“If serious about impeaching a president, it can NOT and should NOT be done on a partisan basis!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group


Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group

View attachment 294577
Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

Like the Johnson Impeachment? Like the Clinton Impeachment?
a counterintelligence investigation is a good thing...until it becomes a bad thing!
As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.
Did someone say 'Russian Collusion / Russian Ties'?

Conservative Jim Hanson exposes how Rep. Jerry Nadler is making a mockery of our government, in a video he shared on Twitter. The video shows Nadler appearing on CNN with host Erin Burnett. During their interview, Nadler is forced to admit that they have no proof of any wrongdoing on the part of President Trump, but they hope that after interviewing half of America, they will.

Jerry should have asked HIS OWN CAMPAIGN CONSULTANT for advice on where to look for signs of 'Russian ties / collusion'....after all, the guy lobbies on behalf of the head of a Russia propaganda outlet.

'Nadler’s campaign consultant is Ezra Friedlander, a lobbyist and political consultant who runs outreach to the Orthodox Jewish community for Nadler’s campaign, is also a public-relations executive whose newest client is the wife of Kirill Vyshinsky, the head of Russian state news media outlet RIA Novosti’s Ukrainian arm.'

So we have D-Schiff taking lots of money from a Russian-born arms dealer and from Burisma, the corrupt energy company owned by the notorious Ukraine criminal known to work with Putin and who hired Hunter Biden, a crack-snorting loser who was tossed out of the US military, to be a Board Member... and now we have Nadler tied to the head of the Russian state news media outlet.

DID SOMEONE SAY, “RUSSIAN COLLUSION?” Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler’s Reported Ties To Russian Propagandist Revealed

Like the Johnson Impeachment? Like the Clinton Impeachment?
Why are you trying to hijack the thread / distract from Nadler's own comments? If you are embarrassed, offended, or have a problem with them perhaps you should take that up with Jerry 'the Russian Toad' Nadler.
Nancy Pelosi made the same statements
I may be wrong but I believe those statements were made before the whistleblower complaint became public. It was the complaint that made Pelosi realize the Dems had to do something about Trump's lawlessness whether the Repubs accepted the facts or not.
“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group

View attachment 294577
Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

tRump's egregious violations of the Constitution and abuse of power forced their hands.
“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group

View attachment 294577
Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

Like the Johnson Impeachment? Like the Clinton Impeachment?

You need to take that question up with Nadler. At least in the Clinton Impeachment there was no rush to push it through, and there was no question of a crime. Perjury was real before the fact of impeachment, there was no need for secret meetings down in the basement, no need for un-named sources and the reason for impeachment didnt shift 5 times from topic to topic, just to get rid of someone whos politics were unpopular.
Nancy Pelosi made the same statements
I may be wrong but I believe those statements were made before the whistleblower complaint became public. It was the complaint that made Pelosi realize the Dems had to do something about Trump's lawlessness whether the Repubs accepted the facts or not.

You have yet to dispute this argument. Why are you dodging?

As for corrupting the 2020 election, even if Ukraine had announced an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump couldn’t know how effective it would be, how long it would take, or whether it might even exonerate them. The election is still a year away. If the mere announcement of a foreign government’s investigation into corruption can poison a U.S. election, then American democracy must be weaker than even its enemies think.
“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group

View attachment 294577
Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

tRump's egregious violations of the Constitution and abuse of power forced their hands.

Abuse of power ? then Roosevelt should have been impeached for using the IRS to target political opponents.

Trumps abuse of power? How? he was only accused of things based on a fake Russian dossier, ad a phonecall with a president that people have their own interpretations of, is not a proven abuse of power. Democrats are searching for the crime to fit the person they dont like. I see that as the real abuse of power and the abuse of their oath of office. Trying to steal an election. They never agreed to the transfer of power when the new administration started, that is the abuse of power. Hillary had a courtesy call by the FBI to warn her of Russian meddling, Trump got the same call by the FBI but it was a set up. That was an abuse of power.
The investigation into the abuse of power by Democrats cannot go deep enough.
tRump's egregious violations of the Constitution and abuse of power forced their hands.
WHICH 'Constitutional Violations would that be, lil' snowflake?

The ones for which Russian-born arms-dealer/Burisma money-taking Schiff, during his failed Impeachment hearings, could not present a vrime, could not present evidence of a crime, and could not present any witnesses?

The ones during Jerry 'The Russian Toad' Nadler's coup hearings DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert / Scholar Turley testified did not exist, that it was the Democrats who have continuously and continue to abuse their power in their Un-Constitutional push to admittedly politically Impeach the President, which he calls 'DANGEROUS' to our republic?

You mean the ones committed by Obama's FBI and DOJ - committing FISA Court Abuses by intentionally including known unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda from a known anti-Trump agenda-driven ex foreign spy into their FISA Court warrant requests, by manufacturing false 'evidence' / altering evidence, and omitting critical information?

“If you’re serious about impeaching a president, it cannot and should not be done on a partisan basis. You have to have, at least by the end of the process, buy-in from the Republicans, or at least a good number of Republicans.

If you’re really serious about removing a president from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, you shouldn’t do that unless you get at least an appreciable fraction of the people who voted for him, of the other side, to agree, reluctantly perhaps, to agree that ‘yeah, you had to do it,’ because otherwise you’ll have 20 years of recriminations. we won the election, you stole it from us. you don’t want to divide the country that way.”

- February 2018

"Impeachment should not be partisan. You have to be in a situation to undertake impeachment where you believe that once all the evidence is public, not a majority but a good fraction of the opposition voters who supported the president would say, ‘Well, they had to do it. It was the right thing to do.' I won't tear the country apart."

- September 2018

The same person made these 2 separate quotes. The same person made these profound declarations, vowed NOT to be part of a purely partisan Impeachment that would split the country apart...and then has admittedly done so.

Know who made these statements?

D-Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judicial Committee & Founder of
the Liberal Progressive Socialist Dem High-Wader Dress-Pants Support Group

View attachment 294577
Demanded the US AG Break the law
Censured the US AG for NOT breaking the law

Jerry Nadler Said In 2018 That A ‘Partisan Impeachment’ Would ‘Tear The Country Apart’ — Now He’s Overseeing A One-Party Impeachment Push

tRump's egregious violations of the Constitution and abuse of power forced their hands.

Abuse of power ? then Roosevelt should have been impeached for using the IRS to target political opponents.

Trumps abuse of power? How? he was only accused of things based on a fake Russian dossier, ad a phonecall with a president that people have their own interpretations of, is not a proven abuse of power. Democrats are searching for the crime to fit the person they dont like. I see that as the real abuse of power and the abuse of their oath of office. Trying to steal an election. They never agreed to the transfer of power when the new administration started, that is the abuse of power. Hillary had a courtesy call by the FBI to warn her of Russian meddling, Trump got the same call by the FBI but it was a set up. That was an abuse of power.
The investigation into the abuse of power by Democrats cannot go deep enough.
Have you not watched any of the hearings?

It's all been laid out in simple language for you, there is no excuse for not knowing what this is about.
tRump's egregious violations of the Constitution and abuse of power forced their hands.
WHICH 'Constitutional Violations would that be, lil' snowflake?

The ones for which Russian-born arms-dealer/Burisma money-taking Schiff, during his failed Impeachment hearings, could not present a vrime, could not present evidence of a crime, and could not present any witnesses?

The ones during Jerry 'The Russian Toad' Nadler's coup hearings DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert / Scholar Turley testified did not exist, that it was the Democrats who have continuously and continue to abuse their power in their Un-Constitutional push to admittedly politically Impeach the President, which he calls 'DANGEROUS' to our republic?

You mean the ones committed by Obama's FBI and DOJ - committing FISA Court Abuses by intentionally including known unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda from a known anti-Trump agenda-driven ex foreign spy into their FISA Court warrant requests, by manufacturing false 'evidence' / altering evidence, and omitting critical information?

Watch a real news show for a change. There is no excuse for not knowing what's going on here.
Dems are turning off their phones...they are getting death threats...phones won't stop ringing.....
I may be wrong but I believe those statements were made before the whistleblower complaint became public. It was the complaint that made Pelosi realize the Dems had to do something about Trump's lawlessness whether the Repubs accepted the facts or not.

You seem to be leaving out numerous facts in your statement above.

1. There is no 'Whistle Blower'. As pointed out by actual lawyers who corrected Schiff and the Democrats, the actual Whistle Blower Act defines what a 'Whistle Blower' is, and Schiff's faux 'Whistle Blower' does NOT meet the legal criteria.
-- Schiff (and DragonLady) was caught LYING AGAIN when during the Congressional committee hearing he was chairing he claimed that Whistle Blowers - qualifying or not - are afforded ANONYMITY and IMMUNITY. Since they have been challenged to present any such law - which does not exist - they have run like scalded dogs the other way to avoid having to admit they LIED.

2. The 'Whistle Blower' complaint, as well, does NOT technically exist. Without a 'Whistle Blower' there can be no 'Whistle Blower' complaint. Also, before the 'complain' was expedited to Schiff who then used it to manufacture this latest coup attempt, the Prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ already DISMISSED the complaint due to the facts that 1) NO CRIME was / could be established, & 2) THERE ARE / WERE no witnesses! The non-existent 'Whistle Blower' did not personally witness anything, and neither did any of the 'witnesses' Schiff called during his coup circus.


What has given the Democrats no option except to Impeach the President is the fact that he is the most successful President in modern history, and the Democrats know they do not have 1 single candidate who can come close to defeating the President in 2020.

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