If All Politics Is Local, Then Democrats Are Playing It Righ. . . .properly(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Apparently in North Carolina, there will be polls open in black neighborhoods, already creating a storm of protest(?)! The WhomEver/YouGov poll of paid survey takers--however it is done--could barely find Tillis ahead, contrary to other polls. WhomEver/YouGov tends to be Conservative-tinged on two Continents. Most polls, for example, have "Undecideds," which is a group hard to find in the referenced polling, on two Continents.

More critical, in the United States, is the local efforts of the Democrats to pull in votes for local contests, such Governor's races. Anyone widely notes(?) that Red State Governors are coming on board with MediCaid ObamaCare provisions, in time for the midterms. Obama himself managed to counter the Republican Defense Secretary Hegel contention that ISIL poses an imminent threat to the United States. Actually, Syria and Iraq are more directly threatened. So back to local politics.

How Democrats Could Gain Power This Fall - NBC News

It is somewhere noted that former President Clinton, a politician, is actually popular. So what is not being seen on national television, may be getting play on local television, and in local newspapers, and whatever passes for local on the electronic messaging. A sudden swing to a favorable rating for the President, or less of a disapproval rating, combined with local campaigns is good for MidTerms turnout.

One poll somewhere notes that so far in 2014, the concept of an election is way less on radar than it was in 2010--which had turned out Republicans.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Back on Her Majesty's Secret Service: "Rule, Britania! Britania Rule The Waves! Bri. . .tons Never, Ever Will Be Slaves!" Clever Q! They'll never know it's me!).

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