Should left-wing media outlets be classified as terrorist organizations?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I believe that much, if not most left-wing media as of right now serves little purpose but the incitement of fear, hatred, and potential violence.

If shutting it down outright is too much of a proposal, then perhaps having the Federal government designating them as terrorist organizations, and putting them on watchlists would work, hopefully expediting the process of trying or charging the hosts and commenters for incitement of rights, anarchy, and other social ills.

The beauty of "frees peach" is that it isn't absolute - one doesn't have a right to yell "fire" in a movie theater, so which should left-wing pedagogues and misinformants have a "right" to use loaded words like "facist", "white supremacist", "Nazi", "racist/sexist/homophobe", and other nonsensical jargon simply for the purpose of riling up the emotions and feral impulses of the underclass, at the expense of better Americans and Britons?
100% agree. Why should we continue to allow the media to report on the things Trump and his admin are trying to get away with? Don't they understand that we elected Trump to be our King and that means anything he does is perfectly fine. Continuing to report on what he is saying and doing is unamerican and they should be treated as enemies of the King.
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100% agree. Why should we continue to allow the media to report on the things Trump and his admin are trying to get away with? Don't they understand that we elected Trump to be our King and that means anything he does is perfectly fine. Continuing to report on what he is saying and doing is unamerican and they should be treated as enemies of the King.
Using loaded words and spreading pure propaganda isn't "reporting", it's just inciting.

Using the word "white" for example in a loaded way could potentially be illegal (and my understanding is that within the cult of critical theory, it's used more akin to the notion of "bourgoise" than something inherently having solely to do with race).
100% agree. Why should we continue to allow the media to report on the things Trump and his admin are trying to get away with? Don't they understand that we elected Trump to be our King and that means anything he does is perfectly fine. Continuing to report on what he is saying and doing is unamerican and they should be treated as enemies of the King.
Using loaded words and spreading pure propaganda isn't "reporting", it's just inciting.

Using the word "white" for example in a loaded way could potentially be illegal (and my understanding is that within the cult of critical theory, it's used more akin to the notion of "bourgoise" than something inherently having solely to do with race).

Again, totally agree. The media should not be allowed to show clips of Trump speaking. Even if his own words make him look bad, don't they understand that they should be covering for him. Much like Fox News does. This is how you can show your loyalty to the King and love for America.
Repeal the 1st Amendment? ... then we can outlaw the entire Democrat Party ... one party rule actually works really well in North Korea and Saudi Arabia ... I'd be more than happy to be forced to attend Anglican mass every Sunday morning ... but we'll have to repeal the 2nd Amendment first, my gun says I ain't getting no damn pussy haircut ...

If you don't like what's being said ... then boycott the advertisers paying to have it said ...

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