If corporate taxes are at their lowest rate, and productivity and profits are at...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
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WOW, Are you kidding? They are fleecing everyone and taking the money and jobs off shore. Three laws passed in the last 2 weeks that screw your rights. It is the beginning of the end but you fight over who is best, who is to blame etc. while both sides plan and execute screwing everyone. As stated by an author whos name escapes me. How did the Germans get millions of jews in boxcars? They fucking lied to them and that is what this government is doing to us. Please wake up and protect yourself.

Why would I hire anyone if I can make a profit with what I have.

Employees are an expense. And they are the easiest expense to control.

When the CEO of Coca-Cola says that China (which let's not forget, is a fuckin' communist dictatorship!) is more business friendly than the US, how can you really argue that our regulatory and tax systems are just fine.

Coca-Cola- nothing screams American business more than that brand, and it's CEO says, "I'd find it easier to business in China than the US!"

But , nope, we should raise taxes and put a few more union cronies on the gravy train. That's the ticket. Yeah.

Why would I hire anyone if I can make a profit with what I have.

Employees are an expense. And they are the easiest expense to control.

When the CEO of Coca-Cola says that China (which let's not forget, is a fuckin' communist dictatorship!) is more business friendly than the US, how can you really argue that our regulatory and tax systems are just fine.

Coca-Cola- nothing screams American business more than that brand, and it's CEO says, "I'd find it easier to business in China than the US!"

But , nope, we should raise taxes and put a few more union cronies on the gravy train. That's the ticket. Yeah.

Did you ever think that China is more "business friendly" because they have a captive labor force? Because the wages their workers get are the equivalent of slave labor in the US? Sure... Businesses don't want to look like total assholes, so they...ohhhh... do what they do best... market themselves in the best light.

They blame everything BUT the slave labor wages. Hell, they might even hire some "personalities" to go on AM radio and find the sympathetic ear of a Media Mogul to start his own TV News Channel in hopes that the bait and switch will continue indefinitely.

Then they take their profits and reinvest it OUTSIDE their own country, leaving this one to, little by little, fall into squalor.

This is what this ridiculous form of Capitalism has become.
Well...it is a drop dead certainty that this dismal economy shows us what a freaking joke the whole trickly down theory is, that's for damned sure.

That will not, of course, stop faith based fools from believing it.
Well...it is a drop dead certainty that this dismal economy shows us what a freaking joke the whole trickly down theory is, that's for damned sure.

That will not, of course, stop faith based fools from believing it.

Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.
Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.

I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. What?
The economy is obviously changing.

Businesses are doing more with less and that's not a bad thing as you would all like to believe. The next wave of entrepreneurs will have to find a new and exciting way to tap into the lean and mean mind set of today's business culture.

Those that can will create a new market for products and services specifically designed to cater to this new business climate.

Why do you insist that we keep the old big bloated company model of centuries past?
Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.

I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. What?

Why ask a question if you aren't willing to listen to answers other than what you've already decided is the correct one? Do you realize that you do exactly that with all of your strings, Billy?

Answer your own question...if corporate taxes are low, why aren't more companies hiring? You've stated as a "fact" that it's not regulations or the threat of coming regulations that is holding up hiring. I disagree with you. I think the threat of legislation that would increase the cost of doing business...like Cap & Trade and EPA regulations and ObamaCare...has made businesses cautious about increasing the size of their labor force until they see the economy improving.
Did you ever think that China is more "business friendly" because they have a captive labor force? Because the wages their workers get are the equivalent of slave labor in the US? Sure... Businesses don't want to look like total assholes, so they...ohhhh... do what they do best... market themselves in the best light.

They blame everything BUT the slave labor wages. Hell, they might even hire some "personalities" to go on AM radio and find the sympathetic ear of a Media Mogul to start his own TV News Channel in hopes that the bait and switch will continue indefinitely.

Then they take their profits and reinvest it OUTSIDE their own country, leaving this one to, little by little, fall into squalor.

This is what this ridiculous form of Capitalism has become.

Slave Labor? Hysteric much?

Fact is, China has advanced 300 million people to the Middle Class in the last few decades.

Besides that, labor costs are only a small part of the puzzle. What it costs to transport goods and what tarrifs are left usually erase any savings. It's the regulations, the fact that thanks to public education, Americans are dumber than stones, the taxes that are really the problem, not just the labor costs.
Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.

Don't worry, once Romney is President, he'll do for America what he did for AmPad.
We have, though trade laws, and tax laws, and various laws that give advantages to big capital and always at the expense of the working people, wrecked this economy.

Of course, if you're one of the chosen ones, or one of their loyal servants, this has worked out very well for you.

But the nation itself is much worse off that it needs to be.

The GREED PHILOSOPHY and a representational system of government do not make good bedfellows.
We have, though trade laws, and tax laws, and various laws that give advantages to big capital and always at the expense of the working people, wrecked this economy.

Of course, if you're one of the chosen ones, or one of their loyal servants, this has worked out very well for you.

But the nation itself is much worse off that it needs to be.

The GREED PHILOSOPHY and a representational system of government do not make good bedfellows.

I think trade is a big part of the problem, absolutely. But Democrats are as much free traders and Republicans are, so there's equal blame on that one.

But we have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.

We spend more on health care than any country in the world, and business bears the brunt of that.

Our Public Education, despite spending the most per capita in the world, produces the worst results. Seriously, getting qualified applicants is often a challenge.
Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.

Romney is one of the people that shipped jobs overseas. Romney represents, perfectly, the 1% that values profits over everything else, including this country and its economy.

You can pretend that the income inequality in this country (which is worse than the income inequality in ancient Rome) doesn't matter...but it does and it is mattering more and more every day. I mean, you really want to talk about ignoring history...what has happened when income inequality reaches levels like today, historically speaking?

Love the new avatar. Give up on Perry, the little Dumber Boy, did you?
Hm, labor is the last thing to recover after a recession. So the labor picture still looks bad.
Amazing no one is blaming Obama. They'd rather blame ROmney, who isnt the president. Yet.

The next phase is the "McJobs recovery" when the Left screams about all American workers get is the crumbs because you see growth in low wage jobs.
Then we get full employment and the left is screaming because pizza delivery guys arent paid the same as the CEO.
The Left is filled with economic boobs and ignoramuses who have forgotten any history. If they ever knew it.

Romney is one of the people that shipped jobs overseas. Romney represents, perfectly, the 1% that values profits over everything else, including this country and its economy.

You can pretend that the income inequality in this country (which is worse than the income inequality in ancient Rome) doesn't matter...but it does and it is mattering more and more every day. I mean, you really want to talk about ignoring history...what has happened when income inequality reaches levels like today, historically speaking?

Love the new avatar. Give up on Perry, the little Dumber Boy, did you?

Wow. So you figured it was finally safe to come out of the closet and stop praising Romney as the "sensible" Republican?
We have, though trade laws, and tax laws, and various laws that give advantages to big capital and always at the expense of the working people, wrecked this economy.

Of course, if you're one of the chosen ones, or one of their loyal servants, this has worked out very well for you.

But the nation itself is much worse off that it needs to be.

The GREED PHILOSOPHY and a representational system of government do not make good bedfellows.

I think trade is a big part of the problem, absolutely. But Democrats are as much free traders and Republicans are, so there's equal blame on that one.

But we have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.

We spend more on health care than any country in the world, and business bears the brunt of that.

Our Public Education, despite spending the most per capita in the world, produces the worst results. Seriously, getting qualified applicants is often a challenge.

We would have the highest corporate tax rate...if corporations actually PAID it...

But by taking advantage of myriad breaks and loopholes that other countries generally do not offer, United States corporations pay only slightly more on average than their counterparts in other industrial countries. And some American corporations use aggressive strategies to pay less — often far less — than their competitors abroad and at home. A Government Accountability Office study released in 2008 found that 55 percent of United States companies paid no federal income taxes during at least one year in a seven-year period it studied.

U.S. Business Has High Tax Rates but Pays Less

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