If Republicans are racists and sexists then why no anti Condi Rice VP threads?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

Don't worry. She won't be.
OMG, she's president and I didn't know it.

Okay, serious answer - she's not liberal.

Check out the rw's remarks about Colin Powell to see what I mean. Or, for that matter, look at general opinion about his son. In spite of his gutting and trashing our journalism standards and selling us out to Big Money, pubs love him.
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

Don't worry. She won't be.

After mitt's disastrous showing yesterday, he's on his knees to Rubio but, does Rubio want to end his career on Mitt's little tiny mountain?
There are sexist and racist in any political group it's the fools who try and portray the entire that way because of a few that is really sad and pathetic and really shows who the true racist and sexist people are.
There are sexist and racist in any political group it's the fools who try and portray the entire that way because of a few that is really sad and pathetic and really shows who the true racist and sexist people are.

Yea but its a now Dem/lib talking point that GOP/Conservatives are racists. That's a substantial claim. And if it were indeed to true then I think there would be constant obvious manifestations. And frankly I've yet to come across a series of conservatives who have argued against Rice at all; let alone on the basis of gender and race.
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

Liberals crushed Rice with all kinds of racial filth. Including political cartoons depicting her in a most racially bigoted manner.
There are sexist and racist in any political group it's the fools who try and portray the entire that way because of a few that is really sad and pathetic and really shows who the true racist and sexist people are.

Yea but its a now Dem/lib talking point that GOP/Conservatives are racists. That's a substantial claim. And if it were indeed to true then I think there would be constant obvious manifestations. And frankly I've yet to come across a series of conservatives who have argued against Rice at all; let alone on the basis of gender and race.

The thing is the claim is not true everyone knows this I suspect the liberals making the claim know it but when you have nothing else to promote or bring to the table that's what you fall back on these claims have the same chance of being politically relevant as the Jersey Shore does of being considered great television.
There are sexist and racist in any political group it's the fools who try and portray the entire that way because of a few that is really sad and pathetic and really shows who the true racist and sexist people are.

Yea but its a now Dem/lib talking point that GOP/Conservatives are racists. That's a substantial claim. And if it were indeed to true then I think there would be constant obvious manifestations. And frankly I've yet to come across a series of conservatives who have argued against Rice at all; let alone on the basis of gender and race.

The thing is the claim is not true everyone knows this I suspect the liberals making the claim know it but when you have nothing else to promote or bring to the table that's what you fall back on these claims have the same chance of being politically relevant as the Jersey Shore does of being considered great television.

Mmm. I think you're totally underestimating the saturation of these racist claims. I think even moderate democrats have at least somewhat bought into the claims that Republicans are racist.

If it were not so, they'd be getting pissed off and threatening to crossover to the other side or at least stop voting for them.

Dem politicians are getting away with their outrageous claims b/c of the state of the party. It is infected at its core.
Seriously, only half the GOP is racist;

Why , because Condi is a REPUBLICAN-on probation...

Well the democrats have such a stellar record and they like keeping blacks down, they've never missed a chance (cotton=gov money)
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?

Don't worry. She won't be.

Who's worrying? I think you need to work on your comprehension Dean. That's just terrible. It's not wonder you have a problem ever stepping into reality.
Why do some always need to announce it when they like someone black? Prove your are not racist or sexist, by not bringing up that your are not racist or sexist. You are the first person I have seen bring this up.
Why do some always need to announce it when they like someone black? Prove your are not racist or sexist, by not bringing up that your are not racist or sexist. You are the first person I have seen bring this up.

That's a funny interpretation of what you think I'm doing. You think I'm trying to prove that I'm personally not racist to you or anybody? I could care less if you or anybody thinks that.

I legitimately ask why there are no racist threads about C-Rice being VP if we're supposed to be racist. I think that's a straight forward inquiery that doesn't require you trying to see ulterior motives. Care to answer that or would you rather continue to look for ways to deflect?
About the only good thing I can say about GWB is actually my respect for him for not being sexist or racist in his choices. It is one of the few areas I actually respect him in, and his choice in Rice was one of his best choices. However, it sure as hell pissed off a bunch of his supporters i know.
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?
Rice Would be a Great choice except for her Connect to Bush. She is a Brilliant Person. Her IQ Dwarfs Obama"s and Romney's. Knows like 7 languages.

Then of course there is the Obvious benefits of Being Part Black, Part Hispanic, and a woman. When it comes to helping Romney with Groups he needs help with.

Just don't know if he should risk the Bush Baggage. Then Again, The democrats Are going to try and Saddle him with Bush Baggage anyways so why the hell not.

Maybe Romney will get sick and be declared unable to serve and she would be President. Would be a vast Improvement over Romney. lol
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About the only good thing I can say about GWB is actually my respect for him for not being sexist or racist in his choices. It is one of the few areas I actually respect him in, and his choice in Rice was one of his best choices. However, it sure as hell pissed off a bunch of his supporters i know.

If "supporters" were pissed off it's b/c their people were not picked to uphold or enhance their power. But that has nothing to do with racism or sexism. That's just the game of politics.

And in fact, Obama has an especially white and male staff b/c of that game IMO. Though a lot of people argue especially that he is sexist as he tends to not have a lot of women in high positions.
About the only good thing I can say about GWB is actually my respect for him for not being sexist or racist in his choices. It is one of the few areas I actually respect him in, and his choice in Rice was one of his best choices. However, it sure as hell pissed off a bunch of his supporters i know.

Who did it piss off? I know lots of really conservative republicans, and havent found one that didnt like her.
Seriously, Dems are constantly crying about how racist and sexist Republicans are. But I've yet to even see a thread saying; 'please don't let that ****** bitch be our VP candidate.' Could it be that Republicans aren't racist and sexist?
Rice Would be a Great choice except for her Connect to Bush. She is a Brilliant Person. Her IQ Dwarfs Obama"s and Romney's. Knows like 7 languages.

Then of course there is the Obvious benefits of Being Part Black, Part Hispanic, and a woman. When it comes to helping Romney with Groups he needs help with.

Just don't know if he should risk the Bush Baggage. Then Again, The democrats Are going to try and Saddle him with Bush Baggage anyways so why the hell not.

Maybe Romney will get sick and be declared unable to serve and she would be President. Would be a vast Improvement over Romney. lol

I think conservatives have sort of brought Rice's "brilliance" to mythological proportions much in the same way that the media/libs did that for Obama.

I do think she is pragmatic, reasonably intelligent, fairly humble, likeable, and connected to reality. I personally have a few preferences ahead of her. But for the reasons I stated, I would not be disappointed if she got the nod.

As I already stated, as far as just concerning the campaign cycle goes, I would freaking love it if she got the nod. She's black and a woman and the Obama would have a hell of a time trying to play the out of touch greedy misogynistic white guy card that he's so desperately trying to play at every turn.

Frankly, I think a Romney/Rice ticket could present challenges that perhaps Obama could not overcome.
About the only good thing I can say about GWB is actually my respect for him for not being sexist or racist in his choices. It is one of the few areas I actually respect him in, and his choice in Rice was one of his best choices. However, it sure as hell pissed off a bunch of his supporters i know.

If "supporters" were pissed off it's b/c their people were not picked to uphold or enhance their power. But that has nothing to do with racism or sexism. That's just the game of politics.

And in fact, Obama has an especially white and male staff b/c of that game IMO. Though a lot of people argue especially that he is sexist as he tends to not have a lot of women in high positions.

No, I lie how you mae excuses for people you do not know, but I know these people and they didn't lie her for racist and sexist reasons. I often heard the term ****** bitch in reference to her. They often excused his actions because he had to to make them damned liberals happy. Personally I saw GWB as being a bit more progressive in the areas of sexism and racism than most of the people who voted for him. These are the same people who wan't obama thrown out of office because of his birth certificate. Please do not make excuses for the birthers, thank you.

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