If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion
As I stated so many times on this topic, all police shootings of unarmed "people" have one thing in common: they didn't listen to the orders of the police.

The problem with blacks is not the police, the problem is that some blacks feel they are not obligated to respect authority.

Living in a black neighborhood I understand how this happens. I monitor our police scanner and listen to calls. I would estimate that 80% of our police calls are about kids; many times it's the parent calling the cops on their own children.

When these kids hit the teen years--especially boys, the single mother can no longer control them, so they call the police every time the kid acts out. Our city created an ordinance that anymore than three calls per year to a residence will result in fees being charged for each additional call. They assess those charges to your property tax bill so there is no way of avoiding them, plus if you rent, the landlord would have to pay those fees.

Our police don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers. They have better things to do. So the problem with blacks stem from (like always) single-parent homes. After the mother gives up because she can no longer summon police and can't control the kid, the kid realizes he doesn't have to listen to anybody. He takes that attitude to school and even the police, and eventually ends up getting killed.

That's the problem.

You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

I googled Republicans fighting Racism and couldn't find shit to back up your comment that they've been fighting racism.

I did find

A top Democrat says GOP is 'the party of racism - CNNPolitics

Here is a link to some Republicans who are fighting racism. TRUMPS racism that is These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics

And maybe we are being too hard on you guys How Democrats Might Help the Republican Party Be Less Racist 
The GOP's Addiction To Racism | HuffPost

True, after Charlottesville a few Republicans criticized President Trump for mainstreaming bigotry. But they decorously ignored their party’s 50-year history of cosseting racism for electoral gain.

After the civil rights legislation of 1964, the party scurried to defend “states’ rights” and “local control,” triggering a mass migration of Southern whites to the GOP. They had not suddenly discovered the virtues of a party Southerners had despised since the Civil War. Rather, like the war itself, this historic turning point turned on race.

It transformed voting patterns — and Republicanism. The party embraced the white supremacist Strom Thurmond. Its “Southern strategy” elected Richard Nixon, who nationalized appeals to racial anxiety by embracing “law and order.” So, too, Ronald Reagan, who cynically opened his 1980 campaign in an otherwise obscure Mississippi hamlet where, 16 years before, white racists had brutally murdered three civil-rights workers.

As president, Reagan deployed showy denunciations of overt racists like the Klan to cover policies embraced by opponents of racial progress. Witness the work of John Roberts in Reagan’s Justice Department.

Relentlessly, Roberts advanced Reagan’s goals. He opposed “race-conscious remedies” which, in his view, resulted in “reverse discrimination” against whites. He encouraged measures to advance “our anti-busing and anti-quota principles.” He opposed broadening the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to facilitate the election of minority officeholders. He asserted that affirmative action meant “the recruiting of inadequately prepared candidates.” He consistently decried measures to counteract de facto segregation.

All this became essential to the warp and weft of the GOP’s electoral strategy. Decades later, as chief justice, Roberts advanced another key Republican objective: repressing minority voting.

In the South and elsewhere, minority voters threatened the GOP’s electoral edge. Its solution was voter ID laws that affected minorities too poor or preoccupied with economic survival to obtain the documents required. There was — and is — no statistically significant evidence of fraud to warrant these laws. Their aim was clear: to preclude voters likely to support Democrats.
the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion

Funny we wish a guy like that would get a brain tumor then we feel bad when they get it.
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion

Funny we wish a guy like that would get a brain tumor then we feel bad when they get it.

I make a point of not wishing bad on others. although I do admit to occasionally enjoying a bit of schadenfreude
You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

Explain alt-right

A very general term to describe new-ish political movements on the right, only partially overlapping with the Republican Party .

And nothing about that challenges my point about Republicans fighting racism for generation after generation, while your party was, at best, a johnny come lately.
You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act.

The Civil Rights Act that passed with a higher level of support from the Republicans than from the Democrats.

80% on our side. YOu side, 60 ish.

that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy"

The Southern Strategy is a debunked lie.

which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

And you are a race baiting asshole.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

YOur insane delusions are your issue, not mine. I voted for Trump based on Trade and Immigration issues, and your race baiting is just a lie on your part.

YOu are vile.
Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

Explain alt-right

A very general term to describe new-ish political movements on the right, only partially overlapping with the Republican Party .

And nothing about that challenges my point about Republicans fighting racism for generation after generation, while your party was, at best, a johnny come lately.

Afraid it does

The failure of Republicans to denounce their racist alt-right faction makes them complicit

Republicans have not fought racist policies in the last 50 years
Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

Lee Atwater, the consultant that took credit for the realignment of half the nation?

Yeah, I've heard of him.

SO, what racists policies did Atwater have Nixon support in order to pander to the racist vote?

That's a rhetorical question. THere were none.

YOU push libs on the Southern Strategy, and all they have is "Code word" bullshit.

You know what "code" is code for? It's means that they have shit, but need to believe in it anyways.
the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

Explain alt-right

A very general term to describe new-ish political movements on the right, only partially overlapping with the Republican Party .

And nothing about that challenges my point about Republicans fighting racism for generation after generation, while your party was, at best, a johnny come lately.

Afraid it does

The failure of Republicans to denounce their racist alt-right faction makes them complicit

Republicans have not fought racist policies in the last 50 years

The Republican Party doesn't have a "racist alt-right faction." and you are a filthy liar.

Republicans have been weak on fighting racism over the last 50 years, it is true, you dems have been winning a lot.

But there have been some victories, such as the New Haven Firefighter case.
the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion

Nixon had a strong record on supporting civil rights, and you are a filthy liar.
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion

Nixon had a strong record on supporting civil rights, and you are a filthy liar.

you're a delusional twit. but i treated you like you could almot be human. and you should probably remember that most people aren't lying scum like trumptards.

i understand you're ignorant and know nothing but the southern strategy is credited to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips.

now be a good boy and piss off....
You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

I googled Republicans fighting Racism and couldn't find shit to back up your comment that they've been fighting racism.

I did find

A top Democrat says GOP is 'the party of racism - CNNPolitics

Here is a link to some Republicans who are fighting racism. TRUMPS racism that is These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics

And maybe we are being too hard on you guys How Democrats Might Help the Republican Party Be Less Racist

I gave you the credibility to click on one you your links, the first one and read the first accusation.

And it was that Trump's position on immigration is "racist".

That's nonsense. Our immigration policy is utter crap and wanting a better one is not racist.
Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

but if you seriously believe what you say, you should look at what your white supremacists support... and not just the R after the names.

I always thought conservatives were fucking with us when they said, "it was the democrats who were the southern racists". As if that didn't all change after the southern strategy was implemented but based on Correll's reply I think he truly believes the shit coming out of his mouth.

And we've never wavered on that. LOL. Talk about revisionist history.

Hey Correll, do you even know who Lee Atwater is? He specifically used racism and ignorance to get Reagan elected. Congratulations you're the typical American voter.

to be fair, lee Atwater only perfected what Richard Nixon started.

but he really was quite good at it. a rock and roll racist. terrible death. I almost felt badly for him especially when he pretended to have a death bed conversion

Nixon had a strong record on supporting civil rights, and you are a filthy liar.

you're a delusional twit. but i treated you like you could almot be human. and you should probably remember that most people aren't lying scum like trumptards.

i understand you're ignorant and know nothing but the southern strategy is credited to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips.

now be a good boy and piss off....

Nixon is the President that desegregated southern schools and enforced busing.

A man pandering to SOuthern Racists would have done the exact opposite.

YOu are a vile, filthy liar.
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

Explain alt-right

A very general term to describe new-ish political movements on the right, only partially overlapping with the Republican Party .

And nothing about that challenges my point about Republicans fighting racism for generation after generation, while your party was, at best, a johnny come lately.

Afraid it does

The failure of Republicans to denounce their racist alt-right faction makes them complicit

Republicans have not fought racist policies in the last 50 years

The Republican Party doesn't have a "racist alt-right faction." and you are a filthy liar.

Republicans have been weak on fighting racism over the last 50 years, it is true, you dems have been winning a lot.

But there have been some victories, such as the New Haven Firefighter case.
Alt-right is fully Republican and were pandered to by our president

Still are
Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

Explain alt-right

A very general term to describe new-ish political movements on the right, only partially overlapping with the Republican Party .

And nothing about that challenges my point about Republicans fighting racism for generation after generation, while your party was, at best, a johnny come lately.

Afraid it does

The failure of Republicans to denounce their racist alt-right faction makes them complicit

Republicans have not fought racist policies in the last 50 years

The Republican Party doesn't have a "racist alt-right faction." and you are a filthy liar.

Republicans have been weak on fighting racism over the last 50 years, it is true, you dems have been winning a lot.

But there have been some victories, such as the New Haven Firefighter case.
Alt-right is fully Republican and were pandered to by our president

Still are

a. The alt right is home of many Libertarians who would strongly disagree. For one example that disproves your claim, by itself.

b. Trump's war with Political Correctness was, from what I understand, very attractive to many in the alt right, but that in no way makes it "pandering".

c. None of your baseless claims supports your trying to smear the GOP with the Alt Right, in any fashion.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

The racists of today are those that support discrimination in favor of blacks, to make up for past injustices.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

The racists of today are those that support discrimination in favor of blacks, to make up for past injustices.
You help those who need help
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

Really? So who are these racists you speak about? Oh, that's right, some Republican made fun of Obamas ears, so that's racist. But then again, anything to a liberal is racist so that pretty much narrows it down to anything a Republican says.

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