If Ryan's plan for seniors is so great, why doesn't it apply to seniors?

So the message would be....if you're under 55, expect a shitty retirement compared to what a 70 year old has right now?

Or....."Romney 2012; The Future is Bleak".

Just be honest. Thats all I'd ask.

Yeah, that's pretty accurate. That's because current retirees are a gang of greedy geezers who sucked all the money out of the system and impoverished their children and grandchildren. Blame it on your parents, asshole. There is no bottomless magic pot of money to pay for retirement for everyone. The end result of lavish liberal social programs today is a shitty lifestyle for everyone who manages to survive until tomorrow.
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I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

For starters it's inherently unfair to cut benefits to people who have already retired or will be shortly, expecting to receive a certain level of benefits.

I don't agree. They voted for the current Ponzi scheme. Why shouldn't they be the ones who suffer as a result?

However, the political reality is that any plan that gets approved will need the support of these self-centered greedy geezers.
Longevity is one of the reasons why Europe has consistently lowered the retirement age to 50 in some places. Young workers cannot replace retired workers until the older workers actually retire. Although we have a retirement age of 65, in reality most people work well into their 70s or even 80s. The result is a large number of people at much younger ages who cannot find a job..

That isn't why they can't find work. the idea that there is a fixed quantity of work to go around was exploded by economist about 150 years ago.
Seniors are old enough to remember that Ronald Reagan saved Social Security without ending it.

Yeah, with a massive tax increase. One of those is enough. increasing my taxes so I get a bigger social Security check doesn't help me. It just send more of my money to the government. Which is to say, it sends my money to a gang of trimmers and frauds.

No thanks.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

Maybe he figures we will have single payer by the time 55 year olds hit retirement age...

I hope we join the rest of the industrialized world by then.

You mean he hopes we join the lemmings as they go over the cliff?

That's what Obama wants, not Ryan.
I don't know but your question makes me wonder If Obamacare is so great for the country how come the President and Congress don't use it.

If you're talking about the new marketplaces Obamacare creates for folks don't get insurance through their jobs, members of Congress will use them.

The "exchanges" are not marketplaces. You don't need government to have a market place. You need government to get the hell out of the way.
Nope. What he's saying is they get to keep it because they're happy with it. They're plans revolve around it.

The new form of Medicare will be more efficient and less expensive to run.
If it is better then everyone should go on the voucher system immediately instead of penalizing the elderly by forcing them to continue on medicare.

Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.

Medicare premiums are deducted from Social Security so seniors are already paying a premium.
I read that Paul Ryan's austerity measures in his plan dont apply to anyone over 55 regarding benefits for seniors.

If they are saying their plan is so great for seniors, why doesn't it apply to our seniors?

That's a very good question.

My problem is that there's enough to be worked up about. Joblessness, stagnant wages, too many low level jobs making it so that consumers have less and less to spend, the debt crisis.

That's enough for the average person to handle and then some, and now we've got Romney/Ryan trying to get us all worked up about how a popular government program is going to go broke 12 years from now.

Excuse me, but joblessness and the problems of today are on our plate and now we're supposed to get all worked up about this other thing and the solution is to make it so that we get a voucher coupon worth only part of what our costs will be a decade from now (for those of us in their 40's now) and as older people we're supposed to go out and try to find insurance plans when we know that private insurance companies are reluctant to even want to cover old people?

What a headache.

Tell us how what you're going to do about jobs today, not about the overhauling of Medicare you want to do a decade from now.

And why is it now, that after only two days, that Ryan was good enough for you to pick him as your VP, but none of his plans are good enough for you to talk about? Romney has really shot himself in the foot here. He distances himself from his own running mate while the running mate and the rest of that party are trying to drum up an entire crisis to get us all scared about one more goddamn thing.

We've got 8.3% unemployment, don't tell me what you want to do with me when I'm a senior if I'm in-between jobs now......FAAAHHHKK!!
Good points. Creating jobs would help fund medicare. As would allowing more to become American citizens to work these jobs to pay into medicare. We are quickly becoming a country of elderly with no one to pick up the slack.
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Let's see now.....what is their spiel gonna be:

1. Repealing Obamacare = DEATH

2. Paul Ryan choice is an attack on women

3. Romney/Ryan want to cut Medicare

4. Romney/Ryan hate blacks

5. Romney/Ryan hate farmers

6. Romney/Ryan hate the Middle-class

7. Romney/Ryan are for the rich

8. Romney/Ryan want to raise your taxes

9. Romney/Ryan wants to kill kill kill..........
Maybe he wasn't such a good pick as a running mate after all, eh?
Nope. What he's saying is they get to keep it because they're happy with it. They're plans revolve around it.

The new form of Medicare will be more efficient and less expensive to run.
If it is better then everyone should go on the voucher system immediately instead of penalizing the elderly by forcing them to continue on medicare.

Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.
Right there you admit that the cost of Lyin' Ryan's $716 billion in Medicade cuts, to give himself and Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., a tax cut, will be shifted onto the backs of the seniors so much so that it will take them 10 years to save up for the extra premiums they will have to pay. And if they fail to prepare sufficiently for it, then fuck em', let them die.
If it is better then everyone should go on the voucher system immediately instead of penalizing the elderly by forcing them to continue on medicare.

Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.
Right there you admit that the cost of Lyin' Ryan's $716 billion in Medicade cuts, to give himself and Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., a tax cut, will be shifted onto the backs of the seniors so much so that it will take them 10 years to save up for the extra premiums they will have to pay. And if they fail to prepare sufficiently for it, then fuck em', let them die.

From what I've read, they will have a choice of vouchers OR use medicare
Under the voucher system, there will be a small premium the seniors will have to pay. The seniors did not prepare for this, but future generations have time to prepare.
Right there you admit that the cost of Lyin' Ryan's $716 billion in Medicade cuts, to give himself and Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., a tax cut, will be shifted onto the backs of the seniors so much so that it will take them 10 years to save up for the extra premiums they will have to pay. And if they fail to prepare sufficiently for it, then fuck em', let them die.

From what I've read, they will have a choice of vouchers OR use medicare
Not according to the Lyin' Ryan plan PASSED by the GOP House. If you want to be gullible enough believe that some new plan fabricated for political expediency in an election year will actually become law, then be my guest. But no such law as you describe has been brought to the floor of the House for a vote as of this posting.

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