If being gay isn't a choice then how come in movies/TV shows girls are "converted" to lesbian...

...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

Hmmm. didn't you just say after watching movies and T,V,, you've somehow credited "acting" and playing out a scene for movies and T.V as a a signal of someone being gay or not gay?

I guess when you elect a T.V Reality star to be President, fantasy does become reality in people who possess half a brain.
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

Actually if you look at ancient Sparta and Greece they are were ALL engaged in homosexual activity.

So either they all had the gay gene OR the behavior is mostly socially mediated.

Those are your options.

So yea, the girls likely learned it.
What I find interesting, to say the least, is how lesbians will pull out a plastic or rubber male body part to finish themselves off after messing around for a bit.

So, even lesbians aren't really lesbian all the way, because they aren't equipped with the necessary equipment to go all the way to completion.

Sounds like you lost a gf to a chick. Women are beautiful... why wouldn't women like other women? Did you know back in the day when armies conquered other armies, they would rape the survivors? Even great leaders like Alexander the Great did it.
The female body is an ugly thing. It's like God was experimenting. Exposed genitals on a man was laughable so He hid them in a woman only to slap a couple of fat bags on the female chest.

Thankfully the Lord got it right with the cat and the horse.
Youre retarded. The female body is a work of art.

Not all of them ...

Well I sorta had my idea of a body in mind.

...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.
At what point in your life did you chose to be gay?
I'm not talking about me, or even men. This never happens with male characters.

But I often see that women are portrayed as quite fluid in their sexuality.

A woman will be hetero all the way through the show, but then gets dumped by her boyfriend.

One lesbian shows interest in this woman, they kiss, and BANG she's a lesbian right then and there, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Is this an accurate portrayal of women and how they become lesbians?

I mean, if it is, then women DO have a choice of whether or not they want to be lesbian.

Which goes against one of the LGBT's major arguments for why they should be treated like victims in all of this.

Everyone likes to kiss young women, even other young women.

But as they get older, in the prime of child bearing years? Almost all of them want men.
Do you get it yet?

These retards think TV is real.

How the hell else could they have elected a Reality TV "personality" President
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

First of all, using tv shows and movies as a benchmark for human sexuality is insane.

Second of all, if it does happen that a woman has sex with another woman and gives up men, the odds are that she was either gay or bi and felt she now had "permission" to be who she was. Many people who denied their homosexuality for years and then "came out of the closet" have talked about finally being free to be who they really were. About not having to pretend anymore.
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

Hmmm. didn't you just say after watching movies and T,V,, you've somehow credited "acting" and playing out a scene for movies and T.V as a a signal of someone being gay or not gay?

I guess when you elect a T.V Reality star to be President, fantasy does become reality in people who possess half a brain.
Fantasy? More like a nightmare.
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

First of all, using tv shows and movies as a benchmark for human sexuality is insane.

Second of all, if it does happen that a woman has sex with another woman and gives up men, the odds are that she was either gay or bi and felt she now had "permission" to be who she was. Many people who denied their homosexuality for years and then "came out of the closet" have talked about finally being free to be who they really were. About not having to pretend anymore.
As a middle aged gay man I’ve observed some changes in sexuality that are very hard to explain. Several of my long term straight friends, happily married for many decades, in the middle age suddenly found men attractive. There was no sign in their early life thay would ever have any interest in men either sexually or romantically. If you’d told them at 40 how they’d be living at 55 or so they’d have thought you were nuts.
I confess though I have a vested interest. One of these men fell for me in his middle age.
We’d been close friends since teenagers and neigher of us ever thought of the other as a potential partner. Both of us are still in somewhat a state of gleeful shock.
I could quote that ancient Chinese(?) saying “Many are the signs buy few are the explanations” but in our case there never were any signs. that they can ‘cure’ lesbians by ‘giving them a good dose or c**k' obnoxious and worse than flattering themselves. In some countries, often backed by religious doctrine and legal authorities turning a blind eye, the culture actually supports the rape of lesbians with the aim of ‘curing’ them .
...after one lesbian sex act?

I have seen this happen over and over again.

First of all, using tv shows and movies as a benchmark for human sexuality is insane.

Second of all, if it does happen that a woman has sex with another woman and gives up men, the odds are that she was either gay or bi and felt she now had "permission" to be who she was. Many people who denied their homosexuality for years and then "came out of the closet" have talked about finally being free to be who they really were. About not having to pretend anymore.
As a middle aged gay man I’ve observed some changes in sexuality that are very hard to explain. Several of my long term straight friends, happily married for many decades, in the middle age suddenly found men attractive. There was no sign in their early life thay would ever have any interest in men either sexually or romantically. If you’d told them at 40 how they’d be living at 55 or so they’d have thought you were nuts.
I confess though I have a vested interest. One of these men fell for me in his middle age.
We’d been close friends since teenagers and neigher of us ever thought of the other as a potential partner. Both of us are still in somewhat a state of gleeful shock.
I could quote that ancient Chinese(?) saying “Many are the signs buy few are the explanations” but in our case there never were any signs. that they can ‘cure’ lesbians by ‘giving them a good dose or c**k' obnoxious and worse than flattering themselves. In some countries, often backed by religious doctrine and legal authorities turning a blind eye, the culture actually supports the rape of lesbians with the aim of ‘curing’ them .
"Several of my long term straight friends, happily married for many decades, in the middle age suddenly found men attractive. "

I'd bet a million dollars they were gay or bi all along if i could inject them with truth serum.
I'd bet a million dollars they were gay or bi all along if i could inject them with truth serum.
You can bet all you want. I’ve known my now partner for over 45 years and believe me he was as suprised as me on that magic night we fell into bed in a fit of giggles, both of us wondering ‘Where is this going to?". He's never had an ounce of homophobia in him that might have kept in the closet and would have told me over the decades if he’d been having a bit of gay sex on the side. From way back in high school we never had any secrets from each other.
We make a mistake when we try and apply generalised rules about sexuality. More than any other realm of human behavior sexuallity is full of surprises.

As to injecting them, are you being sneakily freudian?
I'd bet a million dollars they were gay or bi all along if i could inject them with truth serum.
You can bet all you want. I’ve known my now partner for over 45 years and believe me he was as suprised as me on that magic night we fell into bed in a fit of giggles, both of us wondering ‘Where is this going to?". He's never had an ounce of homophobia in him that might have kept in the closet and would have told me over the decades if he’d been having a bit of gay sex on the side. From way back in high school we never had any secrets from each other.
We make a mistake when we try and apply generalised rules about sexuality. More than any other realm of human behavior sexuallity is full of surprises.

As to injecting them, are you being sneakily freudian?

If you fell into the bed together giggling then that should have tipped you off right there. :laugh:

As a hetero male I cant think of anything more repulsive than the sight of the male body and I dont giggle.
TV writers and producers are in the business of making money and do what it takes to draw viewers - and advertisers. They live and die by ratings.

Shows are watched by those who want to see what is presented. Some, like me, watch shows in spite of the lesbian/gay things shown.

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