If being gay isn't a choice then how come in movies/TV shows girls are "converted" to lesbian...

As a hetero male I cant think of anything more repulsive than the sight of the male body and I dont giggle.
Then how do you live with yourself?
I avoid mirrors at all costs.
If you ever played a sport I wonder how you coped with the change room?
My suspicion is underneath that repulsion is a very well suppressed attraction. Better you stay away from mirrors and menā€™s change rooms then.
I do find it odd though. Iā€™m 95% gay but still find the female body beautiful. I just dontā€™ want to get up close and ā€˜personalā€™ with one.
Never had a problem in the locker room. Usually I am talking so I am looking at someones eyes or if not talking looking at my clothes. I have wondered on occasion if like you say there is a suppressed attraction but then I see a woman and I know there isnt any suppression going on at all. I must be 100% hetero.
As a hetero male I cant think of anything more repulsive than the sight of the male body and I dont giggle.
Then how do you live with yourself?
I avoid mirrors at all costs.
If you ever played a sport I wonder how you coped with the change room?
My suspicion is underneath that repulsion is a very well suppressed attraction. Better you stay away from mirrors and menā€™s change rooms then.
I do find it odd though. Iā€™m 95% gay but still find the female body beautiful. I just dontā€™ want to get up close and ā€˜personalā€™ with one.
Never had a problem in the locker room. Usually I am talking so I am looking at someones eyes or if not talking looking at my clothes. I have wondered on occasion if like you say there is a suppressed attraction but then I see a woman and I know there isnt any suppression going on at all. I must be 100% hetero.
Congratulations but I still wonder why and how anyone can see the male form as ugly.
Maybe a negative early childhood experience?
Does that line of thinking work at all if you superimpose it onto your own life? That would mean that you could just as easily be gay as straight; that you could, with enough cajoling and suggestion and support and prayerā€”choose to be attracted to, desiring of, and aroused by someone of the same sex.
Having worked with gay & lesbian youth suicide prevention I can shine some light on this absurd theological twist to the ā€˜sinā€™ of homosexuality and Godā€™s power in ā€˜curing itā€™
Iā€™ll put aside for now the many distortions, mistranslations and misinterpretations of scripture the Bible has been inflicted with over the centuries. If any of you are interested enough to explore that little nightmare John Shelby Spongs ā€œThe Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bibleā€™s Tests of Hate to Reveal the God of Loveā€ might change your views if they havenā€™t already been set in stone by fundamentalist gibberish and the deliberate avoidance of the last several years of academic biblical studies.

Back to ā€˜Gay conversion therapyā€™, or whatever you want to call it. Widely available statistics tell us the failure of 'cure by prayerā€™ induces a monstrous suicide rate. Those who still cling to the methodology of groups such as ā€˜Exodusā€™ avoid the implications by suggesting those who took their own lives didnā€™t fight hard enough to 'rid themselves of Satanā€™s influence' and other apologist absurdities. Even those BORN other than purely heterosexual and raised in a Christian environment without ever being subjected to the primitive ministrations of ā€˜cure by prayerā€™ etc have a high suicide rate. I wonder why?
Those true believers not brave enough to absorb John Shelby Spongā€™s ā€˜The Sins of Scriptureā€™ may want to discuss the Almighty placing the prostate gland, a sensitive major erogenous zone just inside the male anus, in the light of Genesis Ch:1.V:26. It could make your next bible study group very interesting.
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As a hetero male I cant think of anything more repulsive than the sight of the male body and I dont giggle.
Then how do you live with yourself?
I avoid mirrors at all costs.
If you ever played a sport I wonder how you coped with the change room?
My suspicion is underneath that repulsion is a very well suppressed attraction. Better you stay away from mirrors and menā€™s change rooms then.
I do find it odd though. Iā€™m 95% gay but still find the female body beautiful. I just dontā€™ want to get up close and ā€˜personalā€™ with one.
Never had a problem in the locker room. Usually I am talking so I am looking at someones eyes or if not talking looking at my clothes. I have wondered on occasion if like you say there is a suppressed attraction but then I see a woman and I know there isnt any suppression going on at all. I must be 100% hetero.
Congratulations but I still wonder why and how anyone can see the male form as ugly.
Maybe a negative early childhood experience?
Nothing soft and curvy about the male form. I've like women at least since I can remember. I would get aroused around women before I even knew what that was.
Nothing soft and curvy about the male form. I've like women at least since I can remember. I would get aroused around women before I even knew what that was.
As I was aroused by the male form many years before I had the vaguest idea what sex was.
Specifically I have fond memories of sitting on the stone wall at the beach staring down at a guy who sunbaked in very brief bathers summer and winter. He once looked up and me and gave me the widest smile. I nearly fainted with exitement but had no idea why Iā€™d reacted that way for many years. At that age the little I knew about female anatomy scared me silly. When little Valery F over the road showed me her privates I was horrified (and very sorry for her) to learn women had all had their dicks cut off.
Does that line of thinking work at all if you superimpose it onto your own life? That would mean that you could just as easily be gay as straight; that you could, with enough cajoling and suggestion and support and prayerā€”choose to be attracted to, desiring of, and aroused by someone of the same sex.
Having worked with gay & lesbian youth suicide prevention I can shine some light on this absurd theological twist to the ā€˜sinā€™ of homosexuality and Godā€™s power in ā€˜curing itā€™
Iā€™ll put aside for now the many distortions, mistranslations and misinterpretations of scripture the Bible has been inflicted with over the centuries. If any of you are interested enough to explore that little nightmare John Shelby Spongs ā€œThe Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bibleā€™s Tests of Hate to Reveal the God of Loveā€ might change your views if they havenā€™t already been set in stone by fundamentalist gibberish and the deliberate avoidance of the last several years of academic biblical studies.

Back to ā€˜Gay conversion therapyā€™, or whatever you want to call it. Widely available statistics tell us the failure of 'cure by prayerā€™ induces a monstrous suicide rate. Those who still cling to the methodology of groups such as ā€˜Exodusā€™ avoid the implications by suggesting those who took their own lives didnā€™t fight hard enough to 'rid themselves of Satanā€™s influence' and other apologist absurdities. Even those BORN other than purely heterosexual and raised in a Christian environment without ever being subjected to the primitive ministrations of ā€˜cure by prayerā€™ etc have a high suicide rate. I wonder why?
Those true believers not brave enough to absorb John Shelby Spongā€™s ā€˜The Sins of Scriptureā€™ may want to discuss the Almighty placing the prostate gland, a sensitive major erogenous zone just inside the male anus, in the light of Genesis Ch:1.V:26. It could make your next bible study group very interesting.
You do realize that I am not one of those straight guys who is saying that being gay is a choice? Right?
Does that line of thinking work at all if you superimpose it onto your own life? That would mean that you could just as easily be gay as straight; that you could, with enough cajoling and suggestion and support and prayerā€”choose to be attracted to, desiring of, and aroused by someone of the same sex.
Having worked with gay & lesbian youth suicide prevention I can shine some light on this absurd theological twist to the ā€˜sinā€™ of homosexuality and Godā€™s power in ā€˜curing itā€™
Iā€™ll put aside for now the many distortions, mistranslations and misinterpretations of scripture the Bible has been inflicted with over the centuries. If any of you are interested enough to explore that little nightmare John Shelby Spongs ā€œThe Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bibleā€™s Tests of Hate to Reveal the God of Loveā€ might change your views if they havenā€™t already been set in stone by fundamentalist gibberish and the deliberate avoidance of the last several years of academic biblical studies.

Back to ā€˜Gay conversion therapyā€™, or whatever you want to call it. Widely available statistics tell us the failure of 'cure by prayerā€™ induces a monstrous suicide rate. Those who still cling to the methodology of groups such as ā€˜Exodusā€™ avoid the implications by suggesting those who took their own lives didnā€™t fight hard enough to 'rid themselves of Satanā€™s influence' and other apologist absurdities. Even those BORN other than purely heterosexual and raised in a Christian environment without ever being subjected to the primitive ministrations of ā€˜cure by prayerā€™ etc have a high suicide rate. I wonder why?
Those true believers not brave enough to absorb John Shelby Spongā€™s ā€˜The Sins of Scriptureā€™ may want to discuss the Almighty placing the prostate gland, a sensitive major erogenous zone just inside the male anus, in the light of Genesis Ch:1.V:26. It could make your next bible study group very interesting.
You do realize that I am not one of those straight guys who is saying that being gay is a choice? Right?
No, I didnā€™t. I find the quote software on this site seriously confusing plus being a geriatric old fart doesnā€™t help either. Sorry.
Nothing soft and curvy about the male form. I've like women at least since I can remember. I would get aroused around women before I even knew what that was.
As I was aroused by the male form many years before I had the vaguest idea what sex was.
Specifically I have fond memories of sitting on the stone wall at the beach staring down at a guy who sunbaked in very brief bathers summer and winter. He once looked up and me and gave me the widest smile. I nearly fainted with exitement but had no idea why Iā€™d reacted that way for many years. At that age the little I knew about female anatomy scared me silly. When little Valery F over the road showed me her privates I was horrified (and very sorry for her) to learn women had all had their dicks cut off.
That pretty much proves that being gay is not a choice and that youre born that way. I once worked with this guy that had been a professional wrestler. I never knew he was gay until he told me the story of when he got married and on his honeymoon he spent the night with the bartender. I asked him why he had gotten married to a woman and had kids and he told me that was what was expected back then.
That pretty much proves that being gay is not a choice and that youre born that way. .
True believers will tell you all it proves is I was possessed by Satan at an early age. Such claims always make me think theyā€™ve found a convenient excuse for their own repressed urges. "The Devil made me do itā€ is the oldest and weakest excuse for anything ever invented. Itā€™s also a great marketing tool for exorcists.
Nothing soft and curvy about the male form. I've like women at least since I can remember. I would get aroused around women before I even knew what that was.
As I was aroused by the male form many years before I had the vaguest idea what sex was.
Specifically I have fond memories of sitting on the stone wall at the beach staring down at a guy who sunbaked in very brief bathers summer and winter. He once looked up and me and gave me the widest smile. I nearly fainted with exitement but had no idea why Iā€™d reacted that way for many years. At that age the little I knew about female anatomy scared me silly. When little Valery F over the road showed me her privates I was horrified (and very sorry for her) to learn women had all had their dicks cut off.
That pretty much proves that being gay is not a choice and that youre born that way. I once worked with this guy that had been a professional wrestler. I never knew he was gay until he told me the story of when he got married and on his honeymoon he spent the night with the bartender. I asked him why he had gotten married to a woman and had kids and he told me that was what was expected back then.
Itā€™s the women caught in these situations I feel for Mr Milkweed. I really lost my temper one night with a bloke ( Oz for guy) who picked me up in his car when I was waiting for a bus.
We drove for a while towards my place when I heard a strange noise in the back of the car.
It was his 1 year old son. When I objected to taking the child back to my place he went on to tell me that was nothing, heā€™d just come from visiting his wife in hospital where sheā€™d had another baby. Call me a prude if you want but I refuse to assist anyone play that game and jumped out of the car at the next red light and gave him a proper tongue lashing (no, not that kind!). Iā€™ve also had the hard word put on me by ā€˜straightā€™ workmates expecting to get a head job or more but asking me "Donā€™t tell me mates" (buddies in the US) My standard reply was - "Iā€™ll not only tell your mates I also want written permission on your solicitorā€™s letterhead signed by your wife.ā€ Some of them thought that was just a joke, it wasnā€™t. I confess though part of my reaction wasnā€™t based just on moral grounds but for being taken for a slut just because I was gay. Mind you , I can get sluttish but on my terms only. :hyper:


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Male homosexuality and lesbianism are two completely different phenomena - not even related.

Male homosexuals are ATTRACTED to [certain] other men, and actively desire to copulate with them, just as heterosexual men desire to copulate with Victoria's Secret models.

There is no female counterpart to this homosexual compulsion. Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female. The lesbian preference for other women can take a number of forms: sometimes they just want affection and are not comfortable seeking it from men. Some women are just so physically repulsive (to men) that their only hope of getting any affection comes with another woman (think, Rosie O'Donnell, Linda Hunt).

The Lesbian encounters in porn - women who aggressively WANT to "do things" with other women - are an entirely contrived phenomenon, and it simply doesn't happen this way in real life.

Most long-term lesbian couples engage in "sexual" activity very rarely - almost never as they get to middle age and beyond. But they still love each other and can thrive in the relationship, sans sex.

In sum, women can choose to be lesbian, but no man can choose to be sexually attracted to other men.
Male homosexuality and lesbianism are two completely different phenomena - not even related.

Male homosexuals are ATTRACTED to [certain] other men, and actively desire to copulate with them, just as heterosexual men desire to copulate with Victoria's Secret models.

There is no female counterpart to this homosexual compulsion. Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female. The lesbian preference for other women can take a number of forms: sometimes they just want affection and are not comfortable seeking it from men. Some women are just so physically repulsive (to men) that their only hope of getting any affection comes with another woman (think, Rosie O'Donnell, Linda Hunt).

The Lesbian encounters in porn - women who aggressively WANT to "do things" with other women - are an entirely contrived phenomenon, and it simply doesn't happen this way in real life.

Most long-term lesbian couples engage in "sexual" activity very rarely - almost never as they get to middle age and beyond. But they still love each other and can thrive in the relationship, sans sex.

In sum, women can choose to be lesbian, but no man can choose to be sexually attracted to other men.

And you ā€œknow ā€œ all of this- how exactly?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Male homosexuality and lesbianism are two completely different phenomena - not even related.

Male homosexuals are ATTRACTED to [certain] other men, and actively desire to copulate with them, just as heterosexual men desire to copulate with Victoria's Secret models.

There is no female counterpart to this homosexual compulsion. Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female. The lesbian preference for other women can take a number of forms: sometimes they just want affection and are not comfortable seeking it from men. Some women are just so physically repulsive (to men) that their only hope of getting any affection comes with another woman (think, Rosie O'Donnell, Linda Hunt).

The Lesbian encounters in porn - women who aggressively WANT to "do things" with other women - are an entirely contrived phenomenon, and it simply doesn't happen this way in real life.

Most long-term lesbian couples engage in "sexual" activity very rarely - almost never as they get to middle age and beyond. But they still love each other and can thrive in the relationship, sans sex.

In sum, women can choose to be lesbian, but no man can choose to be sexually attracted to other men.
"Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female."

Thats completely false. I have been used specifically for copulation by too many women to count.
Male homosexuality and lesbianism are two completely different phenomena - not even related.

Male homosexuals are ATTRACTED to [certain] other men, and actively desire to copulate with them, just as heterosexual men desire to copulate with Victoria's Secret models.

There is no female counterpart to this homosexual compulsion. Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female. The lesbian preference for other women can take a number of forms: sometimes they just want affection and are not comfortable seeking it from men. Some women are just so physically repulsive (to men) that their only hope of getting any affection comes with another woman (think, Rosie O'Donnell, Linda Hunt).

The Lesbian encounters in porn - women who aggressively WANT to "do things" with other women - are an entirely contrived phenomenon, and it simply doesn't happen this way in real life.

Most long-term lesbian couples engage in "sexual" activity very rarely - almost never as they get to middle age and beyond. But they still love each other and can thrive in the relationship, sans sex.

In sum, women can choose to be lesbian, but no man can choose to be sexually attracted to other men.
:777: :777: :777: :777:
Male homosexuality and lesbianism are two completely different phenomena - not even related.

Male homosexuals are ATTRACTED to [certain] other men, and actively desire to copulate with them, just as heterosexual men desire to copulate with Victoria's Secret models.

There is no female counterpart to this homosexual compulsion. Females don't actively WANT to copulate with anyone, male or female. The lesbian preference for other women can take a number of forms: sometimes they just want affection and are not comfortable seeking it from men. Some women are just so physically repulsive (to men) that their only hope of getting any affection comes with another woman (think, Rosie O'Donnell, Linda Hunt).

The Lesbian encounters in porn - women who aggressively WANT to "do things" with other women - are an entirely contrived phenomenon, and it simply doesn't happen this way in real life.

Most long-term lesbian couples engage in "sexual" activity very rarely - almost never as they get to middle age and beyond. But they still love each other and can thrive in the relationship, sans sex.

In sum, women can choose to be lesbian, but no man can choose to be sexually attracted to other men.

And you ā€œknow ā€œ all of this- how exactly?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That was a VERY amusing post.

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