If Ryan's plan for seniors is so great, why doesn't it apply to seniors?

Good points. Imagine Obama throwing American jobs under the bus and come back and hammer Mitt for Bain. Hypocrisy at it's highest....but the left won't think so.

Well, it's clear that Obama has no shame.

He seals his records, claims executive privilage on Fast & Furious....then turns around and says Romney his hiding something in his tax-returns.

He pisses off our allies and then has his media accuse Romney of insulting them.

He steals $700 billion from Medicare then claims Romney wants to cut Medicare.

He sends millions of jobs overseas, outsources our manned space program to Russia, and outsources our oil industry to Brazil, yet he says Romney outsources jobs.

He has his media lackeys yell questions at Romney when the press isn't allowed to knowing full well Obama almost never allows the press to ask questions at press-conferences.

He and his wife have been living off of the fat of this country for almost 4 years wasting billions on Hawaiian vacations, and shopping trips to Spain, and he claims Romney is out of touch and is some rich bastard that could care less about the Middle-class.


That would work better for Ryan, he has lifetime taxpayer funded insurance. As does his mother.

Okay.....explain why.
Why are costs for health care lower in Japan than they are here?

There are many reasons for why that is so. Your simplistic notion that all we have to do is make hospitals non-profit and then for evidence say, "Because Japan" as if that is all that is different between Japan and the US is mind-bogglingly ignorant.

Regardless, ObamaCare does nothing to bend down the cost curve. In fact, costs are going to skyrocket. The rubes fell for a bait and switch con.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

Idiot, if we don't reform it now, our seniors will
continue to get crappier care and eventually Medicare will break.

Ask Obama how cutting 700 billion from Medicare is going to
give seniors better health care. It isn't. Thats the reality, Medicare is dying.

We can't afford it.

The reason it won't effect people over 55 is because they have already planned their retirement around the present government promised system.

rw's just parrot and regurgitate pub/pot nonsense but never back it up with facts. Note to rw's .... If fux and slushbo says it, you can bet money on it being false.
So medicare is better and they get to keep it because they've been paying into it all along.

That's what he's really saying: Medicare is better.

Nope. What he's saying is they get to keep it because they're happy with it. They're plans revolve around it.

The new form of Medicare will be more efficient and less expensive to run.
If it is better then everyone should go on the voucher system immediately instead of penalizing the elderly by forcing them to continue on medicare.

Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.
Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.

Under Ryan's plan ("Proposal" in the figure below), they're paying more than twice as much under the alternative (the "alternative fiscal scenario) by 2030. A larger share of a more expensive plan.

Why are costs for health care lower in Japan than they are here?

PRIMARILY because as 90% of physicians attest.. $600 billion in Defensive Medicine is NOT in Japan!

Due to FEAR of lawsuits physicians order duplicate tests, refer to specialists.. all because they don't want to have to do depositions, appear in court, have to go and defend themselves!
Then they have to pay lawyers,court costs.. ALL out of fear of lawsuits they do as they attest for every $4.00 in services $1.00 is for defensive medicine!

$600 billion is NOT in Japan's costs of health care!
Explain your claim. Show how Ryan's plan increases Medicare costs for beneficiaries by $6000 a year.


I will. AynRyan's plan is to replace Medicare with an unknown voucher system. It will let insurance companies decide the cost of insuring those over 65. If the voucher doesn't cover the actual cost, go pound sand you old fuck. It will probably reduce Medicare costs, at the expense of those who need it most.

I'm on Medicare Advantage Plan the precursor of Ryan's voucher and IT IS FANTASTIC!
Right now Medicare pays my Advantage plan $800 per month.
My plan takes care of all expenses including
1) paying my $96.40/month fee I would have had to pay with traditional Medicare
2) provides $50 a month in over the counter health products
3) Do NOT pay any co-pays as required by regular Medicare of 20% if I had a visit!
4) And they provide health club memberships to keep me healthy!!!

These Advantage plans are on Obamas hit list so get ready to lose yours.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

That's a very good question.

My problem is that there's enough to be worked up about. Joblessness, stagnant wages, too many low level jobs making it so that consumers have less and less to spend, the debt crisis.

That's enough for the average person to handle and then some, and now we've got Romney/Ryan trying to get us all worked up about how a popular government program is going to go broke 12 years from now.

Excuse me, but joblessness and the problems of today are on our plate and now we're supposed to get all worked up about this other thing and the solution is to make it so that we get a voucher coupon worth only part of what our costs will be a decade from now (for those of us in their 40's now) and as older people we're supposed to go out and try to find insurance plans when we know that private insurance companies are reluctant to even want to cover old people?

What a headache.

Tell us how what you're going to do about jobs today, not about the overhauling of Medicare you want to do a decade from now.

And why is it now, that after only two days, that Ryan was good enough for you to pick him as your VP, but none of his plans are good enough for you to talk about? Romney has really shot himself in the foot here. He distances himself from his own running mate while the running mate and the rest of that party are trying to drum up an entire crisis to get us all scared about one more goddamn thing.

We've got 8.3% unemployment, don't tell me what you want to do with me when I'm a senior if I'm in-between jobs now......FAAAHHHKK!!
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Good points. Imagine Obama throwing American jobs under the bus and come back and hammer Mitt for Bain. Hypocrisy at it's highest....but the left won't think so.

Well, it's clear that Obama has no shame.

He seals his records, claims executive privilage on Fast & Furious....then turns around and says Romney his hiding something in his tax-returns.

He pisses off our allies and then has his media accuse Romney of insulting them.

He steals $700 billion from Medicare then claims Romney wants to cut Medicare.

He sends millions of jobs overseas, outsources our manned space program to Russia, and outsources our oil industry to Brazil, yet he says Romney outsources jobs.

He has his media lackeys yell questions at Romney when the press isn't allowed to knowing full well Obama almost never allows the press to ask questions at press-conferences.

He and his wife have been living off of the fat of this country for almost 4 years wasting billions on Hawaiian vacations, and shopping trips to Spain, and he claims Romney is out of touch and is some rich bastard that could care less about the Middle-class.


That would work better for Ryan, he has lifetime taxpayer funded insurance. As does his mother.

Medicare is not a very good lifetime health insurance policy. There is a $99.90 a month charge for parts A B and C and part D will cost from $15 to $45 depending on where you buy it. There are also deductibles and limits on number of days in the hospital it will pay for.

Ryan's Mother is 65 and lives in Florida and has Medicare. Why be an asshole and call it lifetime taxpayer funded insurance.
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Why are costs for health care lower in Japan than they are here?

There are many reasons for why that is so. Your simplistic notion that all we have to do is make hospitals non-profit and then for evidence say, "Because Japan" as if that is all that is different between Japan and the US is mind-bogglingly ignorant.

Regardless, ObamaCare does nothing to bend down the cost curve. In fact, costs are going to skyrocket. The rubes fell for a bait and switch con.

What are the reasons, genius.
Why are costs for health care lower in Japan than they are here?

PRIMARILY because as 90% of physicians attest.. $600 billion in Defensive Medicine is NOT in Japan!

Due to FEAR of lawsuits physicians order duplicate tests, refer to specialists.. all because they don't want to have to do depositions, appear in court, have to go and defend themselves!
Then they have to pay lawyers,court costs.. ALL out of fear of lawsuits they do as they attest for every $4.00 in services $1.00 is for defensive medicine!

$600 billion is NOT in Japan's costs of health care!

Barely coherent. But I think you are blaming malpractice suits.

I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

One of the key elements of the program to make it work is to raise the eligibility age. Ryan's plan slowly raises the eligibility age to 67 by 2034. So this obviously cannot be implemented on people who retire sooner than that.

Myself, I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligiblity ages to at least 70. And much more quickly.

We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

The average life expectancy when Social Security was enacted was 60, and only 6 percent of our population was over 65. Today, life expectancy is 78 and 13 percent of our population is over 65.

We have literally doubled our Social Security entitlement load.

Life expectancy when Medicare was enacted was 70. Now it is 78. So that entitlement load is now commensurately larger as well.

It is patently insane to insist we maintain the same retirement age as we live far longer than when our ancestors did when they enacted these programs.

Life expectancy is 78 for someone born TODAY, it was not 78 for someone born 65 years ago or even 55 years ago!
Let's see now.....what is their spiel gonna be:

1. Repealing Obamacare = DEATH

2. Paul Ryan choice is an attack on women

3. Romney/Ryan want to cut Medicare

4. Romney/Ryan hate blacks

5. Romney/Ryan hate farmers

6. Romney/Ryan hate the Middle-class

7. Romney/Ryan are for the rich

8. Romney/Ryan want to raise your taxes

9. Romney/Ryan wants to kill kill kill..........

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