IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

Every study into the type of voter fraud ID s are meant to prevent have proven that this type of fraud does not exsist.

No dead voters

No illegals voting

no multiple voting

it is next to non exsistant.
yeah, that's how some democratic precincts have over 100% turnout

The Truth About Fraud: Case Studies by Issue

Among Republicans it is an 'article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,' [Royal] Masset[, former political director of the Republican Party of Texas,] said. He doesn't agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

Even the republican leadeship knows why ID laws are being pushed
Now you have to ask yourself , what do you want to accomplish with this law?

All the studies say all it will do is waste money and keep poor democrats from voting
Thats why I support a National ID program

Show up to vote, swipe your card, it is recorded that you voted and you are good to go

It also can be used to identify legal citizens, drivers, stop welfare fraud

How much will it cost and what does it change in the voting system?

The majority of US Citizens already have some form of ID. Drivers license, employer ID, Social Security Card, welfare ID, passport....

States are already providing these IDs...why not have one card that does everything?

When I vote now, I don't show ID but I sign the voter book...that is my "ID" matching my signature

Why not just swipe my card before I go into the booth?
Now you have to ask yourself , what do you want to accomplish with this law?

All the studies say all it will do is waste money and keep poor democrats from voting

Poor Democrats can still carry ID just like everyone else. If they are on any type of welfare or medical assistance program, they should already have ID
So... are people not driving because they have to provide a valid ID? What about employment? You have to document who you are to work.

Me thinkest you are an idiot.

Heck one cannot get a library card without a photo id and a utility bill. Come to think of it, can't get into a park district program either.
Now you have to ask yourself , what do you want to accomplish with this law?

All the studies say all it will do is waste money and keep poor democrats from voting

Poor Democrats can still carry ID just like everyone else. If they are on any type of welfare or medical assistance program, they should already have ID
food stamps now are on a debit type card
if they can fill out the paperwork for those cards, how much harder could it be to get a photo ID

especially when most states that have the photo ID required to vote also have programs for those that are low income to get for free
Every study into the type of voter fraud ID s are meant to prevent have proven that this type of fraud does not exsist.

No dead voters

No illegals voting

no multiple voting

it is next to non exsistant.

Once again, how does one account for more ballots cast than voters registered?

John Fund: Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda -

Bet you support all the 'reforms' such as motor-voter and wholesale mail voting, just not ID's. TM you don't care about reform, you are worse than the 'Republican Leader' from TX, that no one outside of TX has heard of.
Sounds like to me ID's are needed. Charges are now filed against 28 felons in Minnesota accused of voting in the 2008 elections. And that's just in one county (Ramsey) I wonder how many more charges will be filed?

Valley News Live - Local/Regional News

I know, TM lies and says voter fraud doesn't happen, but here is the proof that it does. And right in my backyard.

Bet you support all the 'reforms' such as motor-voter and wholesale mail voting, just not ID's. TM you don't care about reform, you are worse than the 'Republican Leader' from TX, that no one outside of TX has heard of.

And now we have an AG and a Civil Rights Division that intend not to enforce the fraud prevention aspects of the law.

In November 2009, the entire Voting Section was invited to a meeting with Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes, a political employee serving at the pleasure of the attorney general. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Motor Voter enforcement decisions.

The room was packed with dozens of Voting Section employees when she made her announcement regarding the provisions related to voter list integrity:

We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.

Jaws dropped around the room.

Pajamas Media Lawlessness at the DOJ: Voting Section Told Not To Enforce Purging the Dead or Ineligible from Voting Rolls
Now you have to ask yourself , what do you want to accomplish with this law?

All the studies say all it will do is waste money and keep poor democrats from voting

I'd like to keep convicted felons from voting, like the 28 in Ramsey county in Minnesota who are now charged in connection to voting in the 2008 elections, and who knows yet how many more.

Valley News Live - Local/Regional News

Let's see you get around these FACTS.


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