs to be done.

If the republicans retained majority in the senate there would be no health care system to replace Obamacare when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional.

The worst thing for America is if the republicans retain majority in the senate.

There will be absolutely no chance for a replacement for Obamacare.
No, the absolute worst thing would be Dems winning anything.
Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.
About 50% of Americans pay no income taxes but receive massive government subsidies

stealing from Peter and giving the money to Paul is wrong

I think the capitalist have more subsidies. No stealing, Paul pays taxes.
Paying taxes on money that is from a tax, not the brightest idea, but it is a dimwits idea.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Universal health care is a commie wet dream. Screw demscum.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

Not just in other nations.

Right here in America.

trump was cured of the virus using socialized medicine.

Every doctor he saw is paid by the government. The hospital he went to was paid by the government. Every step of his recovery with our health care system was socialism. trump didn't pay one penny for that care. We the taxpayers paid for all of it. Doctors, hospital, drugs, everything.

In other words socialized medicine.

I wish I had the same health care trump and politicians get.

"In other words socialized medicine."


What President Donald J Trump was treated by and other politicians have is EMPLOYER PAID HEALTH INSURANCE.
We, the American people are the employer of our political leaders, and we foot the bill for our employees. It's NOT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.

At least the politicians answer to the people.

Insurance companies don't answer to anyone.

The insurance companies not only don't answer to anyone but they take your money then deny you the use of your own money you gave them to pay your bills.

And they use very stupid reasons to do it.

All for the only purpose of putting more money in the pockets of private insurance companies.

We need to go back to non profit insurance companies. Health care insurance was non profit. Then Reagan changed it to a for profit private business. Which ruined health care.

It took the decision of what care you get out of yours and your doctor's hands and put it in the hands of greedy insurance companies.

There is a reason why people hate insurance companies.

There's a reason why republicans say that a public option will bankrupt private insurance companies. If given the choice, Americans would choose the public option over the private insurance companies.

The answer isn't just force all of into private insurance companies. There is no competition thus rates aren't kept low and they treat the customers like garbage below their feet.

Real competition and real choice will be the death of private insurance companies.

And rightly so.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

" See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies) "

Not sure what you mean by this?
I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.

At least the politicians answer to the people.

When? Where? I've never had a politician answer to me. Ever.

Insurance companies don't answer to anyone.

They answer to their customers. And if the customers don't like the answer, they can fire their insurance company - stop paying them and tell them to piss off. We have no such option with government. You're stuck with whatever idiot voters voted for until the next fool is elected. And even then, there's no guarantee things will change for the better. If at all.
We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
Nothing is free in this world

the federal government is already running a budget deficit

in order to increase spending on people who cant pay it will have to reduce services to those who already have health insurance - and raise their taxes

Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.

Well they should of given themselves a tax cut.


Well they haven't deleted it yet, have they??

Why should they? Just because you don't want to face the music doesn't mean you get to have it deleted. It is a legitimate question I asked, and you, as I expected either can't or refuse to answer. Expecting the Mods to assist you in dodging the question like ALL Liberal, progressive, socialist, spread the wealth Democrats shows how ignorant you are.
Just answer the question. How much is ENOUGH?

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs

I repeat the ACA is even more popular now. People are finally catching on to the benefits.
The people who are paying more for less are not as enthused. We do not get to hear from them though. Medicine may go national in healthcare, but Progs will end up choosing those who get it and how much they get.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.

At least the politicians answer to the people.

Insurance companies don't answer to anyone.

The insurance companies not only don't answer to anyone but they take your money then deny you the use of your own money you gave them to pay your bills.

And they use very stupid reasons to do it.

All for the only purpose of putting more money in the pockets of private insurance companies.

We need to go back to non profit insurance companies. Health care insurance was non profit. Then Reagan changed it to a for profit private business. Which ruined health care.

It took the decision of what care you get out of yours and your doctor's hands and put it in the hands of greedy insurance companies.

There is a reason why people hate insurance companies.

There's a reason why republicans say that a public option will bankrupt private insurance companies. If given the choice, Americans would choose the public option over the private insurance companies.

The answer isn't just force all of into private insurance companies. There is no competition thus rates aren't kept low and they treat the customers like garbage below their feet.

Real competition and real choice will be the death of private insurance companies.

And rightly so.
What I am saying to you if we do get National health Insurance, the costs will be there. Hiding it will not be an option. Hiding tax increases to each individual in other ways will be an option. It is not free. And we have a lot of sick people, the aged, hypochondriacs, obese people, drug and alcohol issues and more. We also have representatives from most of the world's nations living here. And the call of why one person gets an operation or service faster then another will come in all flavors and accusations. With the lawyers present of course. Death by bureaucracy. The funeral homes will be happy.

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