If It's Just A Weekend To You And Me Why Is It Always A Vacation To Trump?

Part of the reason for his visits to FL is he's receiving guests in a pleasant setting as part of his job as president. Obama received guests at rented compounds, charged to God only knows who.

Damn, and we spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make the white house so impressive to guests. Will Trump be holding state dinners at Mar-a-lago from now on?
Well, he is entertaining the leader of China there next month.

Are you sure? He tool the Japanese to Florida.
Part of the reason for his visits to FL is he's receiving guests in a pleasant setting as part of his job as president. Obama received guests at rented compounds, charged to God only knows who.

Damn, and we spent hundreds of millions of dollars to make the white house so impressive to guests. Will Trump be holding state dinners at Mar-a-lago from now on?
Well, he is entertaining the leader of China there next month.
The White House obviously isn't safe or secure so why not.
It was Iran's money the U.S. held in trust. That's how. Obama did not use money collected from U.S. tax payers.

Technically some us taxpayer money was involved, because the interest came from T-bills, which are paid out of taxpayer reciepts.
It was all our money. We didn't owe Iran one cent. If you count the way they broke international laws in taking our embassy, and murdered our troops in Iraq, we didn't owe them squat. Iran killed our soldiers and you piss drinkers cried over their flag draped coffins.
It was not. It was Iranian money which the U.S. put a freeze on decades ago.

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics.com
Thank God Obama straightened that out. Now they can stop taking our sailors hostage and stop chanting "Death To America".

I'm sure we can trust Iran now that we gave them back their money.

Maybe they'll stop sponsoring terrorism and become nice friendly warm and fuzzy.
Or maybe you'll grow a brain and finally comprehend it wasn't our money. :dunno:
Says the brainless liberal.
Nobody in their right fucking mind pays ransom to an enemy that plans on killing you.
I think its stupid to call it a vacation. Even a "mini vacation"
But Trump needs to quit. At least just pay for it himself.
It is amazing how people will defend this while trashing Obama over the money and at this rate, trump will surpass his whole 8 years in one.
I saw that the wife and kid are moving to WH soon. Probably when school is over. JS
I think its stupid to call it a vacation. Even a "mini vacation"
But Trump needs to quit. At least just pay for it himself.
It is amazing how people will defend this while trashing Obama over the money and at this rate, trump will surpass his whole 8 years in one.
I saw that the wife and kid are moving to WH soon. Probably when school is over. JS
I don't think Trump can spend $10,000,000,000,000.00. He'd rather invest it.
I think its stupid to call it a vacation. Even a "mini vacation"
But Trump needs to quit. At least just pay for it himself.
It is amazing how people will defend this while trashing Obama over the money and at this rate, trump will surpass his whole 8 years in one.
I saw that the wife and kid are moving to WH soon. Probably when school is over. JS
I don't think Trump can spend $10,000,000,000,000.00. He'd rather invest it.
Lol see?
Technically some us taxpayer money was involved, because the interest came from T-bills, which are paid out of taxpayer reciepts.
It was all our money. We didn't owe Iran one cent. If you count the way they broke international laws in taking our embassy, and murdered our troops in Iraq, we didn't owe them squat. Iran killed our soldiers and you piss drinkers cried over their flag draped coffins.
It was not. It was Iranian money which the U.S. put a freeze on decades ago.

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics.com
Thank God Obama straightened that out. Now they can stop taking our sailors hostage and stop chanting "Death To America".

I'm sure we can trust Iran now that we gave them back their money.

Maybe they'll stop sponsoring terrorism and become nice friendly warm and fuzzy.

We gave their money back because it was their money. It's what an honorable country does.
Are you really this stupid?
No, that's what a dumbass does. Give their enemy the money to buy tanks so they can kill us.

Still can't accept the fact that it was their money. Intentionally uninformed.
Most Presidents would take a short helicopter ride to Camp David for a weekend getaway

Trump fires up AF1 to fly to Florida every weekend
If it costs us 3.5 million for a weekend, each and every weekend, it's a vacation.
How much did it cost for Obama to go golfing? I'm sure it was in the millions every time.

Obama tended to use the local courses at nearby military bases

It cost $26 a round
Jesus. What an imagination. Everything we've seen the last 8 yeats never happened. Actually we don't have a $20 trillion dollar debt. We have a $20 trillion dollar surplus because Obama saved every nickle and dime he could. We never raised the spending limit. We never shut down the government. We never had a sequester. Obama never borrowed $700 billion to pay for the first year of Obamacare. We never had a stimulus to pay for all of those imaginary shovel-ready-jobs. It was all in our minds.
Most Presidents would take a short helicopter ride to Camp David for a weekend getaway

Trump fires up AF1 to fly to Florida every weekend
How many times did Obama do that? Not very often. He would go to Andrews to play golf several times a week but went to Martha's Vineyard for his little getaways
It was all our money. We didn't owe Iran one cent. If you count the way they broke international laws in taking our embassy, and murdered our troops in Iraq, we didn't owe them squat. Iran killed our soldiers and you piss drinkers cried over their flag draped coffins.
It was not. It was Iranian money which the U.S. put a freeze on decades ago.

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics.com
Thank God Obama straightened that out. Now they can stop taking our sailors hostage and stop chanting "Death To America".

I'm sure we can trust Iran now that we gave them back their money.

Maybe they'll stop sponsoring terrorism and become nice friendly warm and fuzzy.

We gave their money back because it was their money. It's what an honorable country does.
Are you really this stupid?
No, that's what a dumbass does. Give their enemy the money to buy tanks so they can kill us.

Still can't accept the fact that it was their money. Intentionally uninformed.
I don't accept it because those cocksuckers killed our troops, spilled our blood, cost us trillions with their insurgencies. How many Iranians did we kill???
The difference is that Trump works for the American people in his weekends in Florida.

That worthless affirmative action lazy piece of shit Obama never did a damn bit of real work for the American people. Obama flew off every week to raise money for the filthy ass Democrat Party in addition to his really expensive vacations and you Moon Bats never complained about it.

Trump has done more useful work for the American people in two months than that Obama asshole did in eight years. The difference between a successful businessman and a pathetic worthless community organizer.

Since it is March if Obama was President he would be spending all his time working on the basketball playoff brackets. Trump is working on bidding contracts to protect our southern borders from a flood of illegal aliens. The Moon Bats don't even know the difference.
Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth.

I didn't say you yourself complained about Obama's vacations, so forget about using that diversion.

I pointed out that Republicans as a whole melted down about Obama's vacations, something that was totally new in politics. That had never happened with any previous president. I hope you don't humiliate yourself by denying that.

I pointed out your party as a whole, after melting down about Obama, is now giving a pass to Trump's much worse behavior. Obama never lined his own pockets with taxpayer cash by taking vacations. Trump's behavior is unprecedented in it's sleaze.

And yet here you are, running cover for your hypocritical party with some "but both sides do it!" bullshit, even though only your side does it.

I also don't have a side as many of you partisan nutters think everyone needs, I am more in the middle and you nuts on the left and the right can't comprehend that concept. To me both parties are a mess and you extreme nutters are to blame.

If I ever saw you going into these odd logical contortions to defend Democrats, I might have believed that. However, you only jump in to run cover for Republicans.

I have more respect for open party hacks than I do for "independents" who pretend not to be party hacks so they can more effectively run cover for their party. At least the open party hacks are honest about it.
Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth.

I didn't say you yourself complained about Obama's vacations, so forget about using that diversion.

I pointed out that Republicans as a whole melted down about Obama's vacations, something that was totally new in politics. That had never happened with any previous president. I hope you don't humiliate yourself by denying that.

I pointed out your party as a whole, after melting down about Obama, is now giving a pass to Trump's much worse behavior. Obama never lined his own pockets with taxpayer cash by taking vacations. Trump's behavior is unprecedented in it's sleaze.

And yet here you are, running cover for your hypocritical party with some "but both sides do it!" bullshit, even though only your side does it.

I also don't have a side as many of you partisan nutters think everyone needs, I am more in the middle and you nuts on the left and the right can't comprehend that concept. To me both parties are a mess and you extreme nutters are to blame.

If I ever saw you going into these odd logical contortions to defend Democrats, I might have believed that. However, you only jump in to run cover for Republicans.

I have more respect for open party hacks than I do for "independents" who pretend not to be party hacks so they can more effectively run cover for their party. At least the open party hacks are honest about it.
No actually the left went crazy over Bush's trips to his ranch. Then didn't care a thing about Obama.
Trump works seven days a week for the country. He is doing a great job so far fixing the shit that Obama broke and getting started on making this country great again. He is doing the right things.

Obama didn't work a total of seven days the entire eight years he was President.

Now he did do some work for the illegals, Muslims and the filthy ass Democrat special interest groups but that was not for the American people.
No actually the left went crazy over Bush's trips to his ranch.

No. Don't try to revise history like that.

The left made fun of Bush's "ranch" that had no horses or cattle, and his brush-clearing photo-ops. However, the left didn't scream that presidents weren't allowed to take vacations.

And there was Cindy Sheehan setting up camp outside, but that also wasn't saying Bush wasn't allowed to take vacations.
No actually the left went crazy over Bush's trips to his ranch.

No. Don't try to revise history like that.

The left made fun of Bush's "ranch" that had no horses or cattle, and his brush-clearing photo-ops. However, the left didn't scream that presidents weren't allowed to take vacations.

And there was Cindy Sheehan setting up camp outside, but that also wasn't saying Bush wasn't allowed to take vacations.
Google it, then you will have egg on your face. I guess you also forgot how liberals countedsoldiers deaths daily on the news. Till Obama became president of course. He'll I remember liberals orgasms when the death toll hit 1000. Liberals can sure celebrate when you want to.

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