If Romney doesnt soundly defeat Obama in the debates...

obama should stop taking those trips overseas and bowing down

George W. Bush And Apology - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Obama has never apologized for America, merely at times acknowledged its mistakes (like torturing prisoners against clear prohibitions in domestic and international law) alongside its strengths (like being one of the the most stable and benign democracies in history). I don't see this acknowledgment of fallibility and error over time as some kind of craven weakness, but actually the kind of strength that a successful, self-confident democracy can deploy when necessary. Democracies can admit when they have screwed up; dictatorships cannot. I regard that as a strength. Romney for some reason regards it as a weakness.

But even George W. Bush differed from Romney on this. And so it was that after some US troops were found using the Koran for target practice, George W. Bush apologized to the prime minister of Iraq:

"He apologized for that in the sense that he said that we take it very seriously," White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "We are concerned about the reaction. We wanted them to know that the president knew that this was wrong."

I thought obama was going to bring peace to the world and part the waters?

Dangerous and deepening divide between Islamic world, West | Reuters

Where can we find this promise?
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

Grampa........gotta disagree with you on this one. Romney just needs to show up..........not that Obama isnt up to it, but he will indeed make his case, and its a pretty simple one. Do we want to keep the bar set low or do we want to raise it? All Romney has to do is put the finishing touches on about 5% of the voting public who arent enamoured with Obama anyway........"the undecideds"........and he will do that. Romney stood in and traded punches with Gingrich who schools EVERYBODY in the debating department.

Grampa........no worries here. You gotta look to history in terms of the general elections in this country. It always comes down to the health of the state economies and in a shit economy with the incumbent getting less than 50%, electorally, its always a rout of the incumbent.

Grampa........go over to DRUDGE and scroll down to read Thomas Sowells latest article about the epic failure of redistributionist states in history........all a model of epic failure. Romney will be trotting ot that theme big time in the debates and it will resonate with those 5%-7% that matter.........because indeed, that 47 other % doesnt matter politically.

Dont sweat it my friend...........expect to see me whooping it up in here on election night.........and you're gonna be laughing your balls off with me!!!:2up:


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This is the FOX report on November 9th 2011. They placed Cain and Gingrich ahead of Romney.

In the eyes of the pundits in republican Valhalla Romney couldn't even beat Cain.

The newGOPers may want to "spin" Romney's debating skills but this is the age of the internets and we have videos and the digest from their own camp.

Y'all may want to review Romney's performance in actual debates before coming on USMB spouting what a great debator Mittens is.

"Who Won the Latest GOP Debate?
By John LeBoutillier

Published November 09, 2011

First of all, the CNBC hosting crew was perhaps the most un-watchable of all the debates so far. Their questions were inane, far too long – and typically too self-centered. Who wants to listen to Jim Cramer screaming at eight presidential candidates – especially when he is wrong all the time?

Tonight’s winners were Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

The biggest loser was Rick Perry because of his not knowing/remembering his own economic plan, specifically the third federal agency he would eliminate (the Department of Energy). That awkward moment will be replayed for days to come on news shows; he already had become a non-factor in the race, but he is all done now.

Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum got less air time than the other candidates – and it raises a fairness issue: why isn’t the same question asked of all eight candidates and each accorded the same time to answer? Why specific questions for the so-called front-runners – and different questions and less time for the so-called lesser candidates? It just doesn’t seem fair.

Jon Huntsman – a total non-factor in the GOP race – did well at the end when he told us why a tariff stand-off with China was a bad way to go.

Now, to the three winners:

1) Herman Cain was very strong – except for a bad Nancy Pelosi moment – and was able to dodge questions about the mounting sexual harassment scandal surrounding his candidacy. He was buoyed by the crowd booing the question and questioner – Maria Bartiromo – perhaps because the debate was billed as a debate on the economy.

Make no mistake about it: tonight’s performance helped him inside the GOP – even though the scandal makes him un-electable among non-conservative, non-GOP voters and women.

2) Newt Gingrich again played the role of the knowledgeable elder statesman/scold who chides the media and the Establishment. He used history, i.e. Henry Ford and Bill Gates, in a perfect way to bridge the 99% vs. 1% gap – and he ripped the “media” for misreporting how business works in the U.S. He continues to shine in these debates and it explains how – with no money and no campaign staff – he has climbed into third place in the polls.

3) Mitt Romney, a native of Michigan, was good but not great. Clearly afraid of the reaction he received in the last debate in Las Vegas three weeks ago, he scaled back his energy and refrained from criticizing his rivals. In fact, all of the candidates backed off and played the “amiable colleague” role instead of ripping the hide off each other.

Conclusion: Afraid of the fall-out from the Las Vegas debate, all eight candidates went more low-key. There were no fireworks and no contention between them."

Who Won the Latest GOP Debate? | Fox News

Silly musings about who may be said to have won the long ago primary debates is not even remotely akin to making a point.

Romney may not have been the favorite of most Republicans. But he is the nominee and supporting him over the Imbecile Incumbent is an obvious call.

Meanwhile, if you actually imagine that Pres. Obama can somehow articulately "defend" his hideous "record," then you are in for some (unpleasant for you) surprises during the debates that are coming up soon.

President "Uhm ahh that is err as I say AND uhm" is not going to fare well.
Meanwhile, if you actually imagine that Pres. Obama can somehow articulately "defend" his hideous "record," then you are in for some (unpleasant for you) surprises during the debates that are coming up soon.

Oh c'mon. You're smarter than this. Even if we accept your assumption that Obama is going to be unprepared to eloquently defend his viewpoints (which is a false assumption), the debates aren't a format that really allow for a swing in the polls anymore.

The questions are screened, follow up is incredibly limited, and the time constraints on replies barely let a candidate get out a sound byte. It's been years since the Presidential debates have been a forum with clear winners or losers, or where it's even been possible to have a clear winner or loser.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

The problem for Romney is the debates are for Obama to lose. It doesn’t make any difference how ‘well’ Romney does, all Obama has to do is avoid saying something stupid, and he wins re-election.

And of course Romney put himself in a deep hole with the 47 Percent speech, giving Obama a powerful weapon with which to counter-attack should Romney gain traction on an issue.

it's the economy stupid and don't you forget it.

If Romney hadn't forgot it, he'd have a shot at winning. Instead his campaign keeps getting distracted and off message. There's a reason he's probably going to lose, and it's because Romney himself just can't seem to stay on target.
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

Mittens has been campaigning for something or other for so many years and yet, he still makes huge mistakes almost daily. His record is of failures in the areas that matter - distroying companies and firing workers, using taxpayer's money to fund the Olympic disaster, leaving Mass in a state of disarray and possible corruption.

His campaign has been laughable. If he can't run a campaign, why would anyone believe he can run the country?

He has to win every single swing state. No way that will happen.
Meanwhile, if you actually imagine that Pres. Obama can somehow articulately "defend" his hideous "record," then you are in for some (unpleasant for you) surprises during the debates that are coming up soon.

Oh c'mon. You're smarter than this. Even if we accept your assumption that Obama is going to be unprepared to eloquently defend his viewpoints (which is a false assumption), the debates aren't a format that really allow for a swing in the polls anymore.

The questions are screened, follow up is incredibly limited, and the time constraints on replies barely let a candidate get out a sound byte. It's been years since the Presidential debates have been a forum with clear winners or losers, or where it's even been possible to have a clear winner or loser.

"There you go again..."

Silly musings about who may be said to have won the long ago primary debates is not even remotely akin to making a point.

Romney may not have been the favorite of most Republicans. But he is the nominee and supporting him over the Imbecile Incumbent is an obvious call.

Meanwhile, if you actually imagine that Pres. Obama can somehow articulately "defend" his hideous "record," then you are in for some (unpleasant for you) surprises during the debates that are coming up soon.

President "Uhm ahh that is err as I say AND uhm" is not going to fare well.

STOP IT! Stop with the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's already. I'm outta coffee and the store doesn't open for another hour and a half! :lol:

If debating skills was going to swing it for the Mittens then the guy that has been running for president for over ten years should have been able to sway FOX in an actual debate. Debates are not a popularity contest.
Unless he is asked soft ball questions, he will not be able to survive the debates since he has given so many different versions of his answers and policies over the last year. He will be easily tripped up and I really hope he is asked some serious questions with examples of his own words about his constantly changing rhetoric.

People seem to forget this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5BE9_x7xTo]Obama Faces GOP On Its Talking Points - YouTube[/ame]

You know, Conservatives always tend to think that Liberal policies are "indefensable" and that any given Democrat will trip up and just collapse into nothingness. I recall the complete surprise when Chris Wallace tried to ambush Clinton and got his @$$ handed to him by old Billy Boy.

You don't get to be President by being stupid and right now the talking points on the Right are so well known that a competent person could device counter points for all of them in a fairly short time. When your attack lines become so predictable, don't be surprised when you get your @$$ handed to you.

In the end though, it doesn't really matter. Obama just has to avoid saying something stupid. He's up in the swing states and the debates as a format don't allow an opponent to really get an advantage unless you yourself give him that opportunity. Obama at this point will do fine, which is all he needs.

Romney needs to study up though. He's made some serious blunders in the Primary and provided more than enough fodder over the last few weeks for some pretty pointed questions. He needs a strong showing and is facing a tough mountain to climb.
Nothing screams "genuine human being" like Mitten's nervous rich guy cackle laugh.

That will be the moment Willard blows the debates.

Only a true idiot would use a guys laugh as a factor in a campaign,the sadness is so many do.

Style over substance
The Dish - James Lipton Offers Up Some Acting Tips to Mitt Romney - Blog - Bravo TV Official Site

Lipton starts by dissecting Romney's laugh, which he says is "a device he employs at odd moments and in a most peculiar way," and in more or less words, he calls it phony. "There's no pleasure there, no amusement. Genuine laughter is triggered only by, and is completely dependent on, shared perception."
I don't think the debates will make that big of a difference.

Someone posted that there are trends ...

The biggest trend is that Republicans are having more people register to vote than Democrats. And of those new voters, most are in the "likely" category and indicate a preference for Gov Romney. And, as usual, the polls are highly skewed in favor of Barry Hussein.

Political junkies like us will watch the debates - the vast majority of Americans will channel surf to find something more interesting to watch. The so-called Independents and undecided are among the latter. They won't make up their minds until the day before they vote.

The only polls that will indicate the true trend of the election will be reports on early voting where it's allowed. Not who people voted for but voters indicated by party affiliation.

A big turnout will be in favor of Romney as more and more Democrats indicate they've lost interest in voting.

Unless he is asked soft ball questions, he will not be able to survive the debates since he has given so many different versions of his answers and policies over the last year. He will be easily tripped up and I really hope he is asked some serious questions with examples of his own words about his constantly changing rhetoric.

People seem to forget this..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5BE9_x7xTo]Obama Faces GOP On Its Talking Points - YouTube[/ame]

You know, Conservatives always tend to think that Liberal policies are "indefensable" and that any given Democrat will trip up and just collapse into nothingness. I recall the complete surprise when Chris Wallace tried to ambush Clinton and got his @$$ handed to him by old Billy Boy.

You don't get to be President by being stupid and right now the talking points on the Right are so well known that a competent person could device counter points for all of them in a fairly short time. When your attack lines become so predictable, don't be surprised when you get your @$$ handed to you.

In the end though, it doesn't really matter. Obama just has to avoid saying something stupid. He's up in the swing states and the debates as a format don't allow an opponent to really get an advantage unless you yourself give him that opportunity. Obama at this point will do fine, which is all he needs.

Romney needs to study up though. He's made some serious blunders in the Primary and provided more than enough fodder over the last few weeks for some pretty pointed questions. He needs a strong showing and is facing a tough mountain to climb.

I agree with most of this..except that. Obama needs to kick some royal ass.

Gore beat Bush in debates on substance..but lost on style. Obama needs to definitely win on both substance and style.

No one is expecting that Romney will win..but if he simply keeps up..he will. Because expectations are so low.

You know, Conservatives always tend to think that Liberal policies are "indefensable" and that any given Democrat will trip up and just collapse into nothingness. I recall the complete surprise when Chris Wallace tried to ambush Clinton and got his @$$ handed to him by old Billy Boy.

You don't get to be President by being stupid and right now the talking points on the Right are so well known that a competent person could device counter points for all of them in a fairly short time. When your attack lines become so predictable, don't be surprised when you get your @$$ handed to you.

In the end though, it doesn't really matter. Obama just has to avoid saying something stupid. He's up in the swing states and the debates as a format don't allow an opponent to really get an advantage unless you yourself give him that opportunity. Obama at this point will do fine, which is all he needs.

Romney needs to study up though. He's made some serious blunders in the Primary and provided more than enough fodder over the last few weeks for some pretty pointed questions. He needs a strong showing and is facing a tough mountain to climb.

I agree with most of this..except that. Obama needs to kick some royal ass.

Gore beat Bush in debates on substance..but lost on style. Obama needs to definitely win on both substance and style.

No one is expecting that Romney will win..but if he simply keeps up..he will. Because expectations are so low.

No, Obama wins all ties

Romney needs a clear victory in the first debate. Nobody watches the next two.

Obama will be prepared with responses on all the key issues (unemployment rate, economy, Obamacare). Romney needs to hit him with something out of the blue
His only chance to defeat him in the election will be lost. I submitted to you all that I had doubts that Romney could run a successfull campaign against Obama.
I will not make excuses for a Romney loss but in my opinion he has run a terrible campaign. Without a sound victory in the debate he WILL lose the election.

As long as conservatives take the Senate and retain the House, Obama can't really do much more damage, and providing members of the Supreme Court, don't retire, in one way or another....
Obama wins all ties?? :lol:

you're dreamin'.....

Unfortunately for Romney...he does

The public is familiar with Obama and he has a high likeability rating. Romney, for the most part is still a stranger and at times, a little strange

The bigger factor is the current electoral college polling. Obama leads 247 to 191 with 100 swing votes in play. Romney needs 80% of available swing state votes. Hard to do when you currently trail in seven of eight swing states

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney cannot afford a tie in the debates...if he ties, he loses
Obama wins all ties?? :lol:

you're dreamin'.....

Unfortunately for Romney...he does

The public is familiar with Obama and he has a high likeability rating. Romney, for the most part is still a stranger and at times, a little strange

The bigger factor is the current electoral college polling. Obama leads 247 to 191 with 100 swing votes in play. Romney needs 80% of available swing state votes. Hard to do when you currently trail in seven of eight swing states

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney cannot afford a tie in the debates...if he ties, he loses

Yeah, sure he does...:clap2:
Obama wins all ties?? :lol:

you're dreamin'.....

Unfortunately for Romney...he does

The public is familiar with Obama and he has a high likeability rating. Romney, for the most part is still a stranger and at times, a little strange

The bigger factor is the current electoral college polling. Obama leads 247 to 191 with 100 swing votes in play. Romney needs 80% of available swing state votes. Hard to do when you currently trail in seven of eight swing states

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney cannot afford a tie in the debates...if he ties, he loses

Yeah, sure he does...:clap2:

Agree.....he sure does

However, the point is moot

Obama will be a clear winner in the debates (unless you ask Fox) and will see his current lead expanded

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