If It's Just A Weekend To You And Me Why Is It Always A Vacation To Trump?

Obama didn't work a total of seven days the entire eight years he was President.

Why do you snowflakes keep saying such stupid things over and over?

Obama's work ethic was far better than Trump, who is a supremely lazy shit. You may not have liked Obama's work, but you look like a squealing butthurt liar when you pretend he didn't work his ass off. Stop peddling idiot lies to deflect from Trump's indefensible behavior.
If it costs us 3.5 million for a weekend, each and every weekend, it's a vacation.
How much did it cost for Obama to go golfing? I'm sure it was in the millions every time.

Obama tended to use the local courses at nearby military bases

It cost $26 a round
Jesus. What an imagination. Everything we've seen the last 8 yeats never happened. Actually we don't have a $20 trillion dollar debt. We have a $20 trillion dollar surplus because Obama saved every nickle and dime he could. We never raised the spending limit. We never shut down the government. We never had a sequester. Obama never borrowed $700 billion to pay for the first year of Obamacare. We never had a stimulus to pay for all of those imaginary shovel-ready-jobs. It was all in our minds.
Trump has $20 trillion debt and spends like a millionaire playboy
Obama didn't work a total of seven days the entire eight years he was President.

Why do you snowflakes keep saying such stupid things over and over?

Obama's work ethic was far better than Trump, who is a supremely lazy shit. You may not have liked Obama's work, but you look like a squealing butthurt liar when you pretend he didn't work his ass off. Stop peddling idiot lies to deflect from Trump's indefensible behavior.

Trump reads very little. He avoids most briefings and sleeps through those he attends. He is incurious and asks few questions. That is why he is so easily fooled by conspiracy theories
Google it, then you will have egg on your face.

I'm not the one making the claim, so that's not my responsibility.

I guess you also forgot how liberals counted soldiers deaths daily on the news.

Really? So which channel had the daily total death toll, presented by the liberals? I think you're making that up as well.

Oh, that also has jack to do with your claim that most liberals attacked Bush merely for the concept of taking vacations.

In contrast, most conservatives did hold the belief that Obama was awful for taking any vacations.

The two sides are not alike. Yours was and is full of shit.
Google it, then you will have egg on your face.

I'm not the one making the claim, so that's not my responsibility.

I guess you also forgot how liberals counted soldiers deaths daily on the news.

Really? So which channel had the daily total death toll, presented by the liberals? I think you're making that up as well.

Oh, that also has jack to do with your claim that most liberals attacked Bush merely for the concept of taking vacations.

In contrast, most conservatives did hold the belief that Obama was awful for taking any vacations.

The two sides are not alike. Yours was and is full of shit.
Oh my, you are a blind follower, can't even remember the things you did.
Obama didn't work a total of seven days the entire eight years he was President.

Why do you snowflakes keep saying such stupid things over and over?

Obama's work ethic was far better than Trump, who is a supremely lazy shit. You may not have liked Obama's work, but you look like a squealing butthurt liar when you pretend he didn't work his ass off. Stop peddling idiot lies to deflect from Trump's indefensible behavior.

Obama was a worthless piece of shit that catered to all the scum in America instead of looking after the interest of this country.

If the asshole actually did some real work then why in the hell during his administration did poverty increase, family income decrease, debt skyrocketed, health care cost go up and the country never even had as much as a dismal 3% economic growth? That is the record of a failed administration led by an incompetent dishonest affirmative action asshole, isn't it?

The answer is simple. All Obama did as President was kiss the ass of the illegals, queers, Muslims, welfare queens and raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party. He never looked after the interest of the American people. We all know that.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless piece of shit. You were just as stupid supporting that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent jackass Crooked Hillary.
Why have trump and his minions been lying about him playing golf?

He stood up the veterans he had agreed to meet, not just one, but twice. In DC, he stayed just long enough for the photo op then said they should follow him to Florida, paying the cost themselves, of course. Then he stood them up at his resort and played golf instead.

Then there's the fact that he has already issued at least two "eo's" that will harm military and vets. Anyone surprised?

To be fair however, the R congress consistently voted down Obama's efforts on their behalf. That's why RWNJs vote for them ....

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Obama was a worthless piece of shit that catered to all the scum in America instead of looking after the interest of this country.

Geez, we get it, Snowflake. You're butthurt and weeping over how incompetent and corrupt Trump looks in comparison to Obama, and over how everyone is laughing at you for your "Make America Great Again" hat.

There's a solution to that. Stop sucking Trump's ass. Nobody is forcing you to do that. You're sucking the ass of a corrupt loser of your own free will. You can choose to stop sucking his ass any time you want. You can end your humiliation whenever you choose.

And no, snowflake, nobody cares if you cry harder at us now. You need to be dragged into the real world kicking and screaming, even if it does trigger you.
Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth.

I didn't say you yourself complained about Obama's vacations, so forget about using that diversion.

I pointed out that Republicans as a whole melted down about Obama's vacations, something that was totally new in politics. That had never happened with any previous president. I hope you don't humiliate yourself by denying that.

I pointed out your party as a whole, after melting down about Obama, is now giving a pass to Trump's much worse behavior. Obama never lined his own pockets with taxpayer cash by taking vacations. Trump's behavior is unprecedented in it's sleaze.

And yet here you are, running cover for your hypocritical party with some "but both sides do it!" bullshit, even though only your side does it.

I also don't have a side as many of you partisan nutters think everyone needs, I am more in the middle and you nuts on the left and the right can't comprehend that concept. To me both parties are a mess and you extreme nutters are to blame.

If I ever saw you going into these odd logical contortions to defend Democrats, I might have believed that. However, you only jump in to run cover for Republicans.

I have more respect for open party hacks than I do for "independents" who pretend not to be party hacks so they can more effectively run cover for their party. At least the open party hacks are honest about it.
The media constantly complained about Bush 41 and 43s trips. They even complained about Reagan's trips to California. This is normal. But Obama could do no wrong, even though he was the laziest little shit to ever hold the office. Bill Clinton at least worked. Not Obama. He never got anyyhing productive done and media supported everything he did. Missing intel meetings, disappearing during Benghazi, his constant parties and concerts.
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Obama was a worthless piece of shit that catered to all the scum in America instead of looking after the interest of this country.

Geez, we get it, Snowflake. You're butthurt and weeping over how incompetent and corrupt Trump looks in comparison to Obama, and over how everyone is laughing at you for your "Make America Great Again" hat.

There's a solution to that. Stop sucking Trump's ass. Nobody is forcing you to do that. You're sucking the ass of a corrupt loser of your own free will. You can choose to stop sucking his ass any time you want. You can end your humiliation whenever you choose.

And no, snowflake, nobody cares if you cry harder at us now. You need to be dragged into the real world kicking and screaming, even if it does trigger you.
A Snowflake projecting his garbage on the rest of us is pretty funny.
If you own a cabin on a lake as a second residence... if you go there for the weekend it is a called a mini-vacation, because you are not staying at home. Trump's "home" isn't Mar-a-Lago, it is New York. So he isn't going "home" as many of you state, otherwise he'd be going to New York where there is already extra security staying there because Melania and Barron are there, and it wouldn't cost all this extra cash.

Yep, we're paying a mil a day in NYC, as well secret service for all the evil spawn. While Little DonDon is using the presidency to enrich the family, while Lil Eric is making wine and Tiffany is doing her idiotic Rich Kids on Instagram stuff - were paying for Secret Service protection. And of course, Melania can't go shopping without the and she now refuses to take the youngest spawn to school herself. She has the taxpayers pay for that too.

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Most Presidents would take a short helicopter ride to Camp David for a weekend getaway

Trump fires up AF1 to fly to Florida every weekend
How many times did Obama do that? Not very often. He would go to Andrews to play golf several times a week but went to Martha's Vineyard for his little getaways
Wrong again

Obama went to Martha's Vineyard once a year at the end of August
Andrews is a short hop from the White House and doesn't require the security that Trump needs
The media constsntly complained about Bush 41 and 43s trips. They even complained about Reagan's trips to California.

Is that the official alt-right fake reality position now, or did you make it up all by yourself?

He never got anyyhing productive done and media supported everything he did. Missing intel meetings, disappearing during Benghazi, his constant parties and concerts.

Same for that. Is that your own original fantasy, or did your masters tell you it was an official cult mantra that you needed to chant?

You understand the normal people see you as comic relief, right?
Obama was a worthless piece of shit that catered to all the scum in America instead of looking after the interest of this country.

Geez, we get it, Snowflake. You're butthurt and weeping over how incompetent and corrupt Trump looks in comparison to Obama, and over how everyone is laughing at you for your "Make America Great Again" hat.

There's a solution to that. Stop sucking Trump's ass. Nobody is forcing you to do that. You're sucking the ass of a corrupt loser of your own free will. You can choose to stop sucking his ass any time you want. You can end your humiliation whenever you choose.

And no, snowflake, nobody cares if you cry harder at us now. You need to be dragged into the real world kicking and screaming, even if it does trigger you.

We get it Moon Bat. You can't explain Obama's terrible record of failure so you bitch about Trump working his ass off to make this country great again.
Most Presidents would take a short helicopter ride to Camp David for a weekend getaway

Trump fires up AF1 to fly to Florida every weekend
How many times did Obama do that? Not very often. He would go to Andrews to play golf several times a week but went to Martha's Vineyard for his little getaways
Wrong again

Obama went to Martha's Vineyard once a year at the end of August
Andrews is a short hop from the White House and doesn't require the security that Trump needs
I'm gonna have to demand a Link
Because I know you're full of shit ..
Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth. I not justifying anything, it is not a both sides do it, it is the President needs to do it.

Do you place any limits on presidential vacations? Is there any point that would be too much for you?

The President's office is virtual, he can do his job from almost anywhere. So far all the Presidents vacations have been fine to me. I wonder what people did when Teddy Roosevelt went to Yellowstone for a few months. LOL!
If it costs us 3.5 million for a weekend, each and every weekend, it's a vacation.

yes... not to mention what we pay to protect the mail order bride here in nyc.

but the muddy the bigoted wackjob whined if president Obama went to visit family at Christmas.

disingenuous scum.
Obama has no family in Hawaii, penis-breath.

His only living relatives are in Chicago and in Kenya.
If it costs us 3.5 million for a weekend, each and every weekend, it's a vacation.
Oh, so it's the costs you're worrying about?
Okay, Obama doubled the debt.....so his entire presidency was one big fucking vacation on our dime.
The cost is a fair concern. And I was critical of some of Obama's trips. Especially the ones where he flew seperate from his family.
got a link to you defending Obama on his vacations and golfing,from USMB threads?

Who cares if Obama vacations or not. Biggest non-issue, what is funny is the same dip shits that claim that all his vacations are okay, are the same dip shits that criticized Bush for taking vacations.

With today's technology, Obama doesn't need to be at the White House 24/7 to screw up America, he can screw it up from anywhere in the world.

Need anything else nutter?

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