"If it bleeds it leads"..."millions in the path".."monster storm"...hyperbole,hysterical..MSM!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Age Of Disinformation
I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress.
Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are “unprecedented”, there are “millions and millions in the path”, it is caused by a “monster storm”, and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.

The Age Of Disinformation Medium

The above respected meteorologist is absolute 100% right!
And I can't help but say that those of you that believe your evening news, your newspapers are part of a diminishing number ... because the MSM is dying...but you cling to what they tell you..."Bush Lied", "Obama is like a god", "global warming deniers"... "tea baggers"... all phrases repeated ad nauseam!
As a result it is truly LIPs purview that James Spann addresses. LIPs read headlines and that's it!
World is ending! Global warming will be our demise!

Come on... breath deeply you LIPs. Think before you respond..(which I know you won't) because you
are as Obama has told you people that he has fooled. Played tricks on. "Tactics"!
The Age Of Disinformation
I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress.
Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are “unprecedented”, there are “millions and millions in the path”, it is caused by a “monster storm”, and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.

The Age Of Disinformation Medium

The above respected meteorologist is absolute 100% right!
And I can't help but say that those of you that believe your evening news, your newspapers are part of a diminishing number ... because the MSM is dying...but you cling to what they tell you..."Bush Lied", "Obama is like a god", "global warming deniers"... "tea baggers"... all phrases repeated ad nauseam!
As a result it is truly LIPs purview that James Spann addresses. LIPs read headlines and that's it!
World is ending! Global warming will be our demise!

Come on... breath deeply you LIPs. Think before you respond..(which I know you won't) because you
are as Obama has told you people that he has fooled. Played tricks on. "Tactics"!

Just another example of the Main Stream media (DRIVE-BY MEDIA) plugging away on Gorebal Warming. Total bullshit.
The Age Of Disinformation
I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress.
Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are “unprecedented”, there are “millions and millions in the path”, it is caused by a “monster storm”, and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.

The Age Of Disinformation Medium

The above respected meteorologist is absolute 100% right!
And I can't help but say that those of you that believe your evening news, your newspapers are part of a diminishing number ... because the MSM is dying...but you cling to what they tell you..."Bush Lied", "Obama is like a god", "global warming deniers"... "tea baggers"... all phrases repeated ad nauseam!
As a result it is truly LIPs purview that James Spann addresses. LIPs read headlines and that's it!
World is ending! Global warming will be our demise!

Come on... breath deeply you LIPs. Think before you respond..(which I know you won't) because you
are as Obama has told you people that he has fooled. Played tricks on. "Tactics"!

You actually had a decent point here, for about half a post. Then you fucked it all up with the "Lips" crapola and political shit.

Television lives on sensationalism. It's all it can deliver and always has been. It's the whole reason some of your colleagues here are continually hung up on what Fox Noise's audience numbers are. Everything you see is gauged on how many emotional buttons it can push. Hence the weather hype, hence the hype on everything.
The Age Of Disinformation
I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress.
Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are “unprecedented”, there are “millions and millions in the path”, it is caused by a “monster storm”, and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.

The Age Of Disinformation Medium

The above respected meteorologist is absolute 100% right!
And I can't help but say that those of you that believe your evening news, your newspapers are part of a diminishing number ... because the MSM is dying...but you cling to what they tell you..."Bush Lied", "Obama is like a god", "global warming deniers"... "tea baggers"... all phrases repeated ad nauseam!
As a result it is truly LIPs purview that James Spann addresses. LIPs read headlines and that's it!
World is ending! Global warming will be our demise!

Come on... breath deeply you LIPs. Think before you respond..(which I know you won't) because you
are as Obama has told you people that he has fooled. Played tricks on. "Tactics"!

Just another example of the Main Stream media (DRIVE-BY MEDIA) plugging away on Gorebal Warming. Total bullshit.

Has nothing to do with climate change or any other issue. It has to do with the nature of television.
Has nothing to do with climate change or any other issue. It has to do with the nature of television.

It has EVERYTHING to do with this gd media, whether on TV or in newspapers...

Here's an example right from Spann's article.

The Houston flooding is a great example. We are being told this is “unprecedented”… Houston is “under water”… and it is due to manmade global warming.
Has nothing to do with climate change or any other issue. It has to do with the nature of television.

It has EVERYTHING to do with this gd media, whether on TV or in newspapers...

Here's an example right from Spann's article.

The Houston flooding is a great example. We are being told this is “unprecedented”… Houston is “under water”… and it is due to manmade global warming.

--- and the other 99.9% of the article is about what I just cited -- sensationalism and überhype. In fact the only time he even brings up 'global warming' is to note how he's sick of politics because of partisan hacks like yourself desperately taking a piece that's clearly about media and trying to pin your own crackpot agenda on it.
The Age Of Disinformation
I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress.
Back to my point… many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. They will be sure to let you know that weather events they are reporting on are “unprecedented”, there are “millions and millions in the path”, it is caused by a “monster storm”, and “the worst is yet to come” since these events are becoming more “frequent”.

The Age Of Disinformation Medium

The above respected meteorologist is absolute 100% right!
And I can't help but say that those of you that believe your evening news, your newspapers are part of a diminishing number ... because the MSM is dying...but you cling to what they tell you..."Bush Lied", "Obama is like a god", "global warming deniers"... "tea baggers"... all phrases repeated ad nauseam!
As a result it is truly LIPs purview that James Spann addresses. LIPs read headlines and that's it!
World is ending! Global warming will be our demise!

Come on... breath deeply you LIPs. Think before you respond..(which I know you won't) because you
are as Obama has told you people that he has fooled. Played tricks on. "Tactics"!

You actually had a decent point here, for about half a post. Then you fucked it all up with the "Lips" crapola and political shit.

Television lives on sensationalism. It's all it can deliver and always has been. It's the whole reason some of your colleagues here are continually hung up on what Fox Noise's audience numbers are. Everything you see is gauged on how many emotional buttons it can push. Hence the weather hype, hence the hype on everything.

AND that is why YOU LIPs have been so fooled...i.e. you fall for anything because YOU read the headlines...
and not the details.
Case in point...
Here is the editor of Newsweek regarding Bush and then Obama... you tell me then why you would ever
ever believe anything from NewsWeek?

And of course the MSM lapped Obama up to such a degree that the Editor of NewsWeek
who once was asked about Bush:
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

But when it came to Obama???
YET this same Editor of NewsWeek Thomas.....
"mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God

So it is the same with ANYTHING LIPs, Obama,MSM spew.... totally oriented towards the sensational.
Towards the EXCEPTION and not the rule!
Now I can understand the MSM doing that...they have to sell ads and they think by pumping the news..
"millions in the path" for example... they get viewers and they do! Viewers/readers like you!
That form opinions and vote based on headlines or news flashes!
Politics i.e. Obama global warming and MSM bias are all intertwined.
YOU LIPs voted for Obama based on headlines...NOT on the details where Obama told you he was
lying to you, fooling you... because HE KNEW LIPs like you can't take time for the details...too busy

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