If being gay isn't a choice then how come in movies/TV shows girls are "converted" to lesbian...

As a hetero male I cant think of anything more repulsive than the sight of the male body and I dont giggle.
Then how do you live with yourself?
I avoid mirrors at all costs.
If you ever played a sport I wonder how you coped with the change room?
My suspicion is underneath that repulsion is a very well suppressed attraction. Better you stay away from mirrors and men’s change rooms then.
I do find it odd though. I’m 95% gay but still find the female body beautiful. I just dont’ want to get up close and ‘personal’ with one.
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.
At what point in your life did you chose to be gay?
I'm not talking about me, or even men. This never happens with male characters.

But I often see that women are portrayed as quite fluid in their sexuality.

A woman will be hetero all the way through the show, but then gets dumped by her boyfriend.

One lesbian shows interest in this woman, they kiss, and BANG she's a lesbian right then and there, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Is this an accurate portrayal of women and how they become lesbians?

I mean, if it is, then women DO have a choice of whether or not they want to be lesbian.

Which goes against one of the LGBT's major arguments for why they should be treated like victims in all of this.
Apparently you do not understand the concept of bisexuality or the difference between sexual orientation and the lifestyle choices that people make as an expression of their sexuality.
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.
Out of curiosity, why do you think it matters if homosexuality is a choice or not?
I can't speak for Blackrook, but in my experience, it is those who want a reason to malign and marginalize LGBT folks and the justification is that their sexuality or gender identity is a choice a frivolous nd therefore that created a "problem " of their own making. They will say that we don't need legal protections for them because all they have to do is change

Let's hear from BlackRook now
The whole point of LGBT is that these people have no choice about their sexual preferences, but apparently, that is not always the case. Lesbians DO have a choice, and they can choose to have sex with a man or a woman, and some are lesbian until graduation ("LUG").
I love your lesbian 'splainin' based on tv shows and movies.

What I want to know is that is Hollywood portraying straight women and girls converting to lesbians, as part of a Hollywood agenda to encourage straight women and girls in the audience to convert to lesbianism.
No, it's to get fat slobs like you to watch their low-IQ shows.
So there's no agenda to convert women and girls to lesbianism? I think there is.
When you start seeing a lot of Subaru commercials during a show, the lesbians on it will start getting dykier.

Then you'll stop watching, having been replaced by an entirely different viewership.
Subaru? Ugh!
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

Yes, Homosexuality Absolutely is A Choice

Yes Christian, Maybe Homosexuality is A 'Choice'

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters who insist that homosexuality is a choice, I need to break down and finally admit something: I agree with you. I believe that it absolutely is a choice too, only not in the way that you may have meant

Now, before we go on, I want to be clear it something. While this excellent piece is directed at Christians, everything said here applies equally to anyone who ignorantly claims that homosexuality is a choice. I continue with selected excerpts

Christian, when you make the blanket statement that homosexuality is a sin, what you’re really doing without realizing it is reducing all LGBT people down to a sex act; as if that alone defines sexuality. You’re denying any emotional component in their lives; any capacity to feel real love or show genuine affection toward someone else. In a gross oversimplification, you’re labeling a complex, fully formed human being as merely a performer of intercourse

Consider this:

You know that in your own life, the physical act of sex isn’t the totality of your sexuality; that it is also about affection and companionship and the desire to love and be loved. It’s about who you are drawn to and attracted to and compelled to be close to.

In your own story, you experienced those things firsthand before you ever thought about or experienced the act of intercourse. In those moments when you first began to understand your own sexual identity, it snuck up on you and surprised you. There was likely no internal battle, no great wrestling, no real conscious choice to be made.

It was not a decision that you came to, but a realization.

Is something beginning to dawn on you? I hope so, but if not, here is more:

Christian, you probably recall this in your own story of sexual identity and self discovery don’t you? You simply felt naturally and quite involuntarily, the impulses you felt.

By following those impulses, you were making a choice, too. You were choosing to be authentic and true to your heart and mind’s leading. You were choosing to agree with the truth about how you loved. The alternative would never have been an option.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that LGBT people are operating any differently?

It just gets better! Anyone who can’t relate to this and see how stupid it is to claim that homosexuality is a choice is a hopeless empty shell of a human being

It’s rather careless to treat the gay community as if they are choosing their path of orientation, because what you’re implying when you do so, is that they are naturally wired to be straight but are making the conscious decision to act in direct opposition to this. You are charging them with the most profound emotional treason.

Does that line of thinking work at all if you superimpose it onto your own life? That would mean that you could just as easily be gay as straight; that you could, with enough cajoling and suggestion and support and prayer—choose to be attracted to, desiring of, and aroused by someone of the same sex.

Having as a gay man spent most of my life justifying my existence I can’t get my head around why this topic appears to fascinate straight males to the point of obsession. As to the staggering amount of ignorance shown on so many posts on this thread I’m not surprised.
It also fascinates me that so many straight males suggest being gay is a ‘choice’. What you guys don’t appear to realise is that in saying that your telling us you could be gay if you chose to. Maybe some of you would have to be locked up in an all male prison before your inhibitions were overcome though. But then you’d claim your situtation gave you no ‘choice’.
On the other side of the equation there’s no way I could choose to be straight. As I learnt in my teenage years I could easily fall in love with a woman but never, ever get aroused enough to go through with it. In the end though , why can’t we admit we’re all different and cease this absurd assertion being gay or a lesbian is a perversion? A close friend for many decades has worked in straight prostitution at the expensive end of the market. The stories she can tell about her male clients make most of what us gay men do in bed appear tame in comparisson. One client of hers, a Supreme Court judge, paid her huge amounts to slap him with raw tripe while he was wearing nappies. I could give more details as to how this little arrangement concluded but don’t wan’t to make any of you sick. And you lot claim we’re perverts?
Get a handle on it fellas.
What I want to know is that is Hollywood portraying straight women and girls converting to lesbians, as part of a Hollywood agenda to encourage straight women and girls in the audience to convert to lesbianism.
No, it's to get fat slobs like you to watch their low-IQ shows.
So there's no agenda to convert women and girls to lesbianism? I think there is.
No. Thats just an excuse you want to use to explain why no woman wants to get with you.
Wow, you're an idiot.
Actually, he's hit the mark, hasn't he?
What intrigues me is how every TV show now has a homosexual character who does homosexual stuff, but it seems "added on", not really part of the main story with the heterosexual characters. The homosexual part of the story is also not very interesting, because there are no ups and downs like with the main story, it's just two homosexuals meet, have sex, and that's pretty much all that happens. I think they add this to kowtow to the LGBT crowd.
Every TV show has a homosexual character now?

Who's the gay one on Duck Dynasty?
The father.....really. The father.
What I find interesting, to say the least, is how lesbians will pull out a plastic or rubber male body part to finish themselves off after messing around for a bit.

So, even lesbians aren't really lesbian all the way, because they aren't equipped with the necessary equipment to go all the way to completion.

Sounds like you lost a gf to a chick. Women are beautiful... why wouldn't women like other women? Did you know back in the day when armies conquered other armies, they would rape the survivors? Even great leaders like Alexander the Great did it.
The female body is an ugly thing. It's like God was experimenting. Exposed genitals on a man was laughable so He hid them in a woman only to slap a couple of fat bags on the female chest.

Thankfully the Lord got it right with the cat and the horse.
You're turned on by cats and horses?!?! :eek-52:

This explains so much!
Indeed it does. Indeed it does.
How is shit like this in "politics" ?

You're kidding right? Because the Democrats, Media, Entertainment, and some of the LGBT community has made it a POLITICAL ISSUE.
Are you saying the OP is a member of the Democrat, Media, Entertainment, LGBT community?
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.
At what point in your life did you chose to be gay?
I'm not talking about me, or even men. This never happens with male characters.

But I often see that women are portrayed as quite fluid in their sexuality.

A woman will be hetero all the way through the show, but then gets dumped by her boyfriend.

One lesbian shows interest in this woman, they kiss, and BANG she's a lesbian right then and there, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Is this an accurate portrayal of women and how they become lesbians?

I mean, if it is, then women DO have a choice of whether or not they want to be lesbian.

Which goes against one of the LGBT's major arguments for why they should be treated like victims in all of this.

Everyone likes to kiss young women, even other young women.

But as they get older, in the prime of child bearing years? Almost all of them want men.
I miss the television shows of my youth when Ginger and Marianne could have the hottest possible tongue lapping sessions, but they kept it off camera so you had to use your imagination.

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