If there is no border crisis, why call in FEMA?

If there is no border crisis, why call in FEMA?

To keep it from becoming a "crisis" - as they transition from Trump inhumanity to Biden humanity.

So define 'Biden humanity'? Is it letting them all in, all who come to the border? Is there a stopping point? Or should we just annex all of South America into the U.S.? It's a serious question, where do you draw a line, or don't you draw one at all?

It is a logical question. If there is no crisis in immigration as Chairman Xiden claims, then why did he call a crisis organization like FEMA to help?

There is a thread already on here about Democrats lie about everything. Rings true here as well.
It wasn’t a guess. It’s the truth
False. It's nonsense. They come here because things are so scary where they are from. But i know concepts like empathy and compassion are foreign and nonstarters to today's conservatives, unless we are talking about someone you personally know. So i know this has now become a waste of time. Have a nice night.

I'll ask you the same question, how many should be allowed to come here? If things are 'scary' where they come from, why shouldn't we just bring them all here?
I just want to point out the logic of this topic really quick. Going by the Opening Poster's logic of "If there's no immediate crisis at this very second of this very day, why bother with FEMA going to help?"

- If there's no rain today, why would I ever need an umbrella?
- It's hot today, I don't need to own a jacket
- I'm not driving anywhere right now, I don't need to own a car
- I'm not having sex at this moment, no need to ever buy condoms
- I feel a bit sick but I'm not collapsed on the floor, I don't need see a doctor
- I'm collapsed on the floor but I'm still conscious, I'll go to the ER when they discover my body later and drive me there
You don't send in FEMA on the off chance it might rain someday, Dumbass.

Learn how to use analogies.

Pot, kettle, black. You do send FEMA in when expect massive influx of need. They're always geared up and standing by when they anticipate need. At least they did under other Presidents. Under Trump they were always a day late and a dollar short.
Compassion is not in our constitution.
Haha...great! Thank you for the clear demonstration of the new conservatism. Personally, i find it nauseating and embarrassing for you.
I am not a conservative. Why didn’t you address the other part of my post? You keep shrinking them to show that you’re a dishonest person.

Yes, imagine that! Someone cut down YOUR post to make is say something YOU never said. I guess with you it's "Do as I say, not as I do". You still have that falsified and dishonest post in your signature line as well, you dishonest hack!
I have a link to that post in my siggy so people may judge for themselves. You said “Jews invented whining”. Own it.

It is a logical question. If there is no crisis in immigration as Chairman Xiden claims, then why did he call a crisis organization like FEMA to help?

There is a thread already on here about Democrats lie about everything. Rings true here as well.

Yeah, using The Blaze, as the "Questional" source in a story about Democrats lying, makes this is the most ironic, and certainly, the most unintentionally funny post of the day:

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Compassion is not in our constitution.
Haha...great! Thank you for the clear demonstration of the new conservatism. Personally, i find it nauseating and embarrassing for you.
I am not a conservative. Why didn’t you address the other part of my post? You keep shrinking them to show that you’re a dishonest person.

Yes, imagine that! Someone cut down YOUR post to make is say something YOU never said. I guess with you it's "Do as I say, not as I do". You still have that falsified and dishonest post in your signature line as well, you dishonest hack!
I have a link to that post in my siggy so people may judge for themselves. You said “Jews invented whining”. Own it.

Pot, kettle, black. You do send FEMA in when expect massive influx of need. They're always geared up and standing by when they anticipate need. At least they did under other Presidents. Under Trump they were always a day late and a dollar short.

We are there because there is a crisis, now I know how Dems like to play with words and try to ignore realities but even NBC believes there is a crisis. Several other liberal news outlets are also calling it a crisis.

I realize for you Canadians will never have a border crisis because no one wants to get into Canada for obvious reasons.

Compassion is not in our constitution.
Haha...great! Thank you for the clear demonstration of the new conservatism. Personally, i find it nauseating and embarrassing for you.
I am not a conservative. Why didn’t you address the other part of my post? You keep shrinking them to show that you’re a dishonest person.

Yes, imagine that! Someone cut down YOUR post to make is say something YOU never said. I guess with you it's "Do as I say, not as I do". You still have that falsified and dishonest post in your signature line as well, you dishonest hack!
I have a link to that post in my siggy so people may judge for themselves. You said “Jews invented whining”. Own it.

I said “LINK”...learn to read.
I just want to point out the logic of this topic really quick. Going by the Opening Poster's logic of "If there's no immediate crisis at this very second of this very day, why bother with FEMA going to help?"

- If there's no rain today, why would I ever need an umbrella?
- It's hot today, I don't need to own a jacket
- I'm not driving anywhere right now, I don't need to own a car
- I'm not having sex at this moment, no need to ever buy condoms
- I feel a bit sick but I'm not collapsed on the floor, I don't need see a doctor
- I'm collapsed on the floor but I'm still conscious, I'll go to the ER when they discover my body later and drive me there
You don't send in FEMA on the off chance it might rain someday, Dumbass.

Learn how to use analogies.

Pot, kettle, black. You do send FEMA in when expect massive influx of need. They're always geared up and standing by when they anticipate need. At least they did under other Presidents. Under Trump they were always a day late and a dollar short.
Fuck you and your Trump obsession. FEMA is for EMERGENCIES, not an "anticipated need", Dumbass. Why don't you STFU and stick to KKKanadian politics, you don't know shit about the USA.
If there is no border crisis, why call in FEMA?

To keep it from becoming a "crisis" - as they transition from Trump inhumanity to Biden humanity.

So define 'Biden humanity'? Is it letting them all in, all who come to the border? Is there a stopping point? Or should we just annex all of South America into the U.S.? It's a serious question, where do you draw a line, or don't you draw one at all?

I say give the Southwest back to the people it was stolen from!


Stolen Birthright: The U.S. Conquest and Exploitation of the Mexican People

If there is no border crisis, why call in FEMA?

To keep it from becoming a "crisis" - as they transition from Trump inhumanity to Biden humanity.

So define 'Biden humanity'? Is it letting them all in, all who come to the border? Is there a stopping point? Or should we just annex all of South America into the U.S.? It's a serious question, where do you draw a line, or don't you draw one at all?

I say give the Southwest back to the people it was stolen from!

View attachment 469802

Stolen Birthright: The U.S. Conquest and Exploitation of the Mexican People

Gonna give the rest of it back to the Injuns?

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